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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #136501 : Fear the Ninja
2015-02-13 08:12

Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 501
Release id #136501 : Fear the Ninja

So let's spin of this to a forum discussion and let me pick up a fragment of PAL's comment:

"He do this for fun over and over and over again and almost every time some of you slay him down like he was a target for shooting practice... AND some of you being such great successful demo artists too..."

To become better requires not only time but also effort and passion being put into things, that is why i think i got more successful and still hated for my motifs however, haha. Means i also went through a hard way of being ignored, criticised, crapped on, hated, be it for my prods, my attitude or the wrong group i was in. I'm still there, and all that fuelled basically my efforts just more. Too much scene love would just have made me gay and stagnate. Not the praise made most of us improve, but being self-critical, practise, and most of all the thought of beating all those critical dickheads who think they know better :-P

It seems however, that for JSL both ways don't work out.
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2015-02-13 09:01
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
You people have no life.
2015-02-13 09:40

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 597
what a boring place this would be without the drama and the attention whoring (",)
2015-02-13 11:35
Account closed

Registered: Dec 2006
Posts: 30
Yeah, well... The first question that needs to be asked is what JSL's motifs really are? Is he here to show of his skills and be a high-ranked GFX-artist? Or is he here because he enjoys doing pixels and projects with like-minded people on a prehistoric machine?

I'm assuming the last and with that in mind, I think comments on his work are very often exagerated and some people are just downright rude.

However, this IS the scene of scenes: the c64-scene. A scene where people's skills and determination have led to unbelievable achievements on a 8bit machine which 'sell-by' date was expired over 25 years ago. The competition between sceners and groups, pissing eachother off and getting the edge over the other(s) has always been part of that. And with all that, expressing opinions, especially negative ones, has often led to people increasing their efforts and producing better, sometimes even amazing products. As such, drama, in it's own way, has thus also contributed to what the c64-scene nowadays stands for...

Given the amount of years JSL has spent in this scene, he should know by now that people here are very passionate about this 'scene' and the warez being put out. ANY work that is uploaded here might receive harsh comments. Be it right or be it wrong, that's just the way it is.

So instead of reacting to the drama and making quit-threats, IMHO, JSL should stick to his believe and ignore negative comments. You just do what feels good and don't let others drag you down.
If for some reason you cannot ignore the comments and want more positive comments: increase your skills!!!!! There's no other way. Look at other people's work and what makes them so good (or bad). Practice and experiment. Might take years, but with consistent determination I'm sure you yourself will see the improvement over time and realise what the short-comings of your 'old' gfx were.
2015-02-13 17:25

Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 56
Sounx: Very well written. And I second the last option given, from the start to support the Scene/releases with graphics, and not just showing off with graphics. And in the first years I had the aim for Party's, then Leon went upping heavy around, I went berserk and choose for the path "CSDb" and started uploading too, still am. But now since 6-7 years, most dragging me down on the retard graphics. And I get sometimes upset about the rude comments, when I expect positive comments "increase" the skills, but looking back since then, I didn't changed much in skills, have pictures with other fillings, and create new things, either from the past, comicbooks..movies.. or games.. and just being artistic, express myself in my c64 art, what I want to create, but maybe dull themes for others.. I love the pixeling, alltough due wrong meds end of last year, it went depressivly bad, and the scener's jokes did raised that level of frustation much more, like the pixeling did. Less stuff got finished, and since January I am picking it up, with new stuff, alltough I am fedup of C64 scene, and the 600 unreleased graphics makes me think "why making another Doublescreener, for the mass folder.." then again, life sucks badly with what happened, and to cheer me a bit up is that I picked up gaming, on Xbox360, and last month bought an XboxONE. So far my message.
2015-02-13 19:14

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 939
I think an important question is (which Sounx allready pointed out): do I make any progress/evolution in 'skills'? Or doesn't it matter to you, JSL? If it doesn't, you'd be laughing your ass off with all those angry comments about the lack thereof. Almost as if it's intentional.
2015-02-13 20:27

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
WHY DID YOU DELETE MY COMMENTS MOLOCH? THEY ARE ABOUT BEING HUMAN! They were also there after the comments originally in this thread!

