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Forums > C64 Pixeling > Does Interlace really suck ?
2006-05-03 18:32

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
Does Interlace really suck ?

Back in 96 IFLI was all the hype, nobody really cared about the flickering if the picture was pixeled with a good technique.

Back in 96 Multicolor sized pixels were considered nice and not blocky, hires wasnt so overhyped.

and I think the shifting viewpoint to a great extent boils down to the wide used emulators. Everyone uses emulators today, and yes, interlace looks like shit in them, and multicolor pixels looks like huge square blocks in them.

Everyone should take some time and check the best laced pictures on a real thing with a real TV, and check multicolor / hires difference. I remember back in the time thinking that hires is actually to HIGH resolution, as a normal TV can hardly display such a pixels.

The lesson is: Interlace is only a flickering nightmare if not watched on TV, and multicolor pix has ugly big pixels only if not watched on a TV.
2006-05-03 18:59

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
oh really?

2006-05-03 19:00

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2940
It would help a lot if people would actually display interlaced stuff the right way, i.e., with alternating $d016 each line and not only once per frame.
Just check HCL's Interruptus Retriggerus. (Or Bar4Kode, to do some more shameless self-advertisement.)
2006-05-04 06:12
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
Yeah people cared a lot about "good pixeling" back in '96, that's also why so many wired pictures won in the gfx compos in the mid 90's.

Btw, I can clearly see hires pixels on my monitor. And using a seperate Chroma/Luma cable will give you very sharp hires pixels aswell...
2006-05-04 07:54

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Considering interlace. If the majority would bother to check interlaced images on the real thing, they would most likely cry much less about teh evil flickering.

Today, graphicians who, driven by some reasons influenced by Belsebub himself, dare to pixel laced images (and none the less, take care about reducing flickering to a real minimal level with awfully hard work that actually requires extraterrestrial skills sometimes) usually face with three kinds of negative reaction:

1. The well proven 'Deekay-method of witch-hunting'.
- "Boooh! It's sooo easy to pixel in IFLI, and you probably wire too, because it's IFLI. And it flickers. FLI+Flickering+Hires is evil. XYZFLI+flickering+Hires and everything else isn't. Period."

These kind of reactions prove that they most likely don't have the fucking clue, never tried to pixel anything in IFLI or just trying to express their personal failure in pixelling IFLI.

2. The more usual 'I-watch-everything-on-the-emu-and-I-haven't-moved-my-fat-butt-for-ages-but-I-ke ep-complaining-about-everything' method.

- "Boooh! It flickers! It hurts my eyes! You should learn to pixel non-flickering pictures {because they look so much bettah in Vice}!"

Well, they just don't give a shit about turning on the real thing... Explanations follow: "I don't have the space on my desktop for a c64", "I only check the quality stuff and your flickering fuck is everything but quality", "I don't have the time", "I don't have a working C64", "I just don't like flickering", etc, etc...

3. The mature, arty approach

- "Boooh! Every image that is _not_ flickering and has a funny charicature on it is considered art and original. Consequently, flickering images, especially if they do not contain a funny charicature or random montague of machines, buildings and wires suck by default".

On the other hand, I never heard people complaining about blocky "low-res" pictures. So multicolor is the way to go.
2006-05-04 11:33
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
Jailbird, I am checking those pictures on the real thing and they flicker like hell.
2006-05-04 11:54

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Jailbird, I am checking those pictures on the real thing and they flicker like hell.

That's because you have a seperate chroma/luma cable and a very sensitive pair of eyes. I should update that IFLI ditching list of mine.
2006-05-04 11:56
Jak T Rip

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 39
I inherently dislike "this sucks" talk.
Obviously, interlace modes tend to flicker, but flickering can be reduced alot by both good drawing and coding techniques (cool tip krill, I gotta try it out some day, if ever I find the time, that is..). I'd say the amount of the flickering also depends on the monitor or tv-set (so on some TVs it might be more or less disturbing), on the distance you have to your tv and on your personal ETFTR "eye-to-flicker-tolerance-ratio" :)))
And yes, also on emulatorism and poor gfx palette settings.

However, what's the point? Some like ifli and some don't.
I personally think it's sad that we have so few AFLI pictures like those by Zeldin in the Cascade demos. Oxidy and FLI or TCH and UFLI of course rock, but I sometimes also love flicky stuff, just think of cyclone's astronaut picture in deus ex! Completely cool style that could not be carried over to any of the other modes without loss of its feeling, maybe BECAUSE it flickers!?
I don't think there is a best-one-way for c64 gfx. Use all the modes and respect all the modes! (did anyone deal a bit more with that strange ultrahires-greyscale mode by some polish sceners?)
Also it's a pity there are so few sprite+rasterbar/split supported multicolour or hires gfx.

btw: did you notice the red ball in the ptv intro flickers? It actually consists of a hires pic plus 3 differently expanded sprites, and some flicker... :)
2006-05-04 12:09

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Righty. There's no such thing as an universal taste and noone should bother finding it. Some like interlaced images, some not. Gosh, the way of life.
But one thing is for sure. Graphics, and especially interlaced stuff always look extraugly on the emulators (at least compared to the real deal). Thus, I must approve Oswald's initial question. Emulated interlace sucks indeed.
2006-05-04 13:00
Monte Carlos

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 355
Uhh, someone mentioned "Cascade Demos". I make a cross in my calendar. ;)

2006-05-04 13:16

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 466
Some IFLI pics are rather nice. Some appear to be IFLI for the sake of IFLI. Some seem to be drawn to induce a seizure of some sort.

I must be one of the sensitive people. I use split chroma/luminance with my 1701 and I notice a large portion of IFLI pics are distracting in how they flicker.
2006-05-04 13:21

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 639
I really don't think interlacing looks all that bad in an emulator. Sure, not as nice as the real thing, but quite close.

IFLI is a bit overrated, though. MCI looks just as nice in most cases.
2006-05-04 14:28
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 33
Turning on "Exact PAL emulation" in Vice really improves the appearance of IFLI pictures.
2006-05-04 14:40

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1065
I think laced stuff looks OK on my 1901 (separate Y/C), and if the artist spent some time minimizing the flicker it looks great. Still, you can't beat the nice, crisp pictures you get with UFLI. And yes, I know it's hell to work with :)
2006-05-04 15:25
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Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 512
I have never tried IFLI and probably never will because I am sure I will suck at it.
Never did like interlace much but the skills of some working with IFLI are superb and thus excellent pictures do exist.

It is true that it looks a lot better on the real thing.
I´ve noticed that IFLI displayed in Vice has an irregular pause between the screens.
Haven´t checked if that´s also the case on a real C64.
And maybe it´s just me.

I don´t hope for a decrease in interlaced graphics.
But I want to see more UFLI! ;)
It´s not that time-consuming if you only use it for filling up your sketch!
2006-05-04 15:30
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
Jailbird, nopes. I don't use a Y/C cable but i still can see every hires pixel. Using a composite cable produces quite a sharp pictures on some C64s and C128s, others have quite a blurry picture here (especially C128DCR).

