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Forums > C64 Coding > What assembler/compiler are you using?
2010-03-16 20:44

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
What assembler/compiler are you using?

Since I kind of switched from 64TASS to Kick Assembler, I was wondering what the other coders use as coding tool?
Still working on the C64 with TASM or do you use one of the cross development compilers?
2010-03-16 20:45
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3204
Dasm, my own mod of it.
2010-03-16 20:56

Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 6
Cross development. ACME. And testing with VICE and Codenet.
2010-03-16 21:21
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Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 13
Proud Kick Assembler user :)
2010-03-16 21:24

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 677
started crossdev with acme,
for some time now:
xa and dxa
2010-03-16 22:03

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 903
64TASS all the way :)
2010-03-16 22:44

Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 403
2010-03-16 23:09

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 168
2010-03-17 00:16

Registered: May 2008
Posts: 14
(with several more or less sophisticated self-made macros)
2010-03-17 05:18

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2929
turbo assembler v3 and some ACME crossdev
2010-03-17 08:13
The Human Code Machine

Registered: Sep 2005
Posts: 112
iAN CooG's Dasm mod
2010-03-17 10:34

Registered: Oct 2006
Posts: 172
ca65 and c#/winforms for prototyping/data generation
2010-03-17 10:49

Registered: Dec 2002
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2010-03-17 10:58

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5095
64tass, VB6 for prototyping / data generation :)

Notepad++ for editing, I can only recommend it, simple yet with a lot of useful features. You can make fully customized highlight file only with few mouseclicks, I have one where the source looks similar to tasm: c64 font, 64ish colors, 64ish cursor (!). You can hide codeblocks in a tree like structure, so you only see what you are working on. You can have two views of the same or two different sources. Plugins, Macros, and what not.
2010-03-17 15:13

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 1648
Mostly ACME, and a little of DreamAss and ca65 and even TASS for a small thing a while ago.

Also did some slight modifications to ACME in order to suit my purposes better, but not really introducing any new functionality as such.

I use TextMate for editing, and call the makefiles from within TextMate, that invokes the assemblers, crunchers, and VICE and so on. I configured TextMate so that whenever there is an error or a warning, a small window pops up that allows me to click on the erorrs, which takes me to the correct file and the correct line within the file where the error appeared. Kinda handy.

@Ian: What modifications did you do to DASM?
2010-03-17 15:28

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
My editor of choice is EditPlus (thanks to Scout for pointing me in its direction).
You can invoke external programs by pressing CTRL+key, it has nice syntax options, a feature to create a project that holds all the necessary files and then some more stuff.
Of course I have the *cough* evaluation *cough* version ;-)
2010-03-17 15:46

Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 416
Whats your favorite feature of the assembler you are using? What feature really helps you?

Eg. I like the Pseudocommands and the autonomspacing in KickAss. Pseudocommands because it enables you to write much more flexible macros and autonamespacing because I have really missed this feature when executing macros.

And I hear that Dreamass has good memory management capabilities for building cartridges
2010-03-17 16:19

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5095
Slammer, I guess I'm not 'power' assembler user, I'm happy with basic stuff :) using 64tass because its similar to tasm.

Frantic, that error stuff is neat, how do you do it ?
2010-03-17 17:20

Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 71
Crimson Editor/Scite + Kick Assembler
2010-03-17 17:24
The Human Code Machine

Registered: Sep 2005
Posts: 112
@Slammer I really love the way DASM handles local labels using the SUBROUTINE pseudo-op. All labels beginning with a . below a SUBROUTINE statement are local and the big advantage is, that I still can use normal global labels between different SUBROUTINE blocks.
2010-03-17 18:37

Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 124
KickAssembler + Visual Studio + Visual Studio Plugins for Kick Assembler.

Feature in KickAsm that i like: The fact that you can just process data within the sourcefile in script. So you dont have to use any other tools to import gfx/music etc.
2010-03-17 19:22
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Registered: Jun 2006
Posts: 645
ACME or Turbo Assembler.

2010-03-17 19:52

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
Quoting Slammer
Whats your favorite feature of the assembler you are using? What feature really helps you?
Hey, don't hijack my thread! ;-)
I replied here.
2010-03-17 20:24

Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 416
Mace: Sorry, I didn't think you would mind since the two things are somewhat connected.
2010-03-17 20:31
Total Chaos

Registered: Mar 2006
Posts: 74
Kick ASS...
2010-03-17 23:04

Registered: Jan 2008
Posts: 299
DreamAss but KickAss with VS plugins seems to be tempting option. From time to time I still use TMP on real thing (for bigger things with REU enabled) with 1541U.
2010-03-18 09:29

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 441
64tass, notepad++, excel and VB for excel for data generation and manipulation on PC

turbo assembler (for MMC Replay, which uses MMC Repaly RAM), basic V2.0 for data generation on the C64.
2010-03-18 09:45

Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 495
1991-1995 Action Replay Monitor :)
1995-2004 Turbo Assembler
2004-2010 ACME
2010-.... Thinking of Kick Assembler, not certain yet.
2010-03-18 10:07

