open a FB account then. it's free :) I'm the guilty one who started the discussion, hehe... I've nothing against you and your petscii art, but -yes- when I saw your entry I indeed thought "oh noes, not here as well!". greetz! Ze'
... and their outright disrespect of European culture and values.
This is why some EU countries start to play the fashist or anti european card, and accepting christian refugees or alike only (they are still at the border there, so still in a refugee state, for the nitpickers).
Of course it is on the other hand totally legit for other members of the EU to come here for a better income or job. They are no economic immigrants of course.
freedom of speech freedom of travel freedom of faith freedom of press
It is meant the other way round: Are we allowed to refuse people for their wrong faith?
And isn't freedom of press in Hungary under high pressure?
Also, those values seem to be good and worth to achieve, that explains why so many want to come here.