Anyway, seeing the flickering is not exactly hard to do. It's 25 Hz and every human can see it very clear. Only old TV sets and bad monitors reduce the flickering because of their long-glowing phosphors, but a good (?) PAL monitor even shows flickering on 50 or 60 Hz.
2006-05-04 17:54

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
Graham, ofcourse you can see every hires pixel, even I can. I said that a TV can hardly display it. Just display a 1 hires pixel wide vertical line, and display a 8 pixel wide vertical line. You will see that the 1 pixel wide line is has light gray color and not white. Because of this I disliked hires wireframe vector stuff when I still watched stuff on TV. Also you did the PAL filter for Vice, so you should know that chessboard style dithering mixes like a dream, and on a real TV at most combinations you cannot even tell apart the original pixels that are intended to displayed.
2006-05-04 18:24
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
If you want white hires pixels, use Y/C cable. If you use composite there is a low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency around 4 MHz (depends on your monitor/TV) on Luminance which will make hires pixels darker. However, they are still hires...

Also, chessboard patterns in hires dont look ugly with an Y/C cable aswell. The colors blend perfectly, but the luma doesn't mix so you will still see the chessboard.
2006-05-04 19:00

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
Graham, we agree on those. However I've used the real thing 90% without Y/C cables, and I've written my previous post based on such experiences.

To let everyone know again: I opened this topic to make some justice for the flickering and non hires gfx's on c64. So if anyone wants to see them in full glory, then just _DONT_ use Vice. You wont get a 100% correct 50hz screen even on a 100hz monitor, and still not counting the blurnyness and afterglow of real TV sets. Pictures will look 10x better even with a monitor with a Y/C cable, but for best results use a composite cable :)
2006-05-05 15:20

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1065
It would be neat if you could set vice to do a 70/30 blend with the previous frame. It would lead to ghosting artifacts in some cases, but it would make laced graphics look much nicer.
2006-05-05 15:39
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Registered: May 2002
Posts: 421
What a great topic. I honestly didn't know any of this in 1996. Really.
2006-05-06 12:59

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362

1. The well proven 'Deekay-method of witch-hunting'.
- "Boooh! It's sooo easy to pixel in IFLI, and you probably wire too, because it's IFLI. And it flickers. FLI+Flickering+Hires is evil. XYZFLI+flickering+Hires and everything else isn't. Period."

These kind of reactions prove that they most likely don't have the fucking clue, never tried to pixel anything in IFLI or just trying to express their personal failure in pixelling IFLI.

Dude, what's your problem? Did i ever accuse you of wiring your stuff?
If you can't cope with the reality that IFLI is _the most perfect_ mode if you want to wire your stuff that's your problem, but don't give me that crybaby-bullshit, especially since i always told you how much i liked your work and never ever even _hinted_ you would just wire your stuff!
But still: i prefer your non-interlaced work to your interlaced work.

I HAVE worked IFLI, and i always hated it. I know all the tricks to reduce flickering, but the result will ALWAYS be a murky picture without details and flickering, because there's just no way you can completely get rid of it. For starters $d016 flickering will ALWAYS be there, you can not make a steady pixel in IFLI! black hires-outlines (cartoon-style)? Forget it in IFLI, will always flicker like hell!
I know some people prefer to pixel their stuff on the Amiga (like Cyclone), and for them IFLI is also the way to go. Well, too bad the same works for Photoshop-converted pictures, too.. But don't blame ME for that!

I know you all hate XYZFLI because it's tough to pixel in. But the fact remains: With UIFLI and SHIF _you_ choose just how much the picture flickers, because it already IS hires and there's no need to fake it via $d016! If you only want some extremely subtle flicker in some color-fades, do it! If you don't want any flicker at all, just use UFLI and SHF!

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the "Bigscreen-effect": On a beamer you just can not see any flicker, which gives an unfair advantage in Compos, because even the most horrible flickering pictures (think: alternating vertical columns of black/white) look just fine on the bigscreen!
It's not only unfair towards people working in non-interlaced modes, it's also unfair towards the people that make GOOD laced pics without much flickering! And there _are_ alot of good IFLI-pictures, like yours f.ex.!...

Besides: I think using non-blended screenshots for IFLI-pictures is misleading in the highest degree. It's unfair towards people like TCH that actually work in real hires and UFLI because the screenshots look the same, but the IFLIs are ofcourse much more colorful!
You can't even see how much it flickers using a blended screenshot already, so don't try to also fake murky details that just aren't there when viewing the picture on a real c64 - OR an emulator!
It does not matter how the picture looks like when you work on it in zoom-mode or on Amiga, that's not what is actually seen on the screen when displaying the picture! Where's the checkerboard pattern gone? Oh, right, we now have alternating flicker-lines for that! Hello?
2006-05-06 13:12
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 207
and then we all come to the point that this all is a matter of taste. like deekay already said: on the bigscreen you don't see any flickering.
still, i love those nice pictures painted in multi-color.
2006-05-06 16:43

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: and then we all come to the point that this all is a matter of taste. like deekay already said: on the bigscreen you don't see any flickering.
still, i love those nice pictures painted in multi-color.

(Edit: I didn't wanted to quote Drake, sorry)

Dude, what's your problem? Did i ever accuse you of wiring your stuff?

No, I never said you accused me of anything. On the other hand, your anti-IFLI manifestos were always tickling (not just) my balls, and there were more than enough of them during the years. No offence, but an "IFLI is for weenies" statement is what I'd expect from a person who probably knows nothing (or at least not too much) about weeks or months of painting and optimizing flickering to the bone in the world's most fucked up, buggy pixel editors.

Whilst we're at accusations, what about you being one of the most known medium of addressing other graphicians for wiring (sometimes even without a single clue)? Does that ring a bell?

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the "Bigscreen-effect": On a beamer you just can not see any flicker, which gives an unfair advantage in Compos, because even the most horrible flickering pictures (think: alternating vertical columns of black/white) look just fine on the bigscreen! It's not only unfair towards people working in non- interlaced modes, it's also unfair towards the people that make GOOD laced pics without much flickering!

No one is forced to pixel non-flickering or less-flickering pictures for compos. Furthermore, not a single person is forced to compete on parties at all if he/she can't live with the rules that are set. What unfairness you're talking about? It was unfair to wire for compos, it really was. But being unfair for pixelling too flickery images? Wow. And you ask about my problems when I mention witch hunting?

And once when we get rid of flickering from the compos, next will be to get rid of hi-res images because they're unfair to compete with low-res images. That would be a real step forward, at least according to your logic.

Besides: I think using non-blended screenshots for IFLI-pictures is misleading in the highest degree.

Misleading to whom, exactly? For Johnny Clueless who doesn't know what "Type: C64 Graphics (Interlaced FLI)" means?

It's unfair towards people like TCH that actually work in real hires and UFLI because the screenshots look the same,

Gosh, amazing. Do you watch gif/png screenshots or native graphics formats on your C64? You judge about a picture by the screens displayed on your pc or do you transfer them to the real deal to take a peak?

but the IFLIs are ofcourse much more colorful!

Um, so blended IFLI screenshots are ofcourse less colorful, oh I see! Well, for your information, the IFLI images look much more colorful on the C64 as well.

You can't even see how much it flickers using a blended screenshot already, so don't try to also fake murky details that just aren't there when viewing the picture on a real c64 - OR an emulator!
It does not matter how the picture looks like when you work on it in zoom-mode or on Amiga, that's not what is actually seen on the screen when displaying the picture! Where's the checkerboard pattern gone? Oh, right, we now have alternating flicker-lines for that! Hello?