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 66
64TASS as well, in PSPAD. And C++ for some code generation and data converting.
2010-03-19 03:18

Registered: May 2008
Posts: 14
Well, since I've been using ca65 almost exclusively till now, I wonder if there is any assembler which can produce labels like this (in "ca65 pseudo code"):
.repeat	3,i
  .label( concat("startofnop_", .string(i)) )
  .repeat i+1
  .byte i
.word startofnop_0, startofnop_1, startofnop_2

which would result in:
.byte 0
.byte 1
.byte 2
.word $c000,$c002,$c005

As I found out (I might be wrong!) ca65 can not use the actual repeat counter (in this example: "i") as input for builtin pseudo functions, like ".string(i)". Maybe another assembler can do the trick, or maybe ca65 can do this too in some way?

2010-03-19 07:43

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 1648
@Ervin: I can't recall seeing the ability to create labels on the fly in other assemblers than ca65. For me that is one of the few distinct benefits that I remember from ca65. Would be interesting to hear if this is possible in some other assembler.

@Oswald: In TextMate you can create something called "Bundles" which are associated with certain file types per default, and they contain info on syntax highlighting, what to do when pressing certain keys on the keyboard (such as calling external programs) and so on. Magervalp created a bundle for TextMate and ca65 that I customized for ACME instead, and added a bunch of stuff too. So, whenever I call make from TextMate to parse my Makefile (I can invoke several variants such as "make", "make clean", "make all", "make vice", "make codenet"), I also capture the output from the assembler (using standard regext matching tools such as egrep), and if there is any matches to strings such as "Warning" or "Error" I transform these error strings (using standard regexp substitution tools such as sed) to HTML that looks like this:

<a href="txmt://open?url=file:///Users/matsandren/systems/c64/code/own/music/superp layer/code.a&line=692">alt.a:692&mdash;<i>error:Syntax error.</i></a><br>

...and if any such output is produced, I enable a flag in TextMate saying "Show output as HTML" and make sure that the execution of the Makefile is halted. The txtm:// stuff is a special feature of TextMate that opens a particular file (or switches to it, if it is already open) and the line parameter also makes it jump to the correct line. If everything worked fine, no window is popped up, and the file is instead executed in VICE, or on the C64 via codenet.

It was a little work to get this working correctly, but now I use it all the time, so it was worth it I guess.
2010-03-19 08:30

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 639
Ervin: Actually, it is possible to do what you want to do in ca65, but I know of only one specific way:

.macro makeident lname, count
    .ident(.concat(lname,.sprintf("%d", count))):

Using a macro like this it's possible to create labels using a repeat counter.

.repeat $100, I
    .makeident "foo", I
    lda $1000 + I
    sta $2000 + I

This produces the following code:

    lda $1000
    sta $2000
    lda $1001
    sta $2001
2010-03-19 10:38

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 1648
@Radiant: I added that to codebase. Thought it may be useful to someone (and I want to remember it myself).
2010-05-06 21:01
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Registered: Jan 2010
Posts: 2
I guess I'm old-school, but I use Buddy on WinVICE with 16MB ram expander enabled and Jiffy-DOS roms. My c64 programs first save all ZP, source, Buddy, etc. memory to expander and put it back in the end. Doesn't take much code to do this. That way I can still use nearly the entire 64K for the program code and can actually get things done in a single lifetime. I've tried cross-compiling but I guess it's just not for me, although ReLaunch/KickASS is a nice mix. Too much commit charge, though.

There's just something about coding directly on the 64 that feels good. Almost forgot--I usually open two or three Win VICE instances at a time, one with AR6 or Warpspeed enabled. It helps.
2010-05-07 14:26

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 333
on k2asm, codegeneration (incl. labels) would go like this
for i in range(0,10):
  print "foo"+str(i)+":"
  print "lda $1000+",i
  print "sta $1000+",i

would produce same code as radiantx ca65 example

(one can also use external (non-python) code-generators, but thats for the heavy stuff)
2010-05-07 16:26

Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 416
The KickAssembler approach would be to put the memory positions in a list:
.var list = List()
.for (var i=0; i<100; i++) {
	.eval list.add(*)
	lda $1000+i
	sta $1000+i
.for (var i=0;i<list.size(); i++) .word list.get(i) 

(Kind of illustrates the difference between a preprocessing script and an integrated script - here we put the actual memvalue in a list)
2010-05-07 18:53
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
And the Graham Assembler does the code generator in 6502 asm.
2010-05-07 19:34

Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 416
Large unrolled loops in an trackmo is ofcause best done by doing an unroll routine. However this workcycle works for me:

1. Make the code fast with unrolled loops by the assembler and see that it works
2. Declare the loop code 'virtuel' so it isn't stored in memory and create functions that generates the loop code.

This makes the development more rapid and the assembler calculates the amount of memory an unrolled loop needs so they are automaticly placed right after each other.

