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Registered: Nov 2011 Posts: 488 |
Event id #2526 : Intro Creation Competition 2016
Sorry for skipping this event last year, but life is life and I simply would not have had the time to host this event in a proper way.
So finally X 2016 is over and the big productions are out. So maybe you are in the mood for a smaller project.
Competition runs from November 1st, 2016, until January 3rd, 2017. So you have a full 2 months to deliver your creations. This should be enough for an intro.
Please use this thread for questions, discussion and everything else concerning this competition.
THE RULES (same as in 2014, worked very well):
- Has to work on a plain stock C64 (PAL standard) without any extensions.
- Has to be a one-part intro. Fade-ins and fade-outs are OK.
- Has to contain at least one Logo at whatever size you like.
- Has to contain a changing or moving text message (e.g. scrolling text, different lines fading in & out, etc.)
- Has to contain music (not just a humming sound, please).
- Maximum RAM usage is $4000 bytes at one block, at whatever location you like. Screen RAM counts as used memory. Exclusions are system addresses like VIC (inkl. Color RAM), SID, CIA, Stack, Zero-page, IRQ vectors.
- Has to be interruptable any time by pressing SPACE-key (exception are fade-in and fade-out).
- Graphics, charsets and music do not need to be exclusive, but the code should be! So no reuse of existing code with just exchanged graphics and music.
- Intros may not have been used before entering the competition.
- Entries must be handed in as executable format startable with RUN (.prg or embedded in .t64 or .d64).
- Max. 3 entries per participant. Entries might be taken back from the compo until deadline. That means if you want to remove one of your works from the compo to make space for another entry from you, this can be done until deadline.
Deadline for entry submission is January 3rd, 2017 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm) CET.
Voting closes at Sunday January 8th, 2017 at 23:59:59 (11:59:59 pm) CET.
Voting platform is CSDb (with all disadvantages it may have), therefore entries have to be posted here.
Entries will be ranked by weighted average of CSDb votes. Entries with the same weighted average are ranked by their percentages of 10s, 9s, etc.
No prices to win, just the fame. May the best creation win! |
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Registered: Sep 2012 Posts: 44 |
@Hein: Most groups / coders are in X aftermath resting mode?
Still some of the top groups are missing ;) |
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Slartibartfast Account closed
Registered: Jul 2002 Posts: 230 |
I will be posting two cracktros soon, and a third before xmas :) |
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Shadow Account closed
Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 355 |
Quote: Still not living up to expectation. ;) Guess there are several WIP. Maybe after-christmas-time will bring up some more, when people have time to relax. ;)
That seems to be kind of a rude comment to those who have already entered... |
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Registered: Nov 2011 Posts: 488 |
Was meant as an encouragement for the ones who did not enter yet. ;) |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2268 |
I thought "expectation" was not criticism of existing entries but rather meant referring to no. of entries as former compos achieved about 40-something entries.
Still, I guess, the remaining compo time will bring more!
Personally, faced some trouble due to f**ked-up Win7 system and change to Ubuntu. Not only lost some data, i.e. a few evenings of coding, but also had to learn a lot about new OS and build up a cross development environment.
However, now a GEdit/ACME/VICE/Exomizer combo is running, so it's not impossible that I'm gonna troll this compo with yet another MYD! crack intro to please our fans and annoy our haters xD |
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Slartibartfast Account closed
Registered: Jul 2002 Posts: 230 |
Oh fuck, I almost had one of my intros finished, but I needed room for a 1x2 font, so I attempted to relocate the whole intro into the second bank. And I've completely fucked up the data, gawd...
Start from scratch... |
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Registered: Dec 2015 Posts: 111 |
Quoting SlartibartfastFuck, my SSD boot drive failed, and took Windows and all my source codes with it. So I'll have to disassemble a 30% demo of my intro and start again. Lessons learned :P
Note to myself: Make regular backups
Quoting SlartibartfastOh fuck, I almost had one of my intros finished, but I needed room for a 1x2 font, so I attempted to relocate the whole intro into the second bank. And I've completely fucked up the data, gawd...
Start from scratch...
Note to myself: Install some kind of revision control system
I'm actually learning here a thing or two... ;) :P |
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Slartibartfast Account closed
Registered: Jul 2002 Posts: 230 |
Heheh, glad I could be of help ;) You'd think I would've learned something after my HDD crash last week, but no... |
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Registered: Feb 2009 Posts: 255 |
Coding like it's 1988. \o/ |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2268 |
same here as mentioned above (loss of data due to fucking around with drive partitioning without updating beforehand, obviously I had forgotten my brain on the train or at work)
great to be still stupid after all these years :D |
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