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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #58276 : Denarius
2007-12-12 14:38
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 679
Release id #58276 : Denarius

i dont think, this deserves a seperate entry, the crack itself is the same, except that someone exchanged the handle of the 'cracker'

just upload the file to the older entry and change the credits until scanner or generalzoff decide to tell us the truth
2007-12-12 15:32

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11386
if its a different file then it deserves a seperate entry. is it?
2007-12-12 15:45
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 679
it has a different crc, yes
though only the intro text and the cruncher-tag have been changed, just compare it for yourself

perhaps i find some other versions of that crack of every member of movers then ;-)
2007-12-12 16:11

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11386

the intro text and the cruncher-tag have been changed

then it's a different release and gets a seperate entry.

case closed :)
2007-12-12 16:49
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 679
nice, this will open a lot on new possibilities for ppl with a hex-editor
2007-12-12 16:55

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 1570
Quote: nice, this will open a lot on new possibilities for ppl with a hex-editor

It's just like re-cracks (which this entry actually is); they belong in this database.

Case closed.
2007-12-12 18:03
General Zoff
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Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 7
How many other cracks have you seen done by Scanner ?

Just make a choice ...


Now serious: Maybe we wanted to check the circulation of the releases ... but i can't remember exactly ....

2007-12-12 18:28
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Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1829
So twenty years later the answer: Scanner's version is more spread than yours. 8-)
2007-12-12 18:57

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11386

nice, this will open a lot on new possibilities for ppl with a hex-editor

i'd rather see a dozen hexedited recracks than even more bullshit "information" or even a stupid tag-cloud. honest.

and more seriously, a lot of the very old stuff would probably qualify as "hex edited". i'm sure i could dig out dozens of "cracks" from different "crackers" which differ in nothing but the sysline and some TLDs in the hiscores. this is history, this must be preserved. THIS is what csdb is all about.
2007-12-12 19:00
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 620

Different file = new entry.

I have seen 2 versions of the same game several times, both versions are to be kept online and preserved.
2007-12-12 19:04
General Zoff
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Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 7
Maybe the CSDB should give the option to mark something as
"C64 RE-Crack" instead of "C64 Crack" ....
(only if it can be proven without a doubt ....)

THIS is what CSDB should also be about ! ;-)
2007-12-12 19:21

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 1879
Quote: Quote:

nice, this will open a lot on new possibilities for ppl with a hex-editor

i'd rather see a dozen hexedited recracks than even more bullshit "information" or even a stupid tag-cloud. honest.

and more seriously, a lot of the very old stuff would probably qualify as "hex edited". i'm sure i could dig out dozens of "cracks" from different "crackers" which differ in nothing but the sysline and some TLDs in the hiscores. this is history, this must be preserved. THIS is what csdb is all about.

Ehmm, still do you mind if I don't enter all those 'diskmonned cracks' I did when I was still young & pure? To be honest, I wasn't really part of the scene back then, just wished I was :)
2007-12-12 19:28

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11386

Maybe the CSDB should give the option to mark something as
"C64 RE-Crack" instead of "C64 Crack" ....
(only if it can be proven without a doubt ....)

that i'd love to see. would be very interisting info =)


Ehmm, still do you mind if I don't enter all those 'diskmonned cracks' I did when I was still young & pure? To be honest, I wasn't really part of the scene back then, just wished I was :)

all i can say is, _I_ would _LOVE_ if someone would dig out similar crap made be me and local friends. and i will also add some of what i already found, later. (really, this kind of stuff rulez =D)
2007-12-12 20:22
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Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1829
In the middle of the 90s a local friend told me he owned a 64, I borrowed his disks in order to get things I didnt have my collection yet and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED to see he had some of my old 80s spread disks which got to him over some corners.
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