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Forums > C64 Composing > How do you start composing?
2006-08-29 16:36
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 78
How do you start composing?


I have ever wondered, how somebody creates a music?
Can somebody tell some about that, how he is composing, and i loaded a few time music software into my machine, but i don't know how should I start.

Can somebody tell me how he/she starts composing music?


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2006-08-30 19:58

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 423
Which sparks a terrible idea...what if we all made a tune each from the same chord progression?
2006-08-30 20:21

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3057
I would rather hear tunes attempting to sing the same "lyrics" using vocoder-like sounds. ;-)
2006-08-31 17:44

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 547
@Creamd: well, they don't sound too much like speech/vocoder anyways... not enough resonance in the SID, is one of the reasons. ;)
2006-08-31 18:03

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
well, i start from the percussion and bassline, then add chords and lead in the end. strange, isn't it? melody is created on the fly, i NEVER make any notes before composing, 100% improvisation :D:D:D
2006-08-31 21:12
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 70
I guess that's where your name comes from, eh?
2006-09-01 01:06

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1336
nah, read handle story ;)
2006-09-12 19:07
markus sinalco
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Registered: Sep 2005
Posts: 112
I only did one "tune" until now, but the way was as following:
I recieved a Soundexample from Thomas in minor with one predefined instrument,
I changed the 4/4 rythm from minor to major, deleted the Rest,
Added a melody (typed on c64keyb.) and 3 more Sounds I could invent
(Bus, Arp and faceclap) and ready was the mini tune!

Not that impressing, but another way round...
2006-09-12 21:37

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 547
oh, I forgot to mention.... I usually switch my c64 on, before I start composing a tune!
2006-09-14 16:34
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Registered: Jan 2006
Posts: 9
Hmm.. I get inspiration to make music in various ways. Sometimes I am playing around with some VSTi-plugin just to toy with the sounds and then I manage to create interesting arpeggio or other effect and I start thinking - maybe I could reproduce something similar in SID!

The other way is that I am somewhere else, like smoking .. then I get an idea like "Hmm, I wonder how it would sound if I used ringmod and sync with the waveform $5 at the same time while using a thin pulse arpeggio with it" or stuff like that (ok, it's a bad example but I hope the point is understood).. So I might just get suddenly some kind of idea that I haven't tried before, and I start toying around and usually it sounds very different than I imagined but then it might inspire me to do something else, then I might try on a bassline or something and suddenly I am in the middle of composing a tune!

Another way is when I just start toying around with some effects just for fun and add stuff and modify and tweak and then I figure 'well, this would be a nice place to put some melody in' or I may feel a certain kind of melody would fit in and then I might try it and it expands into a song.

In the very beginning I usually started with some kind of very simple bassline and then added the chords and then just invented melody .. this is the simplest way to compose imho. Then I realize it's kinda boring to repeat it too much so I make something entirely different (and nowadays with different tempo too) in the middle, and then I might continue very differently after the middle part .. or I might return again with the original theme (this is rare for me but I have heard it's interesting to the listener so I might try to make such stuff in the future) .....

I have always wanted to create an 'adventure' as a song. I mean, so that it changes all the time, taking you to new places, moods and emotions many times before ending or starting to loop .. I'd like to surprise the listener by perhaps repeating some thing a couple of times and then changing totally and never repeating again .. I am a very impatient person by nature so I guess it's natural to want the song to progress quickly too. Though if changing too much too soon and too often, might sound pretty bad too. I made one such worktune and agh, it became terrible. The individual parts might be promising in it but as a whole it is just too 'restless', it just doesn't work.

There are so many aspects in musicmaking that I don't think I will ever learn them all properly to actually make a nice tune.

Also, I sometimes change moods in the midst of composing and the song suffers because it can change from 'cosmic' to 'fusion jazz' all of the sudden ;)

There is one more way that I start composing - if I hear something that inspires me. And usually it's a neat or nice tune, that is not TOO great - I mean it can be great but not too great to discourage me, if you know what I mean. Because if it's "bad enough", but yet somehow neat, I get the feeling "Hey, I can do that! And I might even improve on it !" .. (Hard to explain..)

Though sometimes even the great ones inspire me, but in those cases I might try to do something similar .. For example I might pick up a bass-structure, a neat chord-usage , cute 'arpeggio-type-things' or stuff like that .. Some SNes games have inspired me to create a couple of tunes as they have had something I have picked up. (I even made a very accurate (imho) SID-conversion of one SNes tune (Super Bomberman 4 Game Ending tune), though I used 4 SID voices (all filtered) separately and recorded them and put some echo in them and put them all together in Renoise.. so this is not actually a SID-tune per se, but it uses SID instruments only. It can be found at my homepage at http://www.monk.jossain.com/UltraSpace.mp3

But I must say that I added a bit of filtered pulse melody in it because the original song is very short and repeats and I wanted to create some melody within it too .. I only wanted to tell this story to explain how some SNes games and such other stuff can be quite an inspiration to me sometimes)

Very rarely I just sit in front of an editor and start doing something.. There is usually an idea I want to try or inspiration from somewhere. Lately I have been focusing on trying 'odd' or 'very long' arpeggios just to hear how they would sound. There are still tons of ideas for me to explore with the SID .. It seems it will continue always..

- Monk
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