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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #167921 : C64Studio 5.8
2018-09-06 11:39

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3057
Release id #167921 : C64Studio 5.8

Who is using this? Can you share your experience?
2018-09-06 21:22

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
the forum64 elite can help
2018-09-06 23:41

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
After some screwing around I think I got the assembler syntax correct. However I cannot get a simple program to rebuild after changing a single !byte statement.

I keep getting:
Determined main.s as active document
Build is current
Running ASM File
An exception occurred: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

And the generated .prg is still the same from the first time the assembler appeared to actually work. I closed all cmd.exe and explorer instances even displaying a path _near_ the "Solution" dir, Windows being a little flaky with that.

Never mind the tool actually running x64.exe, even with this non-updated binary.

In short: not a good experience.
2018-09-07 08:06

Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 73
The assembled file seems fine, but the problem appears to be running the emulator.

Did you use it without solution, just the straight file?
Did you setup the emulator?
2018-09-07 12:58

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
I use a plain .asm file (C:\Users\compyx\Desktop\main.asm):
* = $0801

!word end_bas, 2018
!byte $9e, $32, $30, $36, $34, 0

end_bas: !word 0

* = $0810

lda #$0c
sta $d020
sta $d021

When I open C64Studio, open that file and select compile, a main.prg appears on my desktop. Trying build and run however outputs the same error message as stated before. I "set up" VICE by setting the path to x64sc.exe. I use a VICE version only a few commits behind current trunk.

When changing the code in main.asm and selecting compile or build or rebuild, the binary isn't updated. For an updated binary I have to close C64Studio, remove main.prg and reopen C64Studio and the file .asm file and select compile.

Pretty sure I'm doing something wrong here.
2018-09-07 13:49

Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 240
I heard recept updates of Win10 get somewhat strange when it comes to stuff on desktop (like restoring deleted files).

I would try some folder somewhere else..
2018-09-07 14:42

Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 73
Thanks for the info. This looks like the setup of the emulator is the cause.

Is there more info to that exception?

Just to make sure, could you please compare the settings for the emulator with this screenshot? Also ensure, that in the main toolbar an emulator is actually selected.


The non-compiling later on is a followup error. C64Studio still thinks it's in compile mode and thus doesn't re-build.
2018-09-07 19:47

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
"VICE version only a few commits behind current trunk" - was it even ever tested with it? :)

"I heard recept updates of Win10 get somewhat strange when it comes to stuff on desktop"
i have funny behaviour on desktop also on win7, also had it on XP even. the whole permission stuff and also the file-locking in windows is so broken it hurts :(
2018-09-07 20:05

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
I've moved C64Stdio into C:\, and created a directory D:\projects\c64studio-test\, which contains a single file "main.asm" (and "main.prg" once I select 'compile'".

Emu setup is as follows: https://www.dropbox.com/s/85jk572p2o6apmj/c64studio-setup.png?d..

I would expect main.prg to be regenerated when I change main.asm, just like with Makefile's.

But perhaps I should RTFM :)
2018-09-07 20:11

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
Quoting Groepaz
"VICE version only a few commits behind current trunk" - was it even ever tested with it? :)

"I heard recept updates of Win10 get somewhat strange when it comes to stuff on desktop"
i have funny behaviour on desktop also on win7, also had it on XP even. the whole permission stuff and also the file-locking in windows is so broken it hurts :(

I don't know how C64Studio runs VICE, but with GTK3VICE I would at least expect to see a cmd.exe instance popping up, disappearing quickly if some arguments passed to VICE are wrong.

The whole "files on desktop" is indeed very broken. Last night I couldn't remove a VICE bindist dir because Windows decided a font file was somehow in use and couldn't be deleted (I could rename it, but it still refused to die).

Doing the only sane Windows thing was ofcourse to reboot :)
2018-09-07 21:35
DJ Gruby

Registered: Aug 2002
Posts: 30
Quoting Compyx
Doing the only sane Windows thing was ofcourse to reboot :)

I'd rather say doing the only sane Windows thing is removing Windows. ;)
2018-09-07 23:20

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
Naturally, but I'm forcing myself to use Windows 10, can't really call something crap without first having tried it for some period of time :)

And it helps with trying to get Gtk3VICE running properly on Windows, finding ways around the shitty, almost non-existent C99 support.
2018-09-08 07:33

Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 73
Dang. Thanks for the screenshots, that seems fine too. As far as I can see the preparing of the emulator seems to fail.
There would be a message "calling …" with the full command.