Hands down... Seriously! In 1992 this was the reason for me leaving the scene... Not that I got hate or anything but all the rudeness and the so-called seriousness and no more fun... Why do you bother time after time, over and over is beyond me... and at the same guy? As a parent this is what I teach my 12 year old daughter not to be part of... Some of you are all so anal, because you defend your right to state what ever you want and you do not see this other fragile person over and over trying to defend his pixel work... It is amazing what JSL is doing - there can not be one man alive with the heart and will like him... He do this for fun over and over and over again and almost every time some of you slay him down like he was a target for shooting practice... AND some of you being such great successful demo artists too... I can not understand the logics in this - to go down and beat on this guy while he is on his knees already - for Christ sake he is asking you to stop beating him for years!!!! Why are you so cruel? ...just for him being one of us in this very strange thing called the scene, he is a part of us, we should care for all the colours within and try to make everyone feel like home... CSDB should be a safe harbour not a war place any more - this is why I said in one demo with a koala some time ago - JSL YOU ARE MY SCENE HERO!

I can say that this image is not JSL best image, I can also say that the art is not up to my standards of what I would like to create, I can even try to say that he should do this or that... but to really hit him this hard is just cruel... I look at your art in another way JSL - your art is for me a flower looking different than the big demo gfx in the best demo - your art is super nice within your style and your universe. Thanx for doing your thing and not copy all the so-called best out there. I love your art - they make me smile and they make me think you created them with grace and joy and struggles and dedication and I would like to see you smiling when you look at a final image due to be released!

I have been bad on-line - I have not seen what I did - most of those times it was because I were in a really crappy place myself.

Beat me too... because I am so bad stating this... like you did last time... Love.


JSL - you will have to get shit forever in your life from these people that are not able to see you as a person and as a living beeing with feelings - just because you do not create what they want... I really hope you see what that is! That is beeing cruel to a fellow friend or a person they do not want to be nice too... the only way you can earn their respect is to create something they like, not to be you but to be something they like... this is the worst ever in history... shame on you all and shame on you again for not understanding the human aspect in this. You shit on all values that I have learned from my mother. I did it easy for you all... I really did. But you have no love in your heart for the other side of your world... you are ignirant, selfish and cruel.


JSL - I told you in the past that you should really create a chindrens book with your art... c64 images and a nice story... you never kind-of-responded to that so what I did was to drop stating that and urging you to do that over and over... because my brain kind of figured out that you did not want that... just like the comments you get, they are the same... it is like going to a restaurant and complaining over and over so I can not understand why they do that OVER AND OVER AND 4EVER! But Stainless said it best maybe... You People have no life! I will end my comments with that because it is just about friends all of the c64 - It is for sure not Hollywood - it is about a place where we can be friends with a weird hobby as a massive bonus. It is about beeing in a hotelroom after democompo at Datastorm with friends having a blast... it is about beeing at parties having fun making compos with great demos that we created it is about love for me... love for my friends!

Thanx! Keep on releasing JSL!
2015-02-13 20:40

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 939
The restaurant camper is parked in the middle of our sesame street and Elmo is always serving the same food and *even* Oscar is yelling at him to take his batch somewhere else. It makes Elmo sad when he does that. :(
2015-02-13 20:49
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1888
2015-02-13 20:53

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
Oscar is still coming back - even Elmo never change - The difference is that in a real world to tell Elmo that he do not fit in, that he need to move elsewhere is plain cruel and show a narrow mind of the kings-in-their-own-minds-we-know-best-do-what-we-do-because-we-accept-no-other! What you are saying is that the COMMODORE64 SCENE HAS NO ROOM FOR JSL? My god you are nasty on-line... If this had happened in my daughters class there would have been a meeting about it with the school and the parents and the kids, just because we do care about each other!

Absolutely last comment: You shall be very happy JSL have his guts and his backbone and just go on...
2015-02-13 21:11

Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 939
Oscar is saying that he should take his batch some place else. That's different, isn't it? I know, I know, it's sesame street, letters and words and all that complicated stuff. ;)
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