Right, and you see the exact C64 UFLI picture or dithering as on the gif/png screenshot... Give me a break, please!
A person who judges a picture by the screenshot or by seeing it in the emu only, should do his homework, really. It's not the way to do. But wait a minute, why I'm telling this to _you_? Nevertheless, this topic has nothing to do with IFLI screenshots.

For everyone who gets all this "IFLI sucks/doesn't sucks" thing too serious: you shouldn't. Who cares? If you like it, good, a graphician's fun turned into a pleasure of yours. If you don't like it, that's fine too. Noone got hurt. So what's the big deal?
2006-05-06 17:27

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 434
My favourite interlaced picture (by Electric) was made in 3 colors+background. There is a certain aesthetics in interlace, no matter if it sucks or not. I'm surprised that not more people are trying to achieve really hard flickering. Or just subtle uses of IFLI, with some areas containing flickering and some not. Hires interlace between close colors can be really subtle at times, btw.
2006-05-06 17:43
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
And once when we get rid of flickering from the compos, next will be to get rid of hi-res images because they're unfair to compete with low-res images.

- You do see the difference between hires and lores on the bigscreen.

- You do NOT see the difference between UFLI and IFLI, because the beamers remove the flickering from the IFLI. This is indeed kinda unfair, since people will not see that a picture is interlaced.

Um, so blended IFLI screenshots are ofcourse less colorful, oh I see! Well, for your information, the IFLI images look much more colorful on the C64 as well.

Blended screenshots are reflecting what you see on a real C64 most accurate, while 320x200 shots do not reflect it. That was the point-
2006-05-06 17:47

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362

No, I never said you accused me of anything.

Then why do you most certainly word your postings like i did?


On the other hand, your anti-IFLI manifestos were always tickling (not just) my balls, and there were more than enough of them during the years.

Like which? From what i remember i wrote two columns about the subject. Maybe you should re-read them, cause i have the impression there's some serious overblowing going on...


No offence, but an "IFLI is for weenies" statement is what I'd expect from a person who probably knows nothing (or at least not too much) about weeks or months of painting and optimizing flickering to the bone in the world's most fucked up, buggy pixel editors.

Yeah, right, like i've never worked in Fun/Gunpaint.. Besides: If YOU choose to pixel your stuff on c64 in these editors and others do great pictures too in IFLI WITHOUT these buggy editors on Amiga or in Photoshop, wouldn't you say your unneccessary labor is your very own choice?


Whilst we're at accusations, what about you being one of the most known medium of addressing other graphicians for wiring (sometimes even without a single clue)? Does that ring a bell?

Oh my, here we go again, I see you've been talking to some people...

Actually no. From what i remember i did write that with some people i wanted to see some workstages or see them working. If that's the same as accusing somebody, then that's your problem. Especially since you never were one of them.
In other communities it's totally normal to have technical means of verification, just think of the cheaters in the gaming community and stuff like punkbuster. Or why would you think handing in workstages is a requirement these days for pixel competitions? Do the organizers accuse EVERYONE taking part in the competition of wiring? Applying your logic "asking for proof" = accusation it most certainly would be... Witchhunters, every single one of them! ;-)

Point in case: I can do an IFLI-picture in 2 hours in Photoshop plus some fixing on c64 afterwards and win a Compo with it (one that doesn't require workstages that is!). So far, this can only be done in IFLI. And you ask me why I'm suspicious of IFLI-pictures?


No one is forced to pixel non-flickering or less-flickering pictures for compos. Furthermore, not a single person is forced to compete on parties at all if he/she can't live with the rules that are set. What unfairness you're talking about? It was unfair to wire for compos, it really was. But being unfair for pixelling too flickery images? Wow. And you ask about my problems when I mention witch hunting?

If it looks shit on a real c64 and looks great on Bigscreen, it's unfair towards others whose pictures also look great on a real c64. Period. No witches were killed in the writing of this posting!


And once when we get rid of flickering from the compos, next will be to get rid of hi-res images because they're unfair to compete with low-res images. That would be a real step forward, at least according to your logic.

That's not "my logic", that's bullshit. Hires and Lowres can both look great on c64, and there's NO difference in both between Bigscreen and real c64.
With anything Interlace, there damn well is!


Misleading to whom, exactly? For Johnny Clueless who doesn't know what "Type: C64 Graphics (Interlaced FLI)" means?

Well, I don't even know HOW you add the information about the GFX-mode used to a CSDB entry. I see you do (however this works!), but you're about the only person that does. Usually it just says "C64 Graphics" and that's it! Go check for yourself!

Misleading for someone who's looking for new UFLI pictures f.ex. (=me), now that TCH has given new life to the format! ;-)


Gosh, amazing. Do you watch gif/png screenshots or native graphics formats on your C64? You judge about a picture by the screens displayed on your pc or do you transfer them to the real deal to take a peak?

I do transfer them, and i'm always disappointed when i see some ugly flicker-mess instead of the nice screenshot i saw before. Blending is already nullifying one aspect of IFLI, the flickering, simply because browsers can't display a proper 25Hz-Interlace. Don't make the screenshots lie on the other issue IFLI has inherently: Lack of detail! Because IFLI just doesn't have that, don't pretend it does through using non-blended "screenshots"!

If it CAN NOT ever be displayed like that on a real c64 (and even in an Emulator, because they only offer blending!) it is simply WRONG to call this a "screenshot"!


Um, so blended IFLI screenshots are ofcourse less colorful, oh I see!

Bullshit reasoning. I was comparing to UFLI. _Only_ rastered IFLI-"Screenshots" compare 1:1 to UFLI, because they suggest it's actually Hires! But it's not, it's FAKE Hires! So just don't pretend it's Hires because that's what the editor seemingly displays, is that too much to ask for?...


Well, for your information, the IFLI images look much more colorful on the C64 as well.

Yeah, but they also look shitloads more blurry. BECAUSE THEY AREN'T HIRES!


Right, and you see the exact C64 UFLI picture or dithering as on the gif/png screenshot... Give me a break, please!

I don't, but it comes sufficiently close, especially using PAL-Emulation.
This is _not_ true for rastered IFLI-Picture-Screenshots! They flicker (which cannot be displayed in GIF/PNG) _and_ they are murky because of $d016 (which CAN be displayed in GIF/PNG using blending!)


A person who judges a picture by the screenshot or by seeing it in the emu only, should do his homework, really. It's not the way to do. But wait a minute, why I'm telling this to _you_? Nevertheless, this topic has nothing to do with IFLI screenshots.

I would say a person who uploads pretend-hires-"Screenshots" of something that just IS NOT HIRES should do his homework.


For everyone who gets all this "IFLI sucks/doesn't sucks" thing too serious: you shouldn't. Who cares? If you like it, good, a graphician's fun turned into a pleasure of yours. If you don't like it, that's fine too. Noone got hurt. So what's the big deal?

Well, I enjoy many IFLI-pictures, I'm not slagging every single one down. But you did put me up on the pillory with that most annoying "witch hunting" comment of yours, so i had to react...
2006-05-06 18:03

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
You do see the difference between hires and lores on the bigscreen.

