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Forums > CSDb Entries > Group id #274 : Wrath Designs
2007-10-21 03:46

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442
Group id #274 : Wrath Designs

ok, time for some spanking again i guess =P


some time ago you guys in WD decided to change your handles into your real names. ok. so far so good. however, the proper way to reflect that change in the database is:

- create a new handle in your scener entry
- add that handle as a member to your group with proper dates
- set that handle as your current handle

it is NOT the proper way to simply change the handle in the entry into something completely different, and create a new entry with your OLD handle. YOU DID IT WRONG SIR =P

as a result, now all the credits for your groups releases are fucked up beyond repair (they show the new handle were it should show the old one which was used when those entries were released).

the good thing however is, that you guys locked all your entries, and as such are responsible to fix the mess yourself =P since the way it works is not terribly intiutive i have helped you so far that i created the missing handles, and added them as members, but fixing the credits - that i leave to you as an exercise =) (hint: when someone only released few things, or even nothing, since the change, you might rename the entry of the new handle into the old one again, and the other way around, so you dont need to edit all that many entries).


when you add a release, the releasedate should always reflect the date when the actual file(s) you are adding were released. and yes, that means when you rip out the gfx or tunes from a 10 year old release and release them today, the releasedate is _today_.

thank you for your attention, your help is appreciated :o)
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2007-10-29 19:25

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442

Most of the stuff that have been uploaded here have been in one way or another released before hand. The majority of the music stuff I am uploading here for the moment on a regular basis have been released before hand to such people as for instance the WD-people, Kjell Nordbo, Jucke, Deekay, Zed Yago, Sander and some other people.

again that doesnt matter. "release" here means "spread in public".
2007-10-29 23:07

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1412
How public is public?

The orientation-day demo I wrote for the UCC in 1991 was shown to several hundred people, but was never posted to any euro groups for spreading..
2007-10-30 08:16

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 640
I'd say if you want only certain people to be able to get hold of your production, it was not released. If you just show it to them and don't give it away, it was certainly not released. In the former case, it's more of an internal release, and CSDb does not document those.
2007-10-30 08:53

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 173
All you have to do is PM me. The stuff is there on dvd and anyone interested may have a copy.

2007-10-31 02:27

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442

I'd say if you want only certain people to be able to get hold of your production, it was not released. If you just show it to them and don't give it away, it was certainly not released. In the former case, it's more of an internal release, and CSDb does not document those.

2007-10-31 10:41
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 343
@groepaz: that still dont explains why u go and alter information on the group page, does it
2007-10-31 20:44

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442
stash: i did not alter the group page at all, i fixed the misnamed handles. you too please understand how csdb works :) also try talking to your groupmates every now and then :=P
2007-10-31 20:56

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442

and just so i dont forget....


How public is public?

The orientation-day demo I wrote for the UCC in 1991 was shown to several hundred people, but was never posted to any euro groups for spreading..

if it only was shown to people without giving an actual copy to anyone, then it wasnt released. released means that the files are "out there" for the general public.
2007-10-31 22:51
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 343
Quote: stash: i did not alter the group page at all, i fixed the misnamed handles. you too please understand how csdb works :) also try talking to your groupmates every now and then :=P

i did that is why i ask u why... :)

2007-11-01 03:12

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 1412
released means that the files are "out there" for the general public.

Hmm. I probably gave a copy to a few friends at the time, but they probably didn't have any connections. The file has been online since sometime in the mid 90s. It certainly wasn't being deliberately withheld.
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