Is there really no more info after "An exception occurred"? There ought to be at least a partial stack trace.

I simply can't provoke your problem. If you wouldn't mind, I added a few checks and uploaded a temp version to http://www.georg-rottensteiner.de/webmisc/C64StudioRelease.zip

This one should at least not get stuck in the not-rebuilding-state, but also put the full stack trace in the output window.

It must be something really stupid I didn't catch.
2018-09-08 19:36

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
(Re)compiling/building now works properly :)

However, trying to run VICE ("build and run"), I get the following output:
Determined D:\projects\c64studio-test\main.asm as active document
Running build on D:\projects\c64studio-test\main.asm
Build successful, 0 warnings, 0 errors encountered
Start address $0801 to $0818, size 24 bytes
Compiled to file D:\projects\c64studio-test\main.prg, 26 bytes
Running D:\projects\c64studio-test\main.asm
Internal Error in RunCompiledFile: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at C64Studio.VICERemoteDebugger.CheckEmulatorVersion(ToolInfo ToolRun)
   at C64Studio.MainForm.RunCompiledFile(DocumentInfo Document, CompileTargetType TargetType)

Hope still helps with debugging.

I'm running Win10 Home, 64-bit, with an i5-7400 CPU and 8GB of memory, if you need more (system) info, just ask.
2018-09-09 08:16

Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 73
That helps, yes! Looks like if I found a version info in the emulator file I always expected it to have a FileVersion and ProductVersion entry. Looks like that wasn't the case.

Since the previous VICE version all had this, I'm going by the assumption, that all >= 3.0 features are present if I can't find a version info.

I've uploaded a new version to http://www.georg-rottensteiner.de/webmisc/C64StudioRelease.zip

If you could give it one final whirl that would be awesome!
2018-09-09 21:42

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 99
I use C64Studio environment as the main asm tool for C64. I use default ACME like syntax (it's not 100% compatible with actual ACME version).

What I like is:
- All_About_Your_64 included in help. I press F1 at mnemonic and help is opening on the page with description of that mnemonic.
- Great integration with Vice debugger. Works perfect with stepping, variables watch, memory view, etc.
- When you place curson on label it gives you tip about address in memory.
- Memory outline gives you information about location of all labels in memory
- Solution/projects management.
- Cycles used by instruction given on left side of editor (near line number).
- Build configurations with predefined symbols (conditional compilation).
- Easy setup - just point where x64sc.exe is located and voila...
- Endurion is always helpfull and available to talk about improvements (full support).

What I dislike:
- No possibility to compile without IDE
- White color of background is burning my eyes

2018-09-10 10:23

Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 631
I've tested the latest test build you uploaded and now x64sc.exe is properly launched and my little test program runs:

Determined D:\projects\c64studio-test\main.asm as active document
Running build on D:\projects\c64studio-test\main.asm
Build successful, 0 warnings, 0 errors encountered
Start address $0801 to $0818, size 24 bytes
Compiled to file D:\projects\c64studio-test\main.prg, 26 bytes
Running D:\projects\c64studio-test\main.asm
Could not check emulator version, no ProductVersion tag was found, assume VICE > 3.2Calling C:\vice\x64sc.exe with -moncommands "C:\Users\compyx\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpF721.tmp" +truedrive -virtualdev "D:\projects\c64studio-test\main.prg"
Run exited with result code 0

Yay! :)
2018-09-10 19:25

Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 73
Awesome, thanks for testing!

@DKT: There is a command line assembler, C64Ass. In the release folder along with a (very very brief) readme.

You can also change Colors somewhat (File->Preferences), but it's mostly for the code windows.
2018-09-11 20:47

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 99
Ohh... I posted before checking of the latest version. Shame on me /o\ ;-)
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