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Forums > CSDb Discussions > Stash vs. Secret Man - ooh the csdb drama!
2008-03-14 22:15

Registered: Nov 2006
Posts: 840
Stash vs. Secret Man - ooh the csdb drama!

Well, since no-one else is gonna complain about this, I'll volunteer, after all I have no shame...

First up, round one, secret man wanks his knob off with:
Hidden Cam

Then the dudes in SWA own him in round 2 with:
The 3 ho-men need privacy

followed by another fucktard release from secret chav:
Onslaught's Elite

(with possible ripped code from here: Piccolo Mouso)

Honestly, this is becoming indescribably pathetic. Yes, stash is wanting to further prove how corrupt and bent secret man & wanderer are (we all got the point from day fuckin' one), but this war has been constant for nearly 2-3 years now (or probably more as I don't know how long this shit has really been going for) and all it's doing is corroding this site to nothing but shite. A couple or more bad apples out of the whole load of generic scene releases CAN affect on one's sympathies you know... don't be afraid to admit it.

@Moderators, either you sort out this mess or be guaranteed that more better and well behaved sceners may leave this site for good.... but still, who gives a fuck anymore? The site is already destroyed... and has been for a while, too. Let the secret man play, it'll just build up his retarded portfolio in due course I guess.

Oh and btw, I don't enjoy witnessing a group that I am proudly a member of being piss-taken by a cunttard scener, just because that stash is also a member.

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2008-03-18 16:40

Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 109
Quote: Why exactly is this scene so hung up on retardation? It seems the number one thing, to do around here, is call others retards. I don't get that. Having hoped for a more positive scene in the year 2008, but it seems already that won't happen. It is still possible if everyone wanted!

Ironic for me is that a year ago I was grouped with stash and called a retard by secretman. Now I got grouped with secretman and called a retard by stash. Then again, I am used to being hated by everyone - by some for their reasons or simply because it is fashionable to do so.

Since the beginning of the scene there are federations against some lamer and group/lamer wars. Even in 2008. It got nothing to do with fashionable reason or so ;)

As if the complete scene is negative by having Stash and Secret Man in the middle?! :S

No, I think the scene is more positive than ever. Just ignore these kids and do your thing :)
2008-03-18 16:52

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 474
Quoting FMan

Why exactly is this scene so hung up on retardation? It seems the number one thing, to do around here, is call others retards. I don't get that. Having hoped for a more positive scene in the year 2008, but it seems already that won't happen. It is still possible if everyone wanted!

You mean like the positivity you showed when you headed over to the retrohackers forum and started bashing different projects? Ofcourse a fully 1541 compatible sd card solution with utility cartridge and reu functionality is totally pointless compared to the magnificient stuff you pull off with only unlimited spare time at hand.

But on the positive side I heard that you have stopped frequenting irc, so perhaps hating you will become less fashionable when fewer people will have to endure your whining about your life and your inability to use various operating systems and applications.

Quoting stash

not realy i am just amused about the retard level some of the sceners seems to have here :)

homoman: hahahahah o du ser ut som en bög :)

I dont think anyone here looks as retarded as you who after all your years on the scene is capable of nothing but releasing crap made with demo makers and writing posts that would make the spelling bee himself vomit with rage.
And why resort to writing in swedish that I look like a fag, when you can continue with that bit about jobs and welfare checks? I bet you have a lot to brag about in that field. Lots of money in offering drugs via snailmail on #c-64, right?

And if you want too look all cool and pretend that you have you only laugh about it all, then perhaps you should stop sending those angry private messages.
2008-03-18 19:01

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 434
And if you want too look all cool and pretend that you have you only laugh about it all, then perhaps you should stop sending those angry private messages.

someone has to fulfill the job wanderer did in the past. *ROFL*

and if this is really so disgusting for you all, why is this thread far over 40 postings right now? come on, be honest, you all want this gossip :D
2008-03-18 19:05
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Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 336
Quote: Quote:
And if you want too look all cool and pretend that you have you only laugh about it all, then perhaps you should stop sending those angry private messages.

someone has to fulfill the job wanderer did in the past. *ROFL*

and if this is really so disgusting for you all, why is this thread far over 40 postings right now? come on, be honest, you all want this gossip :D

I could bet,that Stash and WDR are the same persons.
2008-03-18 19:44
The Overkiller
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Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 342
Stash and WDR are the same person ... Hollowman and Secretman are the same person ... Man, I thought the X-file serial was over :)
2008-03-18 20:25

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2381
I suspect we're all the same person.
2008-03-18 20:47

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 434
OMG! I'm Zyron! harhar
2008-03-18 21:13

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1044
Danzig: typical elite? Only calling it how I see it! But to summarize on my previous post: why should I bother with someone I don't respect that much? Nothing elite about that opinion at all. If certain guys run around pushing and shoving yet haven't done anything worthwhile themselves... what does that say?

Anyway enuff said on that... time for a cuppa..
2008-03-18 21:14
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Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 290
Quote: OMG! I'm Zyron! harhar

stop touching yourself! :) I am Zyron too and i feel violated!
2008-03-18 21:33
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Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 8
What an amazing lack of self-distance portrayed here. It makes you wonder what people believe they contribute with themselves when you time and again see them personify irony by actually going as far as to whine and complain about other people's whining and complaining. Then there's this endless vomit-fest of personal insults...
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