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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #5065 : More Than NOPs
2008-01-20 18:58

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
Release id #5065 : More Than NOPs

a) this one is called (and spelled) "More than NOPs". (look at digi part).
b) this is not a taboo release

whoever insists on changing it back to whatever else, just dont.

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2008-01-20 21:17

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443

wreg: its pretty important to sort it out. This situation shows how much Groepaz feels that being in charge entitles him to put the word of authors in doubt. About the group, he's in a totally lost position i reckon.

i say it again, the only thing that matters is the disc with the production. does the note say they made a spelling mistake in the demo? that could convince me. other than that, why would i favour whats written in the note over whats written in the production itself?
2008-01-20 21:17
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Registered: Jun 2007
Posts: 343
Quote: Sorry dude, but I was reacting to something wreg said:

Quoting wreg
anyway, we shouldn't add releases as they were titled anyway

He said that as part of the discussion, I disagree with him. Hence, I don't feel I'm offtopic.

Well, now I am but still ;)

Well I must have misunderstood you then and I apologize but it would have helped if you had written "I do agree with wreg" instead of "I do agree with groepaz".
2008-01-20 21:21

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1879
Quote: Well I must have misunderstood you then and I apologize but it would have helped if you had written "I do agree with wreg" instead of "I do agree with groepaz".

Well, I do agree with Groepaz about not correcting spelling mistakes and I don't agree with wreg about handling games & demos the same way and y'all make my head hurt.
2008-01-20 21:24

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
<Post edited by chatGPZ on 20/1-2008 22:28>

we probably also shouldnt correct all the credits for the entries radar created and not bother with looking at the actual productions at all. afterall he is one of the "authors" and must know it better than anyone else. (now does THAT make your head hurt ? =D)

or in more serious words: it doesnt matter when KM and MMS considered themselves as beeing "taboo". what matters is when "taboo" released their first production, which _states_ beeing a "taboo" release. this is similar to 1001 claiming to have made the first open border scroller, although they didnt make the first release. it doesnt matter when they made it, what matters is when they released it.
2008-01-20 21:26
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Registered: Jun 2007
Posts: 343
i say it again, the only thing that matters is the disc with the production. does the note say they made a spelling mistake in the demo? that could convince me. other than that, why would i favour whats written in the note over whats written in the production itself?

then I'll repeat it again: the note is a part of the production. speaking of importance spelling in the demo is the same as spelling in the note! they both are assumed to contain valid and accurate information about the demo and I'm not arguing if one is more important than another, it's you who keeps doing it here all along.

BUT: given that the authors themselves state that the title is "More Than NOPs" there are more valid reasons to say "More Than NOPs" is a correct (or at least more commonly used!) title.
2008-01-20 21:53
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Registered: Jun 2007
Posts: 343
to make things clear because Groepaz is twisting my words: I'm not in favour of giving the authors the deciding word in all circumstances. in the situation here the spelling of the title is ambiguous because it varies in 2 occurences.

Following your way of thinking we should remove 100s of groups from gfx or msx entries where no group is mentioned (including your picture). As i said:

the authors themselves acknowledge that this is a Taboo release. and comankh confirms this. for gods sake, this is 2 people directly responsible for the production + a witness stating the obvious and you still cant accept it.
2008-01-20 22:22
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Registered: Jun 2007
Posts: 343
sorry for triple posting but i dug up a little bit further and have found this:

Here's our first demo made by only 2 coders and no graphicians at all! Its name is More Than NOPs - it'd been coded since December 1991 and has been released on the party in Warsaw on March 1992. However the graphic was very poor, the whole product was not so bad - there was two nice games (!) in the demo and a quite good zooming routine (you can see on the right). To be honest, More Than NOPs was not even a real Taboo product as our group "was born" a few weeks after releasing this demo but surely it has helped us to enter the scene and forced to produce another demos with better graphic and design...

which sounds like a *GOOD* reason why Taboo shouldn't be credited. note the double occurence of "Than" though so looks like they're pretty sure about this (and aware of capitalization rules as they correctly spell "Place in the Space" aswell)

all in all I think we can agree on this:

1.released by KM and MMS
2.The title "More Than NOPs" with an AKA title "More than NOPs"
2008-01-21 00:08

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443

in the situation here the spelling of the title is ambiguous because it varies in 2 occurences.

i agree. however _i_ would personally prefer what is said in the actual production in this case. even more so if the note does NOT say something like "ooops we spelled it wrong in the demo and didnt have time to repack" etc blabla (this happened sometimes, quite often with cracks =P)


all in all I think we can agree on this:

1.released by KM and MMS
2.The title "More Than NOPs" with an AKA title "More than NOPs"

i dont really agree with 2, but i guess i can live with it :) the entry looks acceptable now atleast (how embarrassing that the info that could have saved us atleast half the discussion already was in production info /o\)

and to close that discussion peacefully: please don't take this type of discussion personally. it's all about database integrity, and as you pointed out yourself, it's important to sort it out. even if the topic seems to be unimportant nitpicking about how something is spelled - every detail counts. we are still here to preserve how it was, not how it could have been, or how someone vaguely remembers it, or wants it to be. (especially the last two are a big problem, there IS a lot of deliberatly wrong info in the database already because of it, which might be the reason why i am maybe sometimes a bit overreacting when it comes to this kind of things. i would prefer no info over "could have been" type of info infact. atleast until we can flag info as "don't know").
2008-01-21 13:32

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 1510
Folks, don't get too mental about naming conventions, it's not really worth the trouble. Sure, we in HVSC are using standard capitalization rules for titles (that would be More Than NOPs in this case), but there's plenty space for exceptions in those. Basically it boils down to "Give it the title it was released under. If there's space for interpretation (like differing titles in the note and the demo), use standard capitalization rules."
2008-01-21 13:36

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443

use standard capitalization rules.

you read the wikipedia link from wreg too =)
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