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Forums > CSDb Entries > Handle id #1862 : Moskwa TV
2013-05-31 00:38
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Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1829
Handle id #1862 : Moskwa TV

These might have been 2 sceners in the beginning. Moskwa TV Essen and Moskwa TV Dortmund. A hint on that is the later used to sign as Magic Tim of Moskwa TV.
2018-12-15 13:49

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 2345
On my school yard in Kiel/Northern Germany his stuff was quite spread, so back in the days we really believed that guy was the 1337 shit, as we were far too lame to identify stuff as re-cracks (not that we as lame gamers and school-yard swappers would have cared - as long as the games were working, we wouldn't have given a damn I guess). In a way it's funny to discover some 30 years later that he was pretty much as lame as anyone of us.
2018-12-15 18:23

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 523
I know Moskwa TV's reputation wasn't the best but it's because of him/them that I entered the scene.
some 30+ yrs ago with zero scene links I found his address on a german mag, I think it was "64'er". can't remember if he was selling or swapping, but I remember he was from Dortmund.
so I wrote him, and he passed my address to Hawk (who's still missing here on CSDb), HQ of Zoids. They were looking for members so they picked me up :)
2018-12-16 16:23

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2629
Was the Hawk you mention not Red Hawk ?
2018-12-17 12:47

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 523
Red Hawk is my friend Gerald, from Austria.
Hawk (Zoids HQ) was from Dortmund (Germany). Can't remember his real name.
When Zoids died he asked me to join his new group Squadron (Germany). But Freestyle already paid me (hihi!) to join Fresh, so I refused, but I did this lame logo for him: Logo for Squadron
2018-12-17 13:15

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2629
Intereseting - so even his new group is missing. Will add it now.
Unfortunately there are a couple of German Hawks, and it will be a bit tricky to find out which it might be, or if he is really still missing...

EDIT: At least we can exclude Hawk .
2018-12-18 01:15

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 523
for Bugjam and those who care: I looked through my analog archives in the cellar :) I found a couple of letters from Moskwa TV, so I was swapping with him at the beginning. he signed himself MTV/BB and the envelopes came from 4600 Dortmund.
About Zoids: in Magic News, Dec 89 issue you can read "Zoids is back (oh yeah!!) with Hawk, Hac, Zodiac and Mik. Swiss member is Smasher and an austrian called Red Hawk!"
I think I never knew Hawk's real name, he always signed himself Hawk and had a PLK in Dortmund.
In one of his letters he writes me: "Zoids stopped, you are the only member left (oh yeah!!). I and a couple of others went to Trans-X first then we had a better offer from Squadron (...)."
so he didn't build Squadron as I wrote before, it seems. Sorry for the confusion. No idea which Squadron he meant tho.
EDIT1: Hawk's real name was Björn
EDIT2: Hac and Zodiac were both from Dortmund as well
EDIT3: it was Mic, not Mik
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