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2007-06-24 03:16

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
C64 Emulator Bugs

after stumbling about a bunch of VICE bugs myself in the last couple of days i have decided to compile a list with issues current emulators have. the goals for this are

- make people aware that emulators are by far not perfect (yet?)
- make it easier for emulator authors to improve the emulators, by showing problematic programs and possibly provide simple testcases
- allow c64 coders to implement emulator detection if desired

so well, check this: http://hitmen.c02.at/files/docs/c64/c64_emulator_bugs.txt

help welcomed :)
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2007-08-13 19:09

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1762
Quote: There were no changes in the C64 engine, as I understood from the change log.

Few changes there, yes.

You can browse differences here: http://viceplus.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/viceplus/branches/vi..
2007-08-13 20:29
Account closed

Registered: Jun 2006
Posts: 645
I have to add that the endscroller crashes just after the last japanese text. In Hoxs64 continues correctly.

that also happens on real c64 sometimes. try using 1541-II as drive, loader is more compatible with that (according to Krill himself)

2007-08-13 21:20
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3178
Quote: Quote:
I have to add that the endscroller crashes just after the last japanese text. In Hoxs64 continues correctly.

that also happens on real c64 sometimes. try using 1541-II as drive, loader is more compatible with that (according to Krill himself)


Of course 1541-II has to be used, else you won't get to the end of side 2. Still crashes in vice 1.22, works on hoxs64 which uses a 1541-II rom.
2007-08-14 16:50

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1762
From #x64dtv-dev:
[18:42] nojoopa: BTW there's a bug in vice 1.22, SH[SXY]_ABS_[XY] take 1 CLK too much. Tested with vice 1.21 & 1.22 using tsuit215. Fixed in viceplus. Sent a bug report to viceteam.
[18:44] nojoopa: Opcodes coming up...
[18:46] nojoopa: 9B, 9C, 9E & 9F.

Fixed builds coming up in the x64dtv thread...
2007-08-16 08:56

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1762
From #x64dtv-dev:
[10:39] kiesel: Found a nasty bug in x64 monitor (WATCHing zeropage addresses fails for zeropage opcodes). Fortunately this bug doesn't appear in x64dtv since the optimization that breaks this is disabled in x64dtv ;-).
[10:46] _tlr: Hi
[10:46] _tlr: Interesting bug! Is it there in 1.21?
[10:46] _tlr: Or is it only in viceplus?
[10:48] kiesel: It's in VICE 1.20, 1.21, 1.22 and in VICEplus (not x64dtv). I sent a bug report already.
[10:48] _tlr: Cool! Can you tell me some more details, and I'll post a snippet of this to the bug thread on csdb?
[10:50] kiesel: It's only for the monitor, not the actual 6502 emulation, so it might be not that interesting for csdb - but still, if someone wants to use the monitor, it's better if you know that bug ;-)
[10:50] kiesel: Just a moment
[10:51] kiesel: Enter monitor... then...
[10:51] kiesel: a c000 lda $80
[10:51] kiesel: .c002 jmp $c000
[10:51] kiesel: .c005
[10:51] kiesel: (C:$c005) watch 80
[10:51] kiesel: WATCH: 1 C:$0080 load store enabled
[10:51] kiesel: (C:$c005) g c000
[10:51] kiesel: (no watch break)
2007-08-16 09:14

Registered: Jun 2002
A bug I discovered in VICE when I coded on The Wild Bunch was that the timing when an NMI interrupts an IRQ setup was incorrect. IIRC it was 4 cycles too much in comparison to the real thing. All I remember was that I had to take special precautions to old CIA, new CIA and VICE CIA. I'll try setup a test case someday or if somebody else cares to look at it.
2007-08-17 17:38

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 1510
Bug in Anal TV concerning Vice, CCS64 and Hoxs:
Crashes after loading the third part, identical on all three emulators. I figure the diskimage is bad, anyone got a good one?
2007-08-17 21:10

Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 1762
@jackasser: A test program for this would be very useful! Both for vice and for the x64dtv emulation.
2007-08-29 00:55

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
i have updated the list again, check http://hitmen.c02.at/files/docs/c64/c64_emulator_bugs.txt and review :)

steppe: did you check on the real thing?
2007-09-18 18:18

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
Disk-drive problem I've found in WinVice v1.22:

After receiving a copy of Krill's loader (version 22) for an upcoming project, the loader does not seem to be compatible in loading files under a 1541 or 1541-II disk drive attached (testing with ONE device attached as instructed)... on all other drives it works fine. The installation of the drive code works, but after execution command (M-E) the drive LED is on and drive itself seems to freeze. Krill said that the loader does work on HIS version of Vice, which is version 1.20 - so it seems it's a bug in version 1.22 (when drive LED enhancement was put in.)

Previous 2006 demos like "The Wild Bunch" and "Aurora 85%-90%" which use Krill's loader - all seem to work fine, but that may be because it's using an older version of the loader.

I then installed an older version of Vice (1.21) and tested the loader on that, and it worked perfectly.

I then checked all v1.22 ROMs stored in the DRIVE folder, but they are exactly the same as the ROMs in older versions, so it's not the ROMs that's causing this particular problem.
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