Ok, and do you see the differnce between FLI and Multicolor on the big screen? I don't see anyone spitting on FLI for the same matter.

- You do NOT see the difference between UFLI and IFLI, because the beamers remove the flickering from the IFLI. This is indeed kinda unfair, since people will not see that a picture is interlaced.

Oh I get it now! So it's unfair because the other graphician chose to pixel in a graphics mode which looks less colorful on the bigscreen. So the one who used IFLI is to blame. Indeed, that makes perfect sense to me!

Blended screenshots are reflecting what you see on a real C64 most accurate, while 320x200 shots do not reflect it. That was the point-

My personal opinion is still that an utterly ugly blended screenshot has less resemblance with the image we see on C64 than a dithered one. You could write me down the opposite for another 100 times, I'll still rather believe my eyes than your words.
2006-05-06 18:30
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
Ok, and do you see the differnce between FLI and Multicolor on the big screen? I don't see anyone spitting on FLI for the same matter.

Ok let's explain it a bit more so you don't miss the point one more time:

hires vs lores : you see the same on bigscreen and on real c64

koala vs FLI : you see the same on bigscreen and on real c64

IFLI vs UFLI : IFLI does not look the same as on real c64, while UFLI does
2006-05-06 18:36

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362
Look, JB, you need to wise up and calm down.
NOBODY ever accused you of wiring your stuff or cheating!
The point is: Your most favourite GFX-format CAN be used for
-cheating in Compos on the bigscreen, because you can't see flickering
-wiring stuff with hardly ANY work on the c64, because it's the closest you can get to direct 4bpp-320x200 resoultion without restrictions!

That does not mean anyone said YOU did that, and this is the most important part of the discussion!

It's a bit like the NRAs old slogan: "Guns don't kill - people do!"
Translated that could be "IFLI doesn't cheat - people do!"

And just like it is perfectly fine for some people to have guns (e.g. the police) that know how to use them (and not ABuse them!) IFLI is fine in the hands of the right people!

But I'd rather have a world without guns, I'd prefer if any conflict could be solved by peaceful means, if you catch my drift! ;-)

Nobody said that people cheat on the bigscreen JUST by using IFLI, but it CAN be used to cheat and fool people to see a picture quality that is just not there!


My personal opinion is still that an utterly ugly blended screenshot has less resemblance with the image we see on C64 than a dithered one. You could write me down the opposite for another 100 times, I'll still rather believe my eyes than your words.

Well, if your eyes actually see rastered hires where there JUST IS NONE, you've definately been working IFLI for waaay too long! ;-)
2006-05-06 18:38
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
(Something I forgot)

My personal opinion is still that an utterly ugly blended screenshot has less resemblance with the image we see on C64 than a dithered one. You could write me down the opposite for another 100 times, I'll still rather believe my eyes than your words.

Seems more like a "I want to believe" statement to me. Imagine your eye REALLY being too slow to follow the 25 Hz flickering, what would you see? You would see the blended screenshots because that's what's happening with a too slow eye: the two images blend to one. Turn down the brightness of your monitor a bit on an IFLI to get the idea (dark colors are processed slower by the brain).
2006-05-06 19:09

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Then why do you most certainly word your postings like i did?

I wrote that graphicians who pixel in IFLI usually get some of those negative reactions, not me, from you - particularly.

Like which? From what i remember i wrote two columns about the subject. Maybe you should re-read them, cause i have the impression there's some serious overblowing going on...

Do you actually realise I'm not the only one who thinks like this? Yes, perhaps its the overblowing.

Yeah, right, like i've never worked in Fun/Gunpaint.. Besides: If YOU choose to pixel your stuff on c64 in these editors and others do great pictures too in IFLI WITHOUT these buggy editors on Amiga or in Photoshop, wouldn't you say your unneccessary labor is your very own choice?

I said, I would expect. Yes, of course I assume you pixelled in IFLI, but if so, I don't get the "weenie" thing or the negative position at all. Or you really think it's so easy to pixel in that mode? Apart from easy deal of converting to IFLI?

For many years it wasn&'t my very own choice, as the only computer I've had was the C64. Lately, I think it's the fun of pixelling in these editors. I don't get the analogy anyway.

Oh my, here we go again, I see you've been talking to some people...

Actually no. From what i remember i did write that with some people i wanted to see some workstages or see them working. If that's the same as accusing somebody, then that's your problem. Especially since you never were one of them.

You should also re-read some of your of your words as I clearly remember the accusation of Sebaloz or Katon – who weren't converting their graphics for sure. And those sentences were everything but asking for workstages. And you especially put an accent on Katon's IFLI pictures.

In other communities it's totally normal to have technical means of verification, just think of the cheaters in the gaming community and stuff like punkbuster. Or why would you think handing in workstages is a requirement these days for pixel competitions? Do the organizers accuse EVERYONE taking part in the competition of wiring? Applying your logic "asking for proof" = accusation it most certainly would be... Witchhunters, every single one of them! ;-)

I totally agree on this point, I was also lobbying a lot for the workstage-rule. That eliminated a lot of so-called graphicians who were handing over graphics which were direct conversions.

Point in case: I can do an IFLI-picture in 2 hours in Photoshop plus some fixing on c64 afterwards and win a Compo with it (one that doesn't require workstages that is!). So far, this can only be done in IFLI. And you ask me why I'm suspicious of IFLI-pictures?

Once again, I agree. But that's not the point of the whole topic. You had a great part of planting this IFLI=conversion seed, and some of us who honestly paint IFLIs have too much trouble getting doubters off our back.

If it looks shit on a real c64 and looks great on Bigscreen, it's unfair towards others whose pictures also look great on a real c64. Period. No witches were killed in the writing of this posting!

But who’s forcing them to do so, for god's sake?! Every one of us graphicians know that when you paint for compo, you have to get the big-screen and the other IFLIs into consideration. Even demos are sometimes made for the bigscreen only, why don't open a topic for ditching them too? It has nothing to do with honesty, more like naivity. Go on and organize a non-flickering compo then, I'd be glad to compete there.

Well, I don't even know HOW you add the information about the GFX-mode used to a CSDB entry. I see you do (however this works!), but you're about the only person that does. Usually it just says "C64 Graphics" and that's it! Go check for yourself!

I do transfer them, and i'm always disappointed when i see some ugly flicker-mess instead of the nice screenshot i saw before. Blending is already nullifying one aspect of IFLI, the flickering, simply because browsers can't display a proper 25Hz-Interlace. Don't make the screenshots lie on the other issue IFLI has inherently: Lack of detail! Because IFLI just doesn't have that, don't pretend it does through using non-blended "screenshots"!

If it CAN NOT ever be displayed like that on a real c64 (and even in an Emulator, because they only offer blending!) it is simply WRONG to call this a "screenshot"![/quote]

Blended images are extraugly for my taste. Much uglier than emulated interlace, and I can't stand them. So as I clearly state that they're IFLIs, I don't think there's too much trouble to deal about. Personally, I never judge on the first look, I _never_ take into consideration the PC screenshots here, they're just informative to me.

