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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2268 |
Release id #208458 : Espace Preview +
moved from comments:
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG [PM] on 15 September 2021
welcome to CSDb, you must be new around here. Now re-read:
> Yes we know that doesn't match your definition.
yes, they know, there is no need to go on and on repeating it.
Also: can you explain releases like The Dater +1F for example? I just see a ntsc modified release of a unprotected game. Now what?
User Comment
Submitted by TheWarCriminal [PM] on 15 September 2021
adding a trainer, dox or linking is not a crack. modified yes but not a crack. should have a category for modified.
sorry I am old school but that what "cracking a game" means. modifying a game it is not.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning [PM] on 14 September 2021
TWC: the release type is ”crack”, but as you can see noone claimed to have cracked anything (see credits). You can also read the rules for csdb: ” By our definition a "crack" in the Database is a Program which has been somehow modified (which preferably adds some value over the Original) and then released to the Scene. Yes we know that doesn't match your definition.” https://csdb.dk/help.php?section=rules
User Comment
Submitted by TheWarCriminal [PM] on 14 September 2021
explain how this is a crack when it is from a compo & a preview? a crack requires copy protection (disk or manual) to be removed. anyone can slap an intro on a compo game. come on. have some diginity. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11391 |
week of the cuties |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2268 |
It might indeed just be a matter of TWC being rather new here. It _is_ in a way confusing that unlike PC scene we don't really have a category "Mod(ification)" and hence no clear distinction to "Crack" in the narrow sense of removing copy-protection.
Just to make it crystal clear why the rant's been moved here:
First of all, fundamental category discussions have nothing to do with the individual relase. Only feedback referring to that actual release belongs to comment postings.
Besides, we've discussed that "crack" definition over and over for at least a decade or two. Lookee here for instance: https://csdb.dk/forums/?roomid=8&topicid=58095#124244
protection or not ain't define a crack, "unauthorized modification" has been found enough. However, there are credit categories "Linking"/"Trainer"/"Docs"/"Bug-Fix" etc. AND "Crack". That also means if neither a protection has been removed nor any meaningful modding (something not falling in afore-mentioned categories Trainer etc) been done, no group that takes themselves halfways seriously would credit themselves for "Crack" here on CSDb. And none of the active ones does. Still, I'm aware you could keep discussing certain aspects forever - if you haven't got anything more productive to do (such as "cracking" hehehe)
CSDb staff settled some years ago only on what you find here:
https://csdb.dk/crackstandards.php (easy to find via clicking "Help") including the statement "CSDb should not take part in scene politics." <- that mostly refers to first release score, fancy rules and so on.
"Cracks without tags or intros should only be added if a tagged crack of the game in question is not available on CSDb. Cracks that should be excluded are simple freeze-cracks without any tag"
-> Anything else can be upped as crack. That doesn't mean automatically everyone needs to respect it as such. It might be frowned or laughed about or down-voted and normally will be if people put no effort in quality. Just to suggest alternatives: A very normal and drama-free reaction on mere intro-linking WIP preview score grabbing is ignoring it (neither commenting nor voting). |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11391 |
that you write such elaborated answer about this dead horse makes me think YOU are new here =D |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2268 |
I'm still rather new as a mod but I'm really working hard on being a complete bastard to be fired or prepare my ragequit ;)
Yet if we assume someone active some 30-40 years ago but arriving here a little later than most of us has to catch up with terms, a simple "If you're riding a dead horse, get off" felt too rude and not very informative for me. |
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TheWarCriminal Account closed
Registered: May 2011 Posts: 30 |
Rather new here? Registered in 2011. 2 years after you.
When someone has to reply with a novel about the definition of "cracking software" that contains the sites "perception" of said activity is hilarious. Might want to do some deeper research on the matter. Just cause this site has their own meaning does not make it true. |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 4734 |
Quote: Rather new here? Registered in 2011. 2 years after you.
When someone has to reply with a novel about the definition of "cracking software" that contains the sites "perception" of said activity is hilarious. Might want to do some deeper research on the matter. Just cause this site has their own meaning does not make it true.
There are probably 1000 "cracks" from the 80s and 90s here as well that never had any protection either. Unprotected orries were sent around amongst groups all the time by swappers and original suppliers. This is nothing new. |
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TheWarCriminal Account closed
Registered: May 2011 Posts: 30 |
iAN CooG:
If you even bothered to actually look at that release you would see that yes I fixed it (NTSC fix). This was not supposed to be released when it was especially with that intro. All other SGR releases had better intros. The guy that released it with his flame on Bod/Talent was let go when I found out he released it w/o letting anyone in the group know plus using a modified demo as the intro since I was the only one that linked our intros (only one whom had access to them) cause I coded them. That intro was from a tool maker. The way I found out was that 10hrs after this guy put it out on Talent's WHQ it found its way to XPB 5150 & I downloaded it to see wtf it was since I knew our releases. Promptly had Space Cowboy delete it but damage was done. With the help of others this guy no longer had any access to warez bbs's. Blacklisted in the states. Europe could have been another matter.
Over the early span of the group I had to let go of many whom for some reason or another just couldn't grasp rules.
The trainer was not from me nor did I link it in.
This is what happens when you have an internal member issue over who does what. |
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El Jefe
Registered: Jul 2005 Posts: 81 |
Quoting TheWarCriminalWhen someone has to reply with a novel about the definition of "cracking software" that contains the sites "perception" of said activity is hilarious. Might want to do some deeper research on the matter. Just cause this site has their own meaning does not make it true.
Beefore you join a community, you should familiarize yourself with the terms and rules of the same, see above!
It seems to me that the "novel" was only necessary because you obviously do not (want to) know/accept the realities here.
Kudos to TheRyk for his dedication and patience in handling such comments! |
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El Jefe
Registered: Jul 2005 Posts: 81 |
Quoting hedningThere are probably 1000 "cracks" from the 80s and 90s here as well that never had any protection either. Unprotected orries were sent around amongst groups all the time by swappers and original suppliers. This is nothing new.
Agreed, I used to fill my spread disks with "Originals" a lot! |
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El Jefe
Registered: Jul 2005 Posts: 81 |
Quoting TheWarCriminal... I had to let go of many whom for some reason or another just couldn't grasp rules.
Yeah, that happens sometimes! |
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TheWarCriminal Account closed
Registered: May 2011 Posts: 30 |
Quote: Quoting TheWarCriminal... I had to let go of many whom for some reason or another just couldn't grasp rules.
Yeah, that happens sometimes!
I am sure I am not the only who did not know the site "rules" were on the help page. I never used the help page. Maybe having a tab called "rules" or something on the landing page would help instead of burying it in the help page. That is like creating a game and instead of putting the controls on the title screen you bury that into a help screen with hardly any indication there is a button to use to get to said screen. Or creating a manual that rules are planted onto a page in the help section when it should have its own page in the main index. |
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Registered: Mar 2009 Posts: 2268 |
You're welcome all the same. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11391 |
Gotta love how certain things never change :o)
Cuties! |