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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #205500 : Freespin
2021-07-04 16:56

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Release id #205500 : Freespin

Allow me to comment on some tech details here, as i don't have an FB account to comment on the blog.

Great idea about the table-less 3:2 GCR-compliant codec to have maximum spare space for actual payload effect code. =)

(But table sizes of traditional decoding schemes aren't all that big, really.)
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2021-07-15 14:24

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
All of that with sugar on top. That demo deserved the #1 spot more than any other recent one afterall. Deal with it :)
2021-07-15 16:51

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 481
Quoting Raistlin
“ this thread is about the tech details of this outstanding release”
- I disagree. Every release on CSDb has a comment section most commonly used for review-like commentary. But.. there’s also a link to discuss the release in the forum. This thread is titled “Release ——-: Freespin”. Because it’s a thread about the release. Everything about the release. IMO if a discussion is wanted about the technical aspects without interruption from everyone else, that could be a new thread just as easily as Trap’s about whether this is a C64 Demo or not … my 2c, anyway, that’s certainly the way I’ve seen this go on other releases on CSDb….
This is debatable, ofcourse. But with his initial post Krill gave this discussion a clear technical focus, so maybe my mind stuck with it. Otoh, this here is a general release discussion thread, so one can argue that "anything goes" if related to the release.

Quoting Raistlin
If there was a new category for these things, like C64 Misc Demos, then Freespin could he #1 on the “All Demos” chart at least.. perhaps? (If it in fact is - I haven’t checked).
I agree! Without doubts Freespin would place above'em all in an "all in" category. And (at least for me) Bromance would be the safe no.1-spot of "vanilla C64 demos", so a top score for everyone;)

Quoting Raistlin
Final point: I wish people would stop caring about who is #1. This is a database site - the voting just gives a little bit of interaction.
That'd be awesome if people stopped caring about votes! Why not get rid of this voting crap on csdb? Let's start with not-voting;)
2021-07-15 18:13

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
Just keep downvoting whoever whines about the votes. Works for me :)
2021-07-16 13:26

Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 698
Quote: Just keep downvoting whoever whines about the votes. Works for me :)

Haha :-)

Let me just search my forum history to see whether I've ever complained first ;-) (but, no, seriously, the charts make zero sense to me anyway - soooo many 80s/90s demos missing from the top of the charts that really deserve to be there more than a lot of the modern stuff).
2021-07-16 19:06

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
Also dont update entries with new version - create a new entry if you release a bugfix (this entry is for the compo version) :)
2021-07-16 19:20

Registered: Nov 2016
Posts: 43
Quote: Also dont update entries with new version - create a new entry if you release a bugfix (this entry is for the compo version) :)

Quoting Groepaz

Also dont update entries with new version - create a new entry if you release a bugfix (this entry is for the compo version) :)

Interesting. Is it ok to add a new download to an existing entry, naming it something like "{name}-bugfixed.d64", or do people usually create an all-new csdb entry?
2021-07-16 19:25

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
new entry is the norm. updating entries with new files is generally tolerated for minor fixes like a typo in a scrolltext, and only within a very short timeframe
2021-07-16 20:34

Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 459
You guys are off topic :D
2021-07-16 20:52

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 3003
Quoting Groepaz
new entry is the norm. updating entries with new files is generally tolerated for minor fixes like a typo in a scrolltext, and only within a very short timeframe
Closely related releases like this should be hard-linked and share the same vote/comment history, really. Would give a lot more incentive for people to actually make separate release entries. :)
2021-07-16 22:07

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
Good someone mentions again how it should ideally be but wont happen anyway :=)
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