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Registered: Nov 2011 Posts: 466 |
Release id #148493 : GhostbyteInSprite
Seems to be related on what vic find "on bus" when try to display "unfetched" sprites data (look what happen just moving previous sprite):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/p8tddep3bovgka0/sprites-02.jpg?dl=0 |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11390 |
calls for a test program :) |
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Registered: May 2002 Posts: 705 |
Quote: Is that really reproducible on the real hw?
EDIT: ah, that's not sprite 0? Maybe it's just the glitch around when new data is fetched. It can visibly appear if sprite 0 is moved far right. And it does not seem 100% the same on all hw.
I have no way of seeing it on the real hardware as this occurs on the far left of the debug border. iirc (need to look at the code again), sprites 5-6 and 7-8 are stacked on the side borders and I had moved sprite 6 and 8 to the left (sprites 6 show the 8 pixel addition but this is removed pixel by pixel when shifting the sprite to the right. (Ghost byte is also clearly visible in the screenshot)
Could be sprites 0-3 that I used.. will have a look later. |
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Registered: Sep 2003 Posts: 1791 |
There: https://sourceforge.net/p/vice-emu/code/HEAD/tree/testprogs/VIC..
The reason there are no references here is that I found some anomalies with collisions around when the coordinates flip over to the next display line. Basically there would be a jittery (temp dependent?) pixel change there. The fetch area as in the above example would also differ slightly between individual machines.
I need to go over that again if we need more accuracy here.
In general I stopped tweaking emulation at points where process/voltage/temperature came into play. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11390 |
ha, was going to suggest the spritescan program =) (as you can see i touched it some days ago...) |
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