2010-05-07 20:19

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5095
I use Graham Asm aswell, as a bonus you dont have to do the work twice.
2010-05-07 21:20

Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 416
Can anybody tell me where I can download this Graham Assembler? Does he take up more than one floppy disc and does he have a good manual?
2010-05-07 21:58

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5095
I always carefully plan out the speedcode before coding anything, so at the coding stage I already know what I'm doing, there's no need to experiment with scripting. Also I have written already like a hundred code generators, so its not a problem to make the 101th.

Anyway tastes & habits are different. Two years ago I was still writing code in winvice in turbo sss :) also I can see how freakin cool KickAss is & that I'm an old dinosaur.
2010-05-07 22:03

Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 416
Nothing wrong with old dinosaurs, Everybody define his own level of retroness :-)
2010-05-08 10:25

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 333
Slammer: doesnt your code just generate the ldas stas and a list with the addresses, but no labels?
2010-05-08 14:48

Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 416
Yago: Yes, thats correct. This was started by Ervins post, who asked how to unroll a loop, save some referencepoints to labels and store the labels to memory with a .word command. RadiantX and yourself showed solutions for ca65 and k2asm. I showed another approach where a list was used to hold the the referencepoints instead.
2010-05-09 08:24

Registered: May 2009
Posts: 24
My setup: DASM and TextWrangler for Mac.
I can work well with them but I would like to know what cross assembler tool have the most classical/standard assembly synthax... is it 64TASS?
2010-05-09 09:43

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 677
When you use acme you can convert TASS SEQ-files to acme-sources with a few renames only...
!byte instead of .byte and so on.

AFAIK its pseudo PC is handled similar as well.
2010-05-09 11:01

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5095
Kaizen, yes 64 tass. you have a few goodie extras like +/- labels, for/next,if/then, etc. check the manual. :)
2010-05-09 12:34

Registered: May 2009
Posts: 24
@Oswald: Thanks! :-)
2010-05-11 19:20
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Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 7
I use ca65. I mostly code applications and it suits me well. It surely is a bit of work to start a new project, creating Makefiles and such, but once the project grows, it becomes really handy.

On a real C64 I prefer Fairlight's XASS (a heavily modified TASS for REU units). Unlike Style's new TMP+REU, it not only backups your soure and assembler but also the included REU monitor and all of your gfx/msx data - making machine crashes less frustrating. :)
2010-05-12 13:50
Martin Piper

Registered: Nov 2007
Posts: 726
I'm still using ACME with extra tweaks to add label saving for VICE and proper library search paths. You can get the full sources from http://www.wellytop.com/C64.html
2010-05-18 09:07

Registered: Jan 2008
Posts: 299
Maybe a bit off topic but I find it interesting: I started to transfer my dev tools to AmigaOS 4.1. Vice works quite well with exception of sound problems, and Exomizer works perfectly :)
2010-05-18 10:52

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 1648
@Alex: I have executable versions of pucrunch and ACME that work on Amiga 500 with kickstart 1.3. :)
2010-05-18 13:25

Registered: Jan 2008
Posts: 299
Quote: @Alex: I have executable versions of pucrunch and ACME that work on Amiga 500 with kickstart 1.3. :)

Cool :D This is the power of standard C library - you can compile one code on many platforms and it should work.

Since AmigaOS 4.1 you have Python included as part of core operating system so it makes all my tools available on this platform.
2010-05-18 19:20

Registered: Aug 2002
Posts: 142
Out of interest, is there anyone who can read amiga disks and transfer the files to the pc ?, I would like to get my old source code from the amiga to pc so i can continue and improve some of them.

2010-05-18 22:29

Registered: Jan 2008
Posts: 299
Quote: Out of interest, is there anyone who can read amiga disks and transfer the files to the pc ?, I would like to get my old source code from the amiga to pc so i can continue and improve some of them.

Well, if you have lots of them I'd take a look at Catweasel MK4plus - works perfectly well with Amiga disks even on standard PC floppy drive.
2010-05-18 22:59

Registered: May 2008
Posts: 14
Quote: Out of interest, is there anyone who can read amiga disks and transfer the files to the pc ?, I would like to get my old source code from the amiga to pc so i can continue and improve some of them.

If you have a real Amiga and a serial cable, you can transfer it to the PC. Look for "ADF sender terminal" at adfsender.stoeggl.com.
2010-05-20 03:22
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Registered: Dec 2007
Posts: 48
Regarding Assemblers I use Turbo Assembler that comes with Coder's Orgasm v3, and occationally other versions. Often, when convenient, I have a cartridge plugged in simultaneously, for an even lower level look if I need it.

I like what Slammer said about how everyone defines their own level of "retro-ness" even if it was meant to be sarcastic, it contains more than a grain of truth.

For me it's about getting as close to the cpu and VICII as I can, and for now, I want to stay there and learn as much as I can. Later on I'm sure I'll want to take advantage of the powerful features found in modern cross assemblers.

2010-05-20 11:36

Registered: May 2005
Posts: 90
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