Bullshit reasoning. I was comparing to UFLI. _Only_ rastered IFLI-"Screenshots" compare 1:1 to UFLI, because they suggest it's actually Hires! But it's not, it's FAKE Hires! So just don't pretend it's Hires because that's what the editor seemingly displays, is that too much to ask for?...

I don't, but it comes sufficiently close, especially using PAL-Emulation.
This is _not_ true for rastered IFLI-Picture-Screenshots! They flicker (which cannot be displayed in GIF/PNG) _and_ they are murky because of $d016 (which CAN be displayed in GIF/PNG using blending!)

Whatever, I still find the blended images ugly. They simply look rubbish, and have nothing in common with the C64 images. The dithered images still look a bit more close to the original, and that's what counts in my opinion. If there would be another way to make better screenshots, I'd be the first to replace the dithered stuff.

I would say a person who uploads pretend-hires-"Screenshots" of something that just IS NOT HIRES should do his homework.

I realise the difference but I won't upload a messed up junk just for the sake of it. Since the graphics mode is clearly stated, I'm not not trying to pretend that it's a different kind of graphicsmode on the gif. Download the picture and see it for yourself what's the deal.
2006-05-06 19:18

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Ok let's explain it a bit more so you don't miss the point one more time:

hires vs lores : you see the same on bigscreen and on real c64

koala vs FLI : you see the same on bigscreen and on real c64

IFLI vs UFLI : IFLI does not look the same as on real c64, while UFLI does

In this particular context we were discussing the matter on how can someone tell the difference of different graphicsmodes _on the bigscreen_, weren't we?
2006-05-06 19:43

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362

In this particular context we were discussing the matter on how can someone tell the difference of different graphicsmodes _on the bigscreen_, weren't we?

Urm... no. Because you just can't!
2006-05-06 23:13

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
I think UFLI can generally produce a nice end result (depedant on the subject matter), but I do this for enjoyment and I simply find IFLI nicer to work with because there are so few technical issues to worry about when pixelling. When I have to spend 30 minutes anti-aliasing a curve in UFLI, the tedium really sets in, it just stops being enjoyable to me. Couple this with the the fact that I'm a freak who only releases about 10% of everything I do because I think the rest is crappy, the time spent in pixelling UFLI just feels like some kind of torture! :)

I very much respect the work TCH has done with UFLI, he's taken a little used mode and produced some fantastic pixelwork with it. The one thing I would say though is that what he's released so far has been mostly straight copies. Whilst they look really nice, it does make life much easier when pixelling a difficult mode. Personally I find making compsitions that I'm happy with difficult enough in IFLI, without any added complications!

Finally, the screenshots thing was done to death in another thread, but for the record I upload the "fake" hires shots because a) the merged ones look ugly and to me are no more of a true representation of IFLI b) From a personal point of view I'm interested to see the pixelling and you don't get that with a merged shot. I always label the modes on my pictures in CSDB, so it shouldn't be misleading anyone.

Oh and I agree with Oswald's original point (though interlace can sometimes look okay in an emaulator, it doesn't help that some people STILL use really ugly palettes!)
2006-05-07 01:38
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Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 512
@Deev: next one will be of my own design. ;)
2006-05-07 12:36

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362
Tch: Check your Email for chrissake! ;-)
2006-05-07 16:58

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
Quote: @Deev: next one will be of my own design. ;)

damnit, then I'll have to think up another excuse for being lazy and still using IFLI! :)
2006-05-07 23:25
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Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 512
Quote: damnit, then I'll have to think up another excuse for being lazy and still using IFLI! :)

Get a job at BAX-Global in Denmark.
Lots of time will be wasted with lots of excuses. ;)

@DeeKay,seriously thinking about it.
But no decision today as I am pretty fucked up..
Sorry for not reading my mail,but I was out of town.
2006-05-09 12:35
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
Blended images are extraugly for my taste. Much uglier than emulated interlace, and I can't stand them.

Huh? With interlace you DO blend two 160x200 images, so you agree now that doing that is extra-ugly?

Whatever, I still find the blended images ugly. They simply look rubbish, and have nothing in common with the C64 images. The dithered images still look a bit more close to the original, and that's what counts in my opinion.

Huh? Blended shots only remove the interlace, while hires-shots remove the interlace AND show a detail which just isn't there... So you think that lying two times is more true than lying one time?

In this particular context we were discussing the matter on how can someone tell the difference of different graphicsmodes _on the bigscreen_, weren't we?

No we were discussing the fact that if the bigscreen shows something which isnt there, it's unfair. The C64 just is not able to do non-flickering IFLI...
2006-05-09 13:03

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
Graham, imho interlace != blending.

as you say: "Blended shots only remove the interlace"

so you state that blending = interlace but blended shots removes interlace ?

"The C64 just is not able to do non-flickering IFLI..."

a good gfxman, and a suitable TV set can make flickering more than acceptable. Dont bring up y/c cables now, if my intention is not to see the flickering I obviously wont go for lame solutions.

IFLI just needs another TCH to do it a justice. Like TCH and UFLI. Anyone thought before TCH that ufli is a usable mode ? Using todays standards its possible to do fucking good pics in IFLI too imho, and its not the flickering / non flickering that makes a mode kewl. Its the graphician!

I remember back then showing a ifli pic in a demo was a technical achievment alone. Later we learned the lesson, a picture will not look good coz its hard to display it. But this also implies that a picture will not look bad because it flickers a bit. I'd exclude flicker horror too, but a technically good drawn IFLI has nothing to be in shame of. The shame is on the ppl who watch the picture in emulator.
2006-05-09 13:28
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
Interlace is a way to blend two images because the brain needs a bit of time to process an image. However, it does not work perfect since humans still see the flickering, and that's what the entire discussion is about: Interlace can be very annoying, especially since it has become so common and the flickering is everywhere.

Ofcourse you can reduce the flickering, but one aspect of IFLI is that you cannot remove it. Also, most of the IFLI's I have seen definitely were NOT drawn with flicker-reduction in mind. Don't get me wrong: There are some nifty IFLI pictures out (no names, eheh) but for many IFLI pictures I would prefer a non flickering 160x200 version, or nowadays UFLI :)
2006-05-09 14:07

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
yeah, I remember the annoying interlaces in deus ex machina aswell, ugh...
2006-05-09 15:34

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Huh? With interlace you DO blend two 160x200 images, so you agree now that doing that is extra-ugly?

No. I meant that the _blended screenshot_ looks ugly when I compare it to the original. Color blending on C64 is mostly an advantage, though. However, I don't pixel two 160x200 images, but _one_ 320x200. In the zoom mode, I see and set squared hires pixels, not some kind of smudged blobs. However, that might not matter at all to anyone, as in the end, you see the interlace and the blending only.

