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2007-06-24 03:16

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
C64 Emulator Bugs

after stumbling about a bunch of VICE bugs myself in the last couple of days i have decided to compile a list with issues current emulators have. the goals for this are

- make people aware that emulators are by far not perfect (yet?)
- make it easier for emulator authors to improve the emulators, by showing problematic programs and possibly provide simple testcases
- allow c64 coders to implement emulator detection if desired

so well, check this: http://hitmen.c02.at/files/docs/c64/c64_emulator_bugs.txt

help welcomed :)
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2008-07-22 19:49
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Registered: Jun 2007
Posts: 343
I edited my release goof remarks accordingly.

thanks for this and for extensive testing. most people just post "Teh Sihte doesnt wurk in VICE" and dont bother to check in the other emus let alone the real thing;)
2008-11-02 14:02
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3178
Magic Risk/Rebels
Magic Risk

part "E.*" shows only a black screen in Vice 2.x
Works in Hoxs64
2008-11-04 07:44
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 48
Quote: Magic Risk/Rebels
Magic Risk

part "E.*" shows only a black screen in Vice 2.x
Works in Hoxs64

This is fixed in SVN trunk now. Thanks for the report.
2008-11-04 19:50
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3178
Quote: This is fixed in SVN trunk now. Thanks for the report.

Thank you for the prompt fix. Rebuilt today and demo works now.
I've here some new patches to submit, testing now.
2008-11-04 19:55
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3178

- [vice] FlyingSharkPreview+-Ikari&FAC Flying Shark Preview +
"Another one here... When running it in Vice it goes into grey screen and gives cpu jam. If I run it on the real c64 and on ccs it works fine."

Doesn't run because there is a wrong JMP $0810 in the relocating code after
the intro, which should be JMP $080D.
(C:$045e) d 45e
.C:045e   A9 36      LDA #$36
.C:0460   85 01      STA $01
.C:0462   A0 B7      LDY #$B7
.C:0464   A2 00      LDX #$00
.C:0466   BD 00 18   LDA $1800,X
.C:0469   9D 00 08   STA $0800,X
.C:046c   E8         INX
.C:046d   D0 F7      BNE $0466
.C:046f   EE 68 04   INC $0468
.C:0472   EE 6B 04   INC $046B
.C:0475   88         DEY
.C:0476   D0 EC      BNE $0464
.C:0478   4C 10 08   JMP $0810   ; A here is $FF, fetched from $CEFF

(C:$0834) d 080d
.C:080d   78         SEI
.C:080e   A9 34      LDA #$34
.C:0810   85 01      STA $01    ;<- sets $01 = $ff when jumping here
.C:0812   A0 C4      LDY #$C4
.C:0814   B9 3C 08   LDA $083C,Y
.C:0817   99 F8 00   STA $00F8,Y

A quick workaround to make it work in any emu and real C64 without patching
the prg is to load it and, before running, issue this poke:
POKE 52991,0:RUN
Or simply fill the memory with 0, but the only important location is $CEFF.
This way at the end of relocation A would be 0, $01 will be set to all ram
and the depack will occour without problems.
CCS64 have reversed fill patterns, and it has $00 at $CEFF, that's why this
crack works there. A real C64, Vice and Hoxs have $ff there, unless you fill
the memory in a different way, of course.
2008-11-05 11:17
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Registered: Jun 2006
Posts: 645
I don't know if this is the right place to post, but here we go...

I was wondering when we can get some ACTUAL fullscreen support in vice under linux... since as it is now, it just 'zooms in'.. meaning that if I move my cursor around I can just navigate across my desktop...

if MPlayer and VLC can go fullscreen, why can't Vice? I know that vice's fullscreen mode changes res, but it would be nice if there was an option to just scale the image or something (with or without keeping aspect ratio).

oh, and for christs sake.. please add a "force true drive emulation" option... I don't see the whole point in NOT having it on anyways...

2008-11-05 12:13
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Registered: Jun 2007
Posts: 343
I was wondering when we can get some ACTUAL fullscreen support in vice under linux... since as it is now, it just 'zooms in'.. meaning that if I move my cursor around I can just navigate across my desktop...

you have a better chance of having your feature request considered if you post it on sourceforge,this thread is for C64 Emulator Bugs ie.progs that dont work or work incorrectly in the emus.
2008-11-05 12:50

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
there is a sdl port in the works (which will have a user interface vaguely similar to ccs) - that one will easily do "real" fullscreen :)

and the truedrive thing... it will be in 2.1 *afaik* :)
2009-01-03 14:51

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 1570
Found a bug in the DTV emulator of WinVice 2.1.
I checked, and this bug was also in the VicePlus 1.10 version.

It's about the implementation of the $D03C DTV-VIC address.
If $D011 is set to #$1B and bits 5 (cpu bad line disable) and/or 6 (chunky enable) of $D03C are set, Vice should give garbage on the screen but instead it gives a normal picture.

Just found that out while testing Of je worst lust
2009-01-29 22:11
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3178
[Vice 2.1/2.1.2]
These are all VIC-II issues in Vice found while I was ripping intros from these releases, they all work in Hoxs and CCS:

Lemon Blues +2PH/Avantgarde
Some "garbage" shown until logo appears.

Tank +/Triangle
Sprite logo in upper border flashes, should be stable.

Screen is instable
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