To me, it seems GT2/U removes unused table entries and patterns upon export, but doesn't optimize much else.
Hi, I've heard some of your AHX work. Good stuff!
Keep in mind that no matter what you choose, SID tracking in general is more involved than using other trackers. Editing sounds requires the use of "tables", which are like lists of effect commands without much abstraction to guide you along. You can also set the length and speeds of individual channels independent of each other, which can become a bit hard to manage if you attempt it.
While I only know GTUltra, I find it quite comfortable, and its workflow is quite similar to Amiga MOD. (Hint: clicking on the labels above the tables will expand them into a more human-readable form). The only difference between GTUltra and GT2 is the interface. To me, it seems GT2/U removes unused table entries and patterns upon export, but doesn't optimize much else.
I believe SID Factory II is based on JCH's old music editor, which has its own slightly different workflow (especially regarding pattern management), but it does have some more capability than GT2 (such as full 12-bit cutoff control and arpeggio tables). It also has different music drivers you can select that each have a different amount of capability and resource usage, but overall its standard driver seems to use a bit more resources than GT2/U.
The latency is something that doesn't seem to be avoidable (at least on my PC), probably because SID emulation is quite involved.
The way to minimize the silence between notes can differ between editors, and it can depend on what kind of sound you want, as there are multiple ways to do it. In GT2/U, the least buggy way to do it is to set HR/Gate to either $01 or $82. This will result in only 1 frame of silence between notes. $01 will result in a "harder" attack, while $82 will result in a "softer/looser" attack. You can remove the silence altogether by setting the 1st Frame Wave to something other than 0/test, but that may result in glitches.
Good luck composing! I'm looking forward to hearing what you come up with on the SID.
It's quite common these days to have tunes with 6-8 KB or even more in music competitions. Especially from the top notch artists that deliver complex compositions and sound design.
Regarding editor / player: I found it very helpful to start with SID-Wizard on a real C64 and trying the PC emulation based trackers afterwards. It's way more easy to differ between user error and emulation limits this way. Even SID-Wizard in a recent VICE I think is a little more accurate than SF II or GT2 and its forks when it comes to the details. Because of this Cadaver made GoatTracker V2.xx Tweak Utility as an option to tweak your GT2 tunes on a real machine.
Anyone got any idea about how much the driver for GT2 and the drivers for SID Factory II differs when it comes to CPU utilization?
I doubt that I'm gonna do anything technically fancy just yet, so any songs that I produce shouldn't be in much need of tweaking.