And seems you'll try to prove my own eyesight wrong till the end of times, post after post. Look, the last time I checked my sight was something like a year ago and my eyes are more than OK. So, let me explain, this is how I compare the screenshot and the IFLI:

1. I look on the image displayed on the TV set/monitor
2. I look on the blended screenshot
3. I say, "Nah, the blur and the PC generated colors look like a pile of shit, has nothing to do with the original"
4. I look on the image displayed on the TV set/monitor
5. I look on the dithered screenshot
6. I say, "Well, not exactly the same, but looks much closer to the original than the blended piece of crap."
7. End of story

I don't know how many times I'll have to repeat this, but I absolutely don't care about the technical side of interlace and the truly amazing aspects of brain activity whilst looking on the interlace. If I'd think that a non-blended screenshot would have a better resemblance to the original, I'd upload a blended one, believe me. My intention is not to confuse people here, as I always state that it's a fucking IFLI on the shot. The images here should be informative, nothing more - all the more, as people could take a first slight look on the way of pixelling, coloring, antialiasing and the tehnique all in all by looking on the dithered image. By reading the label, which is there - beside the picture, they still get it's an IFLI, right? A blurred crap eliminates all those factors. Non the less, not a single picture here looks like the original, wether it's IFLI, UFLI or 2 color hi-res.

No we were discussing the fact that if the bigscreen shows something which isnt there, it's unfair.

Well, actually that makes sense, but since IFLI is still a C64 graphicsmode and the tools for making it could be downloaded freely, I don't see the unfairness in it. Anyone could get the editor, and pixel a blurry unfair IFLI to make it even to the evil bigscreen blenders. But it also sounds OK to me to ban interlace from compos, well, you decide.
2006-05-09 16:44

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1065
Bah. AnimGIF!
2006-05-09 16:45

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Quote: Bah. AnimGIF!

Will you make them? :)

I think that animated gif won't refresh so fast as interlace does.

Edit: but indeed, an animated gif would be a great idea, showing the blurred and the dithered image in a few seconds delay. I think it would be a solution which would please both sides, either dither and blender lovers.
2006-05-09 20:46

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362
Quote: Will you make them? :)

I think that animated gif won't refresh so fast as interlace does.

Edit: but indeed, an animated gif would be a great idea, showing the blurred and the dithered image in a few seconds delay. I think it would be a solution which would please both sides, either dither and blender lovers.

Been there, tried that... See my column "Art of GFX", in Scene+...
Browsers aren't fast enough, plus different browsers show 0sec delay differently!
See for yourself:

JB: I know you prefer the rastered version to the blended one, cause it looks MUCH neater and you can see the pixelling. But you just can't argue away technical realities by saying "i think differently": Interlace DOES blend two pictures into one, the only difference is that it does this using a temporal shift rather than real transparency...

That's like saying "Sure you can argue that 32bit colors are more than 8bit, but i don't care about all that technicall bullshit. I still say 8-bit-pictures look more like a real photograph than 32bit!"
This is NOT a matter of taste, it's a REALITY, a FACT that Interlace does blend!
Using your technique it would be impossible to do UIFLI-screenshots or XFLI (AFLI interlace), cause here the Hires already IS real!...

You sound like Steven Colbert here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-869183917758574879

"I don't care about facts, they distort reality, it's the GUT that counts!" ;-)
2006-05-09 21:26

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362
Here, I've made a little picture to illustrate the differences:

Look at the original here on a real c64: Monster

Then see if you still dare tell me that you *actually* see individual teeth and beard-hair instead of a murky mess on the monster's head, a grid of pixels instead of horizontal lines (purple background) and that you can actually READ the Katon-Signature on a real c64!
2006-05-09 22:18

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Oh, seems you missunderstood me, I wasn't thinking about emulating the interlace with gif animation. See:

Quoting Jailbird
I think that animated gif won't refresh so fast as interlace does

So please don't refer to it as my tehniqe, I have nothing to do with it. That was MagerWalp's idea, so blame him :)

Just as you demonstrated, it's a failure indeed. No, I was suggesting to include both kind of screenshots into the gif anim. For three seconds you'd see the blurred one, for another three the dithered one would appear. You'll realise it's a blended IFLI, but you'd still be able to take a look on the pixelling if you'd like to. Voila, everyone happy!

And I perfectly get your's and Graham points about the technical aspects, but both of you seem to put waaaay to much accents on representing C64 images on PC. I mean, those are _not_ the C64 images. The real images execute on the C64, not on the PC, right?

As for that 32/8 bit comparature to blended/non-blended screenshots and my way of looking on those, wow, aren't you extravagating just a tiny bit? Well come on, we're talking about some blurred pixels on the bloody internet! C64 graphics ripped by an emulator and nested on a web site. A web site. Hello, anyone there?

I find this discussion so damn boring and pointless I'll gladly blend all my dithered pictures just to stop it and make you both really happy. True, it will suck, but hey, at least it will be the correct way of sucking. So let's amen that. No need to continue this, really. I guess I can live with the blur... Gees.
2006-05-09 22:35

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Then see if you still dare tell me that you *actually* see individual teeth and beard-hair instead of a murky mess on the monster's head, a grid of pixels instead of horizontal lines (purple background) and that you can actually READ the Katon-Signature on a real c64!

Please. I never told you that I see the individual pixels. The only thing I'm trying to say that the blurred shit still looks much crappier compared to the original than the dithered one. I neither do see some smudged, ugly shapes and fucked up colors on the TV. That's all. Katon's picture wasn't a good example anyway, his interlace always flickered way too much. Just look at that beard, I don't even have to turn on the c64 to tell you it flickers like hell.
But demonstrate no more, I believe you.
2006-05-10 00:57

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362
Don't get me wrong: If you said all along that you only prefer the rastered image because it shows you the way the guy/gal pixels, that'd be just fine.

The only thing I'm arguing is your claim that a rastered "screenshot" looks more like the c64 original. This is simply not true, which can clearly be seen by the comparison above: The c64 clearly DOES show the same horizontal lines and murky mess that only the blended picture has!
So summing up:
1) Blending is more true to what it looks like on the c64
2) Rastering tells you more about the pixelling technique
3) Rastering looks better as a "screenshot", because it doesn't have the blur (which is misleading, cause the c64 original DOES have that!)
4) Both methods don't tell you anything about how bad the flickering really is, but only blending "kills" the details through blurring just like real IFLI on the c64 blurs details through $d016!
5) Rastered "screenshots" can easily be mistaken for UFLI/AFLI-Pictures (unless the picture type is specified!). No problem with blended Screenshots here!

If you sum it all up i would say that it shows a slight preference for blended Screenshots: More true to the c64 original and cannot be confused with AFLI/UFLI!

I don't want to "win" this at all cost, I just want to convince you that blending is the more sensible choice. I've just (re-)started this discussion because i'm always on the lookout for new UFLI pictures, and it did piss me off that so many rastered (non-labelled) IFLI-screenshots are on CSDB already that i assumed to be UFLI pics! <:-)

And if you argue that Screenshots are not needed anyway cause one should always check sth out on the real hardware: Well, why do we add screenshots then in the first place? Plus you know the reality is that VERY many people check stuff out first in an Emulator (most of them suck at Interlace!) before transferring - if at all!... Sometimes looking at the screenshot/comments is enough for some people to not even load it in an Emulator...


Please. I never told you that I see the individual pixels. The only thing I'm trying to say that the blurred shit still looks much crappier compared to the original than the dithered one.

Which it does not. See horizontal lines!
2006-05-10 01:15

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362

And I perfectly get your's and Graham points about the technical aspects, but both of you seem to put waaaay to much accents on representing C64 images on PC. I mean, those are _not_ the C64 images. The real images execute on the C64, not on the PC, right?

