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Forums > CSDb Entries > Handle id #1025 : Sorceress
2008-08-13 20:59
The Sorceress
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Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 5
Handle id #1025 : Sorceress

I ran a BBS Called The Mystic Cavern back in the good old says. We call it \"the good old days\" because there was so much competition among us and we thrived on it and we had so many laughs. We even had fun fighting with each other.

My BBS was the HQ for some of the best cracking groups of their time including Genesis*Project and there was a time they shared the bbs with Empire (what a rush we had when we sent Empire a game and waited for them to fix it and get it out before anyone else did, The Mystic Cavern was also the HQ for Censor Design, Contex, The Elite. Xtasy and more.

We had quite a few popular people calling the bbs from all over the world, I can list names but I know I will leave some out so I wont risk it, its been years but they were all a talented and wonderful bunch of people! I enjoyed the time I spent with them and I do wonder where most if them are now?

Running a BBS was not easy. We had to keep it up to standards, the better the BBS, the better the good groups were attracted to it and that\'s what we *Sysops* wanted. We needed the drive space, backup system discs, I had a few at any given day, there were times that the competition would try to crash the board only to be saddened to find out I ALWAYS had more then 1 backup and we were indestructible : )

There was drama, fights, fun, talent, and most of all, there was frienship. We could not have had so much fun had we not been friends with the people we fought with. I think they call it a love/hate relationship.

I married someone from the 64, I would have never thought that I would marry someone from Germany but I did so you never know where life will lead you.

I am very happy to see that my BBS name was remembered. Thank you for that. This is nice!
2008-08-14 10:17
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
Hey deb, nice to see you still around.

Still remember those 8-9 hour voice calls we had back then.

One particular time. While we were talking on a blue boxed line, it must have been around 5 in the morning.
Right after I hung up the phone, it instantly started ringing (who would call at 5 in the morning?).

I thought "fuck, the phone company traced me" and shat my pants (and did not answer the call).

Those were the days :-D

Take care.
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