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Forums > CSDb Feedback > Subtypes for tools?
2011-11-16 00:04

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 513
Subtypes for tools?

Was this suggested before? I cannot believe it was not :)

Please, oh pretty please, let's have a subtype for 'C64 Tool' - we have mode for the gfx, why can't we have something for this one?? It's so logical I think... At the very least to have 'Gfx tool', 'Sound tool', 'Disk tool', 'Packer' etc.

It such a pain in the ass to look for tools here when you're developing a release or want to do something very specific. And you're convinced there is already a tool to do it, but most querries return squat. My example: I was looking for something for automatic transfer from turbo-tapes to disk, and no querry returned A.T.T.A.C V1.0 - I spotted it in the comments of some other tool, whereas A.T.T.A.C V1.0 was the only one which met all my requirements. Same for gfx-to-char converters, for example ;)
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2011-11-19 20:43

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11384
on the other hand, let us not lose the point of it (improvement towards end users) and that is why I object towards reducing it dramatically, because at some point the added value of having only few subcategories will be none because they will become so generic that searches will again return too many entries.

i think the key to that is multi selection. ie, have a bunch of categories which by itself are as generic as possible, but which can be combined with each other. the problem with having more than a few categories is that many will not bother to check which will fit best, and when it becomes to fine grained then its even hard to tell what category is correct. also noone bothers to read how they are defined, and everyone has his own pet theory of what category a certain something belongs to and why =) so it must be as simple as possible aswell.
2011-11-19 21:21

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 513
I have my doubts if multiselection is a good idea. I created the above categories in a way that there is IMHO little possibility to overlap, that was my initial thinking.
2011-11-19 22:17

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11384
sure, but thats because of your own pet theory of what is important and what isnt and what deserves a more specific category and what not :)
2011-11-19 23:16

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 513
Instead of paternizing ;) go ahead and propose a reduced list, also by giving examples of things that can be EASILY (I stress the word) placed in two categories.

I have a tendency to be easily convinced by facts ;)
2011-11-19 23:21
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1932
What about:

Assembler (including Monitors)
BBS / Modem
Cartridge / ROMs (to include Kernals)
Data base (Somehow I feel this would be a lonely tag)
Demo making
Game making
Graphics (including Characters, Sprites and all)
Messaging / Texting

and see how it develops then. Any category with less than a dozen entries is useless and I could hardly think of 10 database programs really.
2011-11-19 23:42

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2928
Yeah, Database probably falls under Other.

I think if we're going to have a simple category like Disk, then we should clean a few of the others up a bit. Instead of Messaging/Texting, why not simply Text?

With a few tiny changes I believe the CZ list is the best so far. Keeps the list small and understandable. I'm guessing if there is any issues in six or eight months the list can be tweaked to enhance the categories?
2011-11-19 23:46
Account closed

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 137
CZ, the question becomes what constitutes a database. Would it be a general database, a contact database like(contact dealer, or others), a program filer database(ie dcmr, etc.) Not trying to make it more difficult, but sub categories could be made ad infinitum.


ps. posted this response, then saw moloch's. Talk about variations on a theme. That pretty much sums up what I was getting at as well.
2011-11-20 11:34

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 513
OK, so now it looks like this:

1	Assembler		(assemblers, monitors)
2	BBS / Modem	
3	Cartridge / ROMs	(cartridge images, cartridge tools, Kernals)
4	Compression		(charpackers, crunchers, zippers, archivers, packing systems)
5	Copying			(protectors, coders, copiers)
6	Data base		(data bases, catalogue tools, spreasheets, vote counters)
7	Demo development	(intro makers, demo makers)
8	Diagnostics		(testers)
9	Disk  			(turboloaders, loadersystems, disk editors, dir editors, formatters)
10	Game development	(map editors, seuck)
11	Graphics		(bitmap editors, character editors, viewers, cleaners, converters, sprite tools, animation tools)
12	Music			(music editors, rippers, relocators, players)
13	Other	
14	Programming		(interpreters, compilers)
15	Tape			(turboloaders, head adjusters)
16	Text			(notemakers, writers, docs makers, text editors, mag editors)

I kept "data base", because now I think also vote counters would fall under that category (of which we have now 14 in csdb :D). And I personally prefer "development" which sounds better than "making". Is that fine with everyone? ;)
2011-11-20 19:00

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2928
I also prefer the "development" wording, always sounds a lot better than "maker". ;)
2011-11-20 19:47
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1932
I dont really care there, but if I take a look at stuff we would list under "demo devel/making" -- tons of intro and demo _makers_ :)

Why not stick to the wording the scene has used for decades? :)

Mind you - when we were in school and getting our first english lessons long words were just no good. Or tricky letter combinations as often seen on packers displaying "lenght" :)
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