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2008-08-16 23:31

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1044
Scene parties & events over the years

For the upcoming Recollection magazine I wanted to host a segment on C64 parties.

When and what was the first big/real party for the C64 scene?

Which parties were wicked and which ones were flops? (why?)

What were some of the crazy incidents that happened at parties? (e.g. the story about the 'teargas incident at TP' or 'fartgas at Dexion'88', fights, strippers, unreleased demos showing on the bigscreen that are still lost like the Too Drunk To Fuck/Upfront etc).

The article should showcase the events that were successful on C64 and promote the details behind the success.

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2008-10-03 07:15

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 200
Quote: First real big party is Dexion 1988 in Denmark.
It's international, and many known sceners are there.
It was on a school in a gym, and we slept in classrooms.

Flop/wicked: Danish Gold 1988.
We arrive at a scout-hut in a forest, and inside is 20 people, no room for more, and outside are 100 people!
So they get a community house fixed in some hours, and we move there. There are power problems, but we have some fun anyway. The party lasts on into the night or 24 oclock, anyhow, it was a 1 day party, but many internationals were there. The nearest food supply is 10 km away or so, and well this was crap. Despite this, I wouldn't call it a complete flop, since so many famous dudes were there.

Fartgas on Dexion 1988: Warp/2000 A.D. has some canisters of fart gas, and sprays some sleeping bags. It's horrible!

Scandal at Dexion 1988: Ecan/Wizax gets caught stealing Starman/Dexion's Final Cartridge.

Some of this has already been told before, but ok, now its for VN...

Elite VS Lamer: On Dexion 1988, think it was Apollon/2000 A.D. sees a demo, or anyhow decides that a guy with his C64 is a LAMER, so he pours the C64 with 1 liter of cola. Cant remember if that killed it..

Jealousy: On Upfront (Esbjerg) party, Blitz/2000 A.D. (who is a graphician), walks with me past some guys to scan whats going on. We stop at a graphician from Thanatos, who has nearly a logo ready (he's working on it). It's quite a nice logo, and thats more than Blitz can handle, so he simply turns off the dude's C64! while saying something like "thats a crappy logo!".

(Hey Blitz :-)

I remember a party with a scout-hut in a forest and far too many people to host it, but was that Danish Gold 1988? People started putting up tables outside on the bumpy grass. I remember that busses later brought us all to a much larger building that could house us all. Johannes Bjerregaard was also at that party.

It was at that party that I had a table with computer equipment falling down on me while sleeping under it. Luckily it didn't hurt much and in a fragment of a second I realized that a hundred eyes were looking at me, so I made sure I maintained my cool as I got out of the mess. What a way to wake up. =D
2008-10-03 07:31

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1764
I think it was this one: Jewels/Danish Gold/Dominators/Upfront Party 1988
and yes, I was there inside the hut! Terribly crowded.
There was so much equipment connected that they had to swap the fuses for nails.
3D even had his microwave oven with him. :)
2008-10-03 07:43

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 200
Quote: I think it was this one: Jewels/Danish Gold/Dominators/Upfront Party 1988
and yes, I was there inside the hut! Terribly crowded.
There was so much equipment connected that they had to swap the fuses for nails.
3D even had his microwave oven with him. :)

Tommerup - yes, that was it! I just added Johannes Bjerregaard and myself to the list of attendants.

I was also lucky to get a seat inside before too many people arrived, but it didn't last long before we had to move on.
2008-10-03 07:53

Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 200
Hexagon Copy Party - wasn't that the one that took place at a small farm?

The one I'm thinking of, Laxity, Johannes Bjerregaard and myself was there. Someone at the party was using a disgusting fart spray (it actually pissed me off at one point). Johannes presented a new music editor he'd made, with a new funky tune in it.
2008-10-03 08:52

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1576
First&worst: Chromance+Faces 1993

