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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #141198 : Refugees Welcome
2015-09-16 11:56

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
Release id #141198 : Refugees Welcome

I heard, this release needs an extra discussion thread, now go and throw shit everyone :-D
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2015-09-17 10:41

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 363
Just to point this out: Syria was doing fine and was economically striving, the people there had a high standard of living, and many religions lived peacefully side by side (which is quite a feat in the middle east!) - when some assholes suddenly decided it was in need for more "democracy", best provided by the religious zealots we've been hedging since the early 80s! It's definately not like ISIS suddenly manifested itself out of thin air: http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/09/14/isis-is-us-the-empire-an..
2015-09-17 10:46

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 363
..all of which is, btw, the *exact* same situation as it was in Libya! Both Assad and Gaddafi may not be thoroughbred democrats, but then again: who is? Our governments? That wage wars nobody wants and that negotiate secret agreements that the people are not allowed to know about (TTIP)? Most certainly not!..
2015-09-17 12:08

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5095
freedom of press is not under pressure?

Opposition's klub radio was denied a chanel because in the tender they didnt number the empty back pages? While at the winner this wasnt a problem ?

one of the leading new portal's leader stepped down, because the goverment asked to kick him out, because he asked about travel fees of a politician.

The goverment has made special tax rules to drive off the scene one of the commercial chanels - RTL klub, and currently one of Orban's oligarch is planning to buy the 2nd biggest commercial channel Mr Andrew Vajna (terminator producer), he can allow it hence the goverment got him for cheap almost all Casinos in the country and huge amounts of tax discount.

this country works like russia these days, a little lighter, but it is very similar.
2015-09-17 12:13

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
Quoting Jailbird
Quoting Bitbreaker
It is meant the other way round: Are we allowed to refuse people for their wrong faith?

No, we are not. But the people who are currently denied from entering Hungary are not refused to enter because of their faith (there are plenty of Christians among them).

This was directed to the statement from the polish side (Isildur). Yet i haven't even asked how many of those who favour that practice are practising christian belief even :-D My fair guess, many don't give a shit about religion at all (accepted), but shelter behind that as an excuse.
2015-09-17 12:30

Registered: Sep 2006
Posts: 275
Quote: Quoting Jailbird
Quoting Bitbreaker
It is meant the other way round: Are we allowed to refuse people for their wrong faith?

No, we are not. But the people who are currently denied from entering Hungary are not refused to enter because of their faith (there are plenty of Christians among them).

This was directed to the statement from the polish side (Isildur). Yet i haven't even asked how many of those who favour that practice are practising christian belief even :-D My fair guess, many don't give a shit about religion at all (accepted), but shelter behind that as an excuse.

This was directed to the statement from the polish side (Isildur). Yet i haven't even asked how many of those who favour that practice are practising christian belief even :-D My fair guess, many don't give a shit about religion at all (accepted), but shelter behind that as an excuse.

Quoting Jailbird
Quoting Bitbreaker
It is meant the other way round: Are we allowed to refuse people for their wrong faith?

This was directed to the statement from the polish side (Isildur). Yet i haven't even asked how many of those who favour that practice are practising christian belief even :-D My fair guess, many don't give a shit about religion at all (accepted), but shelter behind that as an excuse.

I meant their arrogant behavior (riot) not religion.
And about EU fascism, hmmm... this is a quotation about Islam:
"Islam teaches that non-Muslims are less than fully human. Muhammad said that Muslims can be put to death for murder, but that a Muslim could never be put to death for killing a non-Muslim."

How do you like it?
2015-09-17 12:42

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 363
What we definately need less of is criticism of foreigners or foreign governments, and more cirticism of something we *can* do something about: Our own governments (and their policies).. Glenn Greenwald has an interesting article on this matter: nnedhttps://theintercept.com/2015/09/15/great-bbc-interview-british..
2015-09-17 12:44

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
There's no doubt that this is just as fascist, but how many of the peace-seeking immigrants (sic!) stick to that paradigm? Those 94 that i care about in the village i live are all in awe for the bit of help that i and a couple of dozens of others do for them. It is the best practise to overcome fears, prejudices and worries, and also the best source of getting to know their backgrounds and shit that they went through. They fight for their lives and families and would do anything to be successful. Nothing in comparison to our drive that we can bring up in our comfort zone. I'd pretty much also just give a shit on a fence than getting my ass bombed out. Do you really think they have the nerves to ask politely if it is okay for us others to flee?
2015-09-17 13:05
Account closed

Registered: Dec 2006
Posts: 30
People who believe that at the hungarian border it's 'just' Syrians whose houses have been bombed by 'us', are completely ignorant of the facts and it's very little use debating issues when you even fail to have such elementary knowledge of this situation...
2015-09-17 13:09

Registered: May 2013
Posts: 16
theres no such thing as an evil religion, its always down to the people how to get along with each other (and im not a big fan of religions in general).
there are many examples of very peaceful muslim communities (here in germany and everyhwere else).
what makes people go radical and drives them into the hands of self prcolaimed "spiritual leaders" is the sheer amount of unbalance in wealth, knowledge and freedom on this planet and something tells me that closing borders and building walls to protect "whats rightfully ours" (is it really?) while continueing to make a happy profit with military equipment and weapons doesnt help that much either.
this world is very, very large and complex and no single mind can ever understand whats going on in detail. so maybe instead of trying to know everything better we should just concentrate on the basic virtues that make us and our society human and the "highest evolved species" we are so very proud of in the first place...
tl;dr: make love not war.
now you can call me a fucking hippie or something...
2015-09-17 13:15

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 508
Quote: People who believe that at the hungarian border it's 'just' Syrians whose houses have been bombed by 'us', are completely ignorant of the facts and it's very little use debating issues when you even fail to have such elementary knowledge of this situation...

Feel free to explain it in detail to us uneducated, ignorant and uninformed people.
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