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Registered: Feb 2023 Posts: 137 |
Are there any new Blues compositions or existing covers on the SID?
Or anything like the algorithmic composition in BallBlazer for the Atari 400/800 which is not in the C64 version? |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11406 |
Not every Kakophonie qualifies as Jazz though |
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Registered: Feb 2023 Posts: 137 |
Quote: Not every Kakophonie qualifies as Jazz though
Some people feel some modernist music is a cacophony because we are not used to hearing quarter tones. I tried to keep the modernist measures melodic.
What did you think of the pure Jazz measures in the piece?
If you like them you will like my next release which is all Jazz like that with no modernism. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11406 |
There is nothing "Jazz" in there really. Just semi random blobs of noise. |
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Registered: Feb 2023 Posts: 137 |
Here's a video of my Jazz Improv algorithms for the BASIC10Liner contest in March, and the link to the CSDB download:
GateCrasher Jazz Improv
There are two different algorithms that change up after making it through the gauntlet.
Hope some CSDB musicians will try out the new BASIC this program is written in. It has a programmable score and Music commands for a built in Tracker Sequencer. |
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Hate Bush
Registered: Jul 2002 Posts: 466 |
grandma always told me to be positive, so i will not comment on musical merit and say instead that from programming standpoint it _may_be_ excellent. |
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Registered: Feb 2023 Posts: 137 |
Quoting Hate Bushgrandma always told me to be positive, so i will not comment on musical merit and say instead that from programming standpoint it _may_be_ excellent.
Thanks! Your comment got me thinking the algorithm might be improved if it had a musical arrangement to work with instead of building SID's from scratch.
I have written an algorithm that creates new songs from one SID in a Pong music demo for the BCC#18 party in Berlin.
The video shows new SID's being created on each level. It only played for a minute at the party so didn't get to show any of the new songs being created:
Pong music demo will be uploaded to CSDB shortly. Push up to play in user mode or watch the computer unlock the SID's. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11406 |
How long do i have to wait until it plays music? |
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Registered: Feb 2023 Posts: 137 |
Quote: How long do i have to wait until it plays music?
It took an hour to collect the interesting songs in the video but one or two will play after a few minutes.
I'm back porting it to another demo and hooking up the button to allow immediately generating the next song if the current one is uninteresting. |
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Hate Bush
Registered: Jul 2002 Posts: 466 |
Mr SQL: i skipped through the last video linked here, then skipped through the discussion above. they don't exactly fit each other, wrong thread perhaps? :| |
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Registered: Feb 2023 Posts: 137 |
Quoting Hate BushMr SQL: i skipped through the last video linked here, then skipped through the discussion above. they don't exactly fit each other, wrong thread perhaps? :|
Maybe not.
Watch the video and forward to the middle where the Atari section starts.
Some of the Atari songs sound Blues influenced and some have an Island feel. See what you think, it's the same algorithm on the C64 version. Maybe the more primitive chip is better for the genre. |
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