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2004-08-05 07:54

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5077
LCP 2004 demos

What do you think ?

I'm sad, as there were no real coder's demos.

Afrika - we 've seen all these effects 10 years before

Triad,Flt - The design / theme of the demos were not good
enough to excuse for no spectacular codings.

Effluvium - the code was not good enough to excuse no gfx/design/whatever.

are there really no coders out there, that can come up with new stuff ?
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2004-08-10 15:44

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 51
Hollowman: How fucking predictable can you get? Yeah, I use chunky resolutions, so fucking what? Am I not allowed to have my opinion on what I think looks good? And have I at any point claimed that my demos are the best around?

My taste in demos has nothing to do with me making them, I still like the same kind of demos and graphics that I liked when I began coding. And didn't I say it's a matter of taste, you're allowed to dislike my stuff and I am allowed to dislike yours...
2004-08-10 16:44
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 124
Luca__Am I a stupid borderline dummy user, or should this discussion be never born with those tones and volumes?__

No =), and no. The fact that this thread became as massive as it is, justifies that this is a topic worth discussing. It's something which is anchored deep into the hearts of us all, and it was about time that it all came out. A lot of interesting points have been raised (unfortunately also a lot of less interesting points). It forced me to think carefully about my own ideas, and I'm sure I'm not alone on that. In the end, I will stay by my initial statement that it's all relative.

One thing shone through, though: We care, we like demos, and man, how cool would it be to see a demo which does everything right: cool graphics and music, super code contained in a tight concept/flow package.

So, enough talk: let's get together in teams and make these dream demos a reality already instead of starting flames which lead to frustration, more flames, anger, aggression and ultimately nowhere.

Or you go One Man Army, but that's another thread =D
2004-08-10 17:49

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 474
Quote: Hollowman: How fucking predictable can you get? Yeah, I use chunky resolutions, so fucking what? Am I not allowed to have my opinion on what I think looks good? And have I at any point claimed that my demos are the best around?

My taste in demos has nothing to do with me making them, I still like the same kind of demos and graphics that I liked when I began coding. And didn't I say it's a matter of taste, you're allowed to dislike my stuff and I am allowed to dislike yours...

yes, but do we have to discuss our personal taste in
threads like this?
i think theres a voting system here...
2004-08-11 06:42

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 727
It has been stated before, but i say it again. YOU ARE SO MEAN!!! Is it showing good taste when you start yelling at people who made a demo you don't happen to like. Keep your f**king opinion for your self. Delete the ugly demo and shuthefukkup! And as Hollowman just mentioned, there are voting systems nowadays where you can express your most humble feelings.

Give us something positive instead, keep the demos you like and get inspired from them, or perhaps tell the maker of *that* demo how much you like it. .. Kids!
2004-08-11 08:06

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5077
hollowman: I think it's natural that I defend my demos against your opinion, everyone would do so. But in one thing we agree, maybe I shouldnt attack other's demos if I cant stand the critics myself. However in some cases I felt you were simply unfair.

As for thoughts like "you dont review flowers" (KF), "dont watch it if you dont like it", "keep your opinions", "this is childish":

- Even amongst flowers are ones I like and ones I dont, and sometimes I *do* discuss that.
- Atleast once I have to watch it. Thats enough to start complaining.
- Calling demos Art is a bit too much IMHO, but looking it at this way, arent paintings reviewed ? Arent there forums to discuss music ? etc. Ever heard a poet/actor/etc telling the critics they shouldn't read/watch their poem/film if they dont like it ?
2004-08-11 08:31

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 51
HCL & Hollowman: well, I just wanted to express my opinion about the LCP2004-demos in a thread about LCP2004-demos. I do realise that the things about concept-demos in my message was perhaps unnecessary and offtopic, and it wasn't aimed at the LCP-demos at all. So I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings...
2004-08-11 09:29

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 253
oswald: what are demos if they are not art? would you atleast agree that it is a way of expressing and exploring ones creative output?

is it a way of playing? of being in a flow? a way of communicating?
2004-08-11 09:42

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 338
I like roses, at least the ones that smell nice. But they would have been so much better without all those nasty thorns. I'm sad that noone has made more thornless roses. Sure, we have Pax Amanda, Pax Apollo and Pax Iola - but they were released in 1938, and that's like *ages* ago.
2004-08-11 11:07

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5077
macx: Creative output, thats the right word, tho Art (with big "A") could be titled like that aswell. Anything can be called Art. But in its everyday meaning I dont think its applicable to demos.

This brings to me to the fact, that I disagree that demos must have concept, they need a story, whatsoever. Look back where did we come from.

Why should we put a one word sticker onto demos ?

As I used to read on web pages that define demo:

It's a multimedia presentation of graphics music and code, that is made to show the creators best skills, and the best they can pull out of the platform.

(now maybe this is why concept demos fail to make me smile)

mermaid: hey, I promise whenever we will meet on a party, I will bring you a thornless rose, and have a chat about flowers ;)

2004-08-11 11:19

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 434
My last released article, "Borderline", was for sure not produced with the intentions of making a demo. It's intentionally made as an art-experiment and was well recieved amongst both the audience, the artworld and the newspapers, so what do you suggest I call it, Oswald?
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