Well, I was the first person that mailed all Emulator-makers with a PROPER palette, cause my eyes were bleeding with the awful palette they have used for such a long time (prolly originated from c64s! Or look at the Godot-Palette, that's just AWFUL! What drugs do these guys take to consider these colors accurate?). I spent alot of time getting the colors right, both for the Emulators and also because I do c64-gfx in Photoshop sometimes (see my BP seminar to see what I'm talking about! ;-)
Graham coded the first PAL-Emulator (and he did a really fine job, with PAL- and Scanline-Emulation c64-gfx finally reached an acceptable quality on Emulators!), so it's obvious he also has a vested interest in accurately representing c64-gfx on modern machines (this also includes the Web ofcourse!)
The reality is that VERY many people use an Emulator. Either because they don't have real hardware (anymore) or because they like the advantages (Crossdev, can be used on a Laptop/at work etc). So we should make sure that c64 gfx in Emulators and on PC/Mac in general are as accurate as possible! I would even suggest making Screenshots of Demos and GFX WITH PAL-Emulation, but there's that 30000 byte GIF/PNG limit on CSDB, which prevents this very effectively (because these screenshots should be saved in a truecolor-format!).
2006-05-10 07:22

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 727
Hmm. i don't really see that the conclusions 1-5 sum up that you *should* use blended screenshots from now on. In the end it really is a question of taste, no matter if you *prove* theoretically that blended shots are more correct or whatever.. Lying once is better than lying twice? Common, is it really that philosophical?

Never mind, i really shouldn't dive into this discussion as i will definitely not have the time to produce as much text in this thread as *some* of you already have :). My personal opinion is that i like rastered shots better. At least they have only 16 colors, while the blended ones have more -> i can't refer to them as being c64-gfx at all.
2006-05-10 07:31

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1065
I was mostly just joking about AnimGIFs, but here's a proper one:

2006-05-10 08:32

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
I'm a flexible person, nevertheless I also have better things to do than to discuss about graphics emulation the whole day and night. So if it's okay with all of you, I'll put up blended screenshots beside the releases and a download link to the dithered images. Deekay, Graham, any objections?
2006-05-10 09:13

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
Edit: this post is a product the magical auto-refresh option of Opera, sorry :)
2006-05-10 09:55

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362
Quote: I'm a flexible person, nevertheless I also have better things to do than to discuss about graphics emulation the whole day and night. So if it's okay with all of you, I'll put up blended screenshots beside the releases and a download link to the dithered images. Deekay, Graham, any objections?

No objections here. That's a great idea that should satisfy both sides! ;-)
The ones that want to see the pixelling technique and the ones that strive for the best possible representation in GIF-form!
2006-05-10 10:05

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362

Lying once is better than lying twice? Common, is it really that philosophical?

Ofcourse lying twice is worse, just try it out with your girlfiend! ;-) With everything (see f.ex. SID-Emulation or PAL-Simulation!) we strive for the best possible emulation technique, so we should do the same on Screenshots!


My personal opinion is that i like rastered shots better. At least they have only 16 colors, while the blended ones have more -> i can't refer to them as being c64-gfx at all.

Then again, an interlace picture isn't just one picture, it's two. So if you're mixing colors through interlace the technically correct way for representation if you can't have the interlace itself would be to use blending, not rastering, cause that's not what the c64 does when it displays the picture.
2006-05-10 10:54

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 727
Do i have to repeat myself? I have a personal *opinion*, appart from technical/theoretical agruments (which i on the other hand agree on). I like one thing better than the other, even though it might be less correct in some aspects.

Try lying with my girlfriend.. You're just so good at applying a truth to something totally unrelated. Lying with screenshots is mostly harmless to everybody, though i might be totally mistaken there ;).
2006-05-10 15:27
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Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 512
Pssh,for all of you who don´t know how to add the graphics-mode..

Create the entry,add all the info and exit.
Hit the Update-button and when you labelled it "C64 Graphics",there is an additional option to set the type.

I hope people will take the little extra effort.
It can indeed be disappointing at times but also thrilling to see something is `just´ multi-colour. ;)
2006-05-10 16:14

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
call me a medium, but I can distuingish the individual pixels on the real machine while watching a laced pic. :D Checkerboard patterns are ofcourse out of this question, but I know whats in the memory behind them. The rest of the structures clearly DOES NOT BLEND on the real thing as the examples Deekay have posted.
2006-05-10 18:46

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362

Do i have to repeat myself? I have a personal *opinion*, appart from technical/theoretical agruments (which i on the other hand agree on). I like one thing better than the other, even though it might be less correct in some aspects.

My bad, i didn't quote correctly! ;-) I wasn't reacting to the "i like this better" sentence but just to the one afterwards about a blended screenshot representing the original more correctly just because it only has 16 colors!


Try lying with my girlfriend.. You're just so good at applying a truth to something totally unrelated. Lying with screenshots is mostly harmless to everybody, though i might be totally mistaken there ;).

Well, *you* started the "lying" analogy! ;-)

Tch: Thanks for that bit of information! ;-)


call me a medium, but I can distuingish the individual pixels on the real machine while watching a laced pic. :D

Well - i can, too! It's just that they're Multicolor pixels, not hires! ;-)


Checkerboard patterns are ofcourse out of this question, but I know whats in the memory behind them. The rest of the structures clearly DOES NOT BLEND on the real thing as the examples Deekay have posted.

Well - d'oh! It's interlace, and it's SUPPOSED to blend! Besides: On the real thing, you most certainly don't have rastering either, so what's your point?
However, you *do* see the horizontal blue lines on the original from the cropping of the Katon picture above - and NOT the pattern from the rastered version!...
2006-05-10 19:11

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
Dk, ok. this is a subjective matter, I prefer "rasterized" version, and close it here :)
2006-05-10 20:38

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 23
I think Ifli is a very good drawing mode.You can get a lot of colour blends.Its very vivid, you can make pictures that really get of the screen.Its so good having the opportunity to make pictures that we cant imagine to see at C64 before 1990.As the graphic designers her know it's very hard to draw with ifli.To make it look good takes heavy effort.But when its done well you can't get enough of watching a ifli picture.I personally don't get too tired of flickering effect when its not very obvious.Its a matter of pleasure.I think a Picture which is drawn with i-fli with effort looks better and vivid.But only when it's done well and without any plagiarism,whichever Picture I can watch them with enthusiasm.This is where everybody here has the same idea.

When it comes to easy converting of a i-fli Picture, when your intentions are bad you can always on every mode can plagiarise.I-fli is maybe easy to convert but it is possible to make convert on other graphic modes, whichever..And with good executed fixes convert pictures can hardly differ from the hand-pixelled ones.There should be workstages.But many workstages I have seen can be obtained by erasing backwards.if we, c64 users , have started to prejudice some pixel drawing methods because they can easily be converted then we should look for riggings at many pixel drawings at amiga and pc until now.Because to convert at them is easier and insignificant.There is no end to this paranoia.People have to be honest at some point.I think its a problem how we can get there, I-fli u-fli multi colour or fli using is not the solution.Its the only way to absolve from paranoia.

