;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ ;GT2 config file. Rows starting with ; are comments. Hexadecimal parameters are ;to be preceded with $ and decimal parameters with nothing. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;reSID buffer length (in milliseconds) 100 ;reSID mixing rate (in Hz) 44100 ;Hardsid device number (0 = off) 0 ;reSID model (0 = 6581, 1 = 8580) 1 ;Timing mode (0 = PAL, 1 = NTSC) 0 ;Packer/relocator fileformat (0 = SID, 1 = PRG, 2 = BIN) 0 ;Packer/relocator player address $1000 ;Packer/relocator zeropage baseaddress $fc ;Packer/relocator player type (0 = standard ... 3 = minimal) 0 ;Key entry mode (0 = Protracker, 1 = DMC) 0 ;Pattern highlight step size 4 ;Speed multiplier (0 = 25Hz, 1 = 1X, 2 = 2X etc.) 2 ;Use CatWeasel SID (0 = off, 1 = on) 0 ;Hardrestart ADSR parameter $ff00 ;reSID interpolation (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = distortion, 3 = distortion & on) 3 ;Hexadecimal pattern display (0 = off, 1 = on) 0 ;SID baseaddress $d400 ;Finevibrato mode (0 = off, 1 = on) 1 ;Pulseskipping (0 = off, 1 = on) 1 ;Realtime effect skipping (0 = off, 1 = on) 1 ;Random reSID write delay in cycles (0 = off) 0 ;Custom SID clock cycles per second (0 = use PAL/NTSC default) 0 ;HardSID interactive mode buffer size (in milliseconds, 0 = maximum/no flush) 20 ;HardSID playback mode buffer size (in milliseconds, 0 = maximum/no flush) 400 ;reSID-fp distortion rate 0.500000 ;reSID-fp distortion point 3300000.000000 ;reSID-fp distortion CF threshold 0.000100 ;reSID-fp type 3 base resistance 1147036.500000 ;reSID-fp type 3 base offset 274228800.000000 ;reSID-fp type 3 base steepness 1.006663 ;reSID-fp type 3 minimum FET resistance 16125.155273 ;reSID-fp type 4 k 5.500000 ;reSID-fp type 4 b 20.000000 ;reSID-fp voice nonlinearity 0.961316 ;Window type (0 = window, 1 = fullscreen) 0 ;Base pitch of A-4 in Hz (0 = use default frequencytable) 0.000000