Those days were fucking sad around here: war, embargo, people living on base necessities... I was preparing for the party for long weeks, putting away my almost nonexistent pocket money, excitedly looking forward to meet some legendary sceners.
I managed to engage a TV set from the organizers (it was based on a registration basis), so we even packed up a C64 (I remember that we had a lot of trouble with it at the Serbian-Hungarian border).
When we arrived, of course there were no more TV sets, I had to beg the orgs to find us something and in the end they provided us with a low-end russian b/w "Unost" without any sound. We could live with that, but some of the orgs were probably the biggest assholes I've ever seen in my whole life. They were sitting on the center of the stage of the culture club, totally isolated like some judging committee (they probably didn't wanted to risk mixing with the proles), and when I wanted to get up there to ask something (if I remember right, I wanted to beg for some wires to sound up the C64), a certain scener I wouldn't like to name now due to respecting the dead (meh, actually I don't respect him at all, being dead or not), started shouting on me really friendly stuff like "Move away you mutherfucking lamer, this is the organizators' area, you don't have anything to do here, bastard!" or something similar, and then bundled me off from the stage infront of all the people at the party place. From that point the party was mostly ruined for me and I was just sitting in a corner, shocked and really really disappointed (I was 14, a newcomer, mostly met helpful and friendly sceners till that point). I tried to talk to some guys around me but the homely, unpleasant feeling stick to me to the rest of the night.
And then the best part came: around 12-1AM, the organizers trow everyone out into the cold winter due to some trouble with the culture club's owners (?). So most of the visitors had to find a way to avoid freezing off their body parts. As I heard later, they slept over in hallways and corridors around the city. Zombi and I passed the time on the chilly bus station, and after a few hours, left the country with one of my worst, saddest scene-related experience ever.

Well I guess, '93 was still about elite/newcomer-lamer differences, so I could understand the behavior of some people, but it still bothers me sometimes.

Luckily, after a few days, with a help of my friends I gained back my strength and love towards the C64 and continued with the shit :)
2008-10-03 09:15

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5078
at liquid 95 the organizers escaped from the party place, so the visitors held the compos :) but Edhellon could tell more about it, I just heard.
2008-10-03 09:43

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3042
Flag'98 and famous prize-stealing incident. Mc.Valach who was the main coder of The Last Reactor demo was pissed about the fact that he had lots of trouble with this demo (It have to be presented at The Party year back, but orgas fucked up (they said the disk doesn't work and returned it to Mc.Valach). So when he heard this when standing on podium as a winner of demo compo and got a microphone to say something to audience his reaction was, that maybe the orgas stole the prizes. Then Tomact started to trash Mc.Valach in front of audience. Audience shouted "die"... Hungarian c64 dudes came to us to apologise for the incident. Tomcat later came too, but what is it worth to apologise in privacy while insulting someone in front of audience before.


Demobit '95. My first party (that I have also co-orgfanised) Working whole week on a demo "We can't code" (how true) with a special keystroke recording demo timing routine (what a stupid idea it was). recording the demo whole night before the party only to realise that tweaked hypraload is fucked up and only could use part of the visible screen raster time to load. (which is the worst for that). Demobit '95 turned to be a biggest scene party ever held in Slovakia (over 1000 visitors). All scenes you can imagine (8bits, 16 bits (atari amiga), PC) Good ammount releases on all plattforms. The whole active at that time was present at the place (React, Cult, Studio Style probably others but I don't remember). I slept exactly 1 hour at the place which together with the fact that I haven't slept a day before resulted in very hard time at university where we had final week (where you collect credits, do various exams and stuff).
2008-10-04 19:02

Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 144
The Gathering '92 (or was it the '93 one?)

We were seated near the end of a long (40-50m) table, and I had brought an extension cord for the power with 4 outlets (usually most people tend to forget these). A guy next to me asked me politely if he could use one of the outlets, and because it was ok with me, I didn't think more about it.

The extension cord was a 70's thing for use in the living room, and was adequate for lamps an such. I had changed the plug to a grounded one, but the outles was not grounded. I don't remember the exact reason why, but a couple of hours later I checked the cord, which was now getting warm. Of course, this was disturbing, so I discussed it with a friend. Before we reached a conclusion, our screens went black. Looking around, the guys sitting at the end of the table also had black screens. And half the next table!

A quick investigation revealed that my tiny extension cord had melted and short-circuited. I had unknowingly been feeding about 50 people, with their Amigas, C64s, and monitors, with 220V through a lamp cord! No wonder it got hot and melted.

Thinking back, I am very happy that it ended well, because the outcome could've been much, much worse.
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