When it comes to the advantage of ifli at compos, no compo can be totally just about it.And the ones who join compos at some point have to agree with those terms.There can be great quality difference between a "Fli" and a Bitmap Picture.Many observers don't know about it or neverminds the facts.To avoid the advantege of I-fli at compos not at breakpoints parties but at c64 parties pictures can be shown at great sized tv’s.So people can have an idea about it.I for myself never liked the graphichs which are reflected on curtains:)

2006-05-11 06:46

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 727
I think it would be a fair idea to have separate gfx-compos on parties, one for interlaced gfx and one for non-interlaced. Sadly there usually aren't entries enough though..

I like interlace myself, but at the same time flickering makes me mad. So, do it well or not at all. (Oups, gotta check my own interlaced pictures there.. :).
2006-05-11 07:18

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
HCL, I dont think that makes much sense. At the end what really counts is not the screenmode, but the overall composition and how good the picture ITSELF is, and not the mode.

Sander / Valsary have prooved this by doing FLI like koalas in the end of the 90s.

Here's a speccy example that you can make nice stuff even in sucky modes:

2006-05-11 07:19

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
and another:

2006-05-11 09:20
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 207
voting on parties was always a hot item for long discussions on forums.

on big parties like breakpoint were a lot of people just are pc freaks with a lack of knowledge about the c64 scene and about graphics modes you can imagine that they will vote for the best looking graphics on the bigscreen. and then there are people just vote for friends and the big names....

all in all, the compos never seemed to be a fairplay thing.
it's just a matter of taste and if you are a coder then you will get respect from other coders, when you're a good graphician you probably will get the respect you deserve from other graphicians.

i like the idea of hcl to have separate compos.
even when there aren't so many entries you could do it like that way or you must place an info screen for each entry.

the speccy pix just rule. last time i found somewere a conversion of a speccy pictureshow to the nokia 6600.
one could say these are blocky pictures but they're just so colorful!
2006-05-11 10:55
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
yeah, I remember the annoying interlaces in deus ex machina aswell, ugh...

Which is one of the things which annoy me about the demo.

Dk, ok. this is a subjective matter, I prefer "rasterized" version, and close it here :)

Yes, it would be cool if the C64 could display them aswell. But it can't. What's next? Amiga screenshots for C64 demos, like in the good old times where they put Amiga shots on C64 game covers?
2006-05-11 11:30

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
Graham, nor the blended nor the rasterized "screenshots" are like the original. Both of them are cheating. I prefer the rasterized ones, you prefer the blended ones, end of story.
2006-05-11 22:07

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362
Okay, Oswald, Graham: thread ended, unlike with most arguments on the web we actually reached a consensus that everybody can live with! ;-)

To end this i'd like to post my personal favourites in Speccy-Pictures. I dunno who the guy is, but i assume it's from the same person looking at the style. These two pictures are nothing short of amazing, doing this so colorful in a 2-color 8x8 char-raster _without_ seeing any blocky-ness is just awesome. Since the Speccy palette is the same as the C128 VDC one (except for that dark yellow, which does seem to come out differently depending if you connected your monitor using TTL-RGB or Scart-iRGB!) i can really confirm the colors are a pain to work with, because they're so damn oversaturated you can't do proper shading.
I actually wanted to have a speccy slideshow in Risen from Oblivion, but I couldn't "ignite" Graham for the idea! ;-) The twice-as-high chars of the VDC would've created a problem with the aspect ratio, but i planned on using the scrolling-crunching used here to compensate:

2006-05-12 06:48

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 727
Looks just awesome!!
2006-05-12 06:57

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5076
since a year I think that someone should finally explore the c64 hires mode like spectrum gfxers do their :) Anyone does this will be a new gfx hero :)

we took the step backwards so now instead of fli-> koala is the standard for multicolor, now its time for explore the plain hires mode for full potential :)


these pics also prove my old point: a kewl gfxmode doesnt makes kewl pics, kewl gfxers make kewl pics.(c64 hires anyone ? :)
2006-05-12 09:49

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 434
I'm glad the scene finally is catching up. :-)
2006-05-12 10:49

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1048
Those Speccy pics are really amazing. Hard to believe there's only 2 colors/char.
2006-05-12 15:45

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362

I'm glad the scene finally is catching up. :-)

ROTFL! Good one! ;-)

I've always liked Hires, I've made quite some gfx in AFLI (most of which never were released unfortunately!), actually it's what i started out with (only some Amica Paint and lots of charsets came before!).

Look at Krestyron f.ex., the Crest Logo in the Intro is from that time, that was one of my first Crest-Logo. Yes, it's really AFLI, no Sprites used! ;-) I've managed to do the diagonal line plus dithered colorfades with some _very_ careful arranging.
I used the very very buggy Hires Manager from Cosmos for my work since it allowed block-copy. Good program, but VERY annoying bugs! ;-)

oh, btw: The colorful background behind the scroller in the Krestology Endpart is also hires - plain, no FLI...

But I gotta say your Hires stuff is damn amazing, twoffie! 8) What was that hires conversion of the junkie picture called you were working on on some TP?
2006-05-13 22:01

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 434
The picture from that TP? Hmm, that'd be Big Bird which later was featured in Over the Edge. Actually, that picture featured quite a lot of sprites, but there are a lot of later images which actually are more or less straight hiresimages. The logo in Under the Edge, the Fidel picture in Macho Programming and the blaxplo guy from Sphaeristerium are all in standard hires (2 colors/char), although interlaced. Then I haven't even touched the issue of The Throckmorton Device which features some bigtime experiments with hires+interlace. Some of you guys could rant on all you want about flickering hurting your eyes, but to be frank - hires (1x1 pixel) interlace are mostly not even visible on the real thing, unlike f.ex IFLI.
2006-05-14 12:01

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362

Some of you guys could rant on all you want about flickering hurting your eyes, but to be frank - hires (1x1 pixel) interlace are mostly not even visible on the real thing, unlike f.ex IFLI.

Preach on, brother! ;-) The reason for this is quite simple:
a) c64 pixels aren't square at all but stretched about 33% vertically (draw a block of 20x20 chars on the screen and use your ruler!)
b) PAL blends pixels horizontally much more than vertically (IFLI-line-interlace) -> less delta between the colors because they already are mixed through hires -> less flickering! Draw a hires-char with alternating lines in two colors and then with alternating columns to see what i mean!
c) the smaller the area is that the interlace occurs the less noticeable it is. Hires is already hires, there's no need to fake it through $d016, so with hires interlace YOU decide where the flickering actually is! And if it's just on some tiny antialiasing-pixels, you have to look REALLY hard to see it! ;-)
2006-05-14 14:22

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1065

a) c64 pixels aren't square at all but stretched about 33% vertically (draw a block of 20x20 chars on the screen and use your ruler!)

It varies from monitor to monitor, but 33% is way too much. On my 1901 it's about 10%.
2006-05-14 14:44

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 362
Okay, my monitor seems to be adjusted a bit off, let's say around 15-20%! ;-)
2006-05-14 20:41

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11293
15% is still too much. this has been discussed numerous times before though, there is even a thread here which has the exact numbers (exact as in assuming an "ideal" monitor).
2006-05-16 11:40
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
Quote: Those Speccy pics are really amazing. Hard to believe there's only 2 colors/char.

Not only that, but those 2 colors per char have to be at the same brightness. They can't put light blue/dark blue in the same color cell. That's why they always contrast to black: light black = dark black :)
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