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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #174489 : The Way of the Tiger
2019-02-13 09:37

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
Release id #174489 : The Way of the Tiger

Could someone please check which file name this tries to load? Maybe it can be found in the archives if it is known.
... 1 post hidden. Click here to view all posts....
2019-02-13 11:35

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
good luck :)
2019-02-13 13:24
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1940
Actually the image looks _AGAIN_ like someone copied that intro content to a newly created empty d64 image.

Why not upload the original transfer which could lead image hackers to more data?
2019-02-13 13:38

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
this "disk cleaning" really should be forbidden by law.

There's no politically correct term for 'fucking idiot'.
2019-02-13 15:05

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4732
Quote: Could someone please check which file name this tries to load? Maybe it can be found in the archives if it is known.

You should go back to the disk you found it on, and check there.
2019-02-14 18:09

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
"MAIN"? Great...
Added the image, go ahead and check.
2019-02-14 21:28

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
the "main" dir entry isnt there, but perhaps the others can be searched for:

$ d64scan Way\ Of\ The\ Tiger.d64 --extdir 
122    "zound blaster   "  prg  (17. 0)  $0801  [122: 30891]
18     "gyroscope (zss)"   prg  (19. 0)  $0801  [ 18:  4326]
16     "way of the tiger"  prg  (19. 9)  $0801  [ 16:  3822]
14     "tcs sound"         prg  (20. 8)  $0801  [ 14:  3394]
7      "1.sca-intro"       prg  (21. 3)  $0801  [  7:  1775]
158    "sound-demo iii  "  prg  (21.12)  $0801  [158: 40008]
23     "roller tune/tcn"   prg  ( 7. 1)  $0801  [ 23:  5632]
22     "videopoker demo"   prg  ( 6. 2)  $0801  [ 22:  5561]
19     "we demo (3)"       prg  ( 7. 5)  $8d00  [ 19:  4616]
100    "the classics"      prg  (13. 6)  $0801  [100: 25266]

15     "deluxe paint"      prg  ( 5. 4)  $0000  [ 15:  3783]
7      "we demo (4)"       prg  (30. 1)  $0599  [  7:  1654]
32     "-demon's here-"    prg  ( 4. 8)  $0801  [ 32:  8103]
33     "power-music/aids"  prg  (33. 0)  $0801  [ 33:  8331]

26     "bo.paws"           prg  (30.15)  $1545  [ 26:  6604] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
25     "bo.pencils"        prg  (30. 6)  $aea5  [ 25:  6350] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
24     "bo.pinwheel"       prg  (30.16)  $be1c  [ 24:  6096] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
23     "bo.ribbon"         prg  (30. 7)  $2f87  [ 23:  5842] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
22     "bo.round"          prg  (30.17)  $e9d3  [ 22:  5588] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
21     "bo.round2"         prg  (30. 8)  $e0ea  [ 21:  5334] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
20     "bo.santas"         prg  (30. 9)  $d2d0  [ 20:  5080] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
17     "bo.shamrocks"      prg  (31. 1)  $bca7  [ 17:  4318] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
10     "r2"                prg  ( 5. 7)  $e795  [ 10:  2513]
3      "r3"                prg  ( 5.15)  $4401  [  3:   735]
15     "r4"                prg  ( 5. 1)  $b7d6  [ 15:  3783]
10     "r5"                prg  ( 5.10)  $14c1  [ 10:  2513]
7      "r6"                prg  ( 5.18)  $1104  [  7:  1751]
12     "r8"                prg  ( 5.12)  $dd14  [ 12:  3021]
2      "r9"                prg  ( 4. 7)  $fff4  [  2:   269]
16     "bo.shells"         prg  (31.11)  $dffc  [ 16:  4064] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
13     "bo.shields"        prg  (31. 3)  $c468  [ 13:  3302] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
12     "bo.shower"         prg  (31.13)  $2f40  [ 12:  3048] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
9      "bo.starfish"       prg  (31. 5)  $1482  [  9:  2286] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
8      "bo.tennis"         prg  (31.15)  $6667  [  8:  2032] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
5      "bo.tile"           prg  (31. 7)  $f11e  [  5:  1270] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
19     "bo.weave"          prg  (31. 0)  $70f3  [ 19:  4826] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
18     "bo.weave2"         prg  (31.10)  $8d9e  [ 18:  4572] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
5      "st"                prg  ( 4.15)  $462f  [  5:  1031]
14     "nd"                prg  ( 4. 1)  $fe5f  [ 14:  3317]
15     "rd"                prg  ( 4.10)  $9130  [ 15:  3571]
31     "th"                prg  ( 4.18)  $e80a  [ 31:  7849]
96     "fstuff"            prg  (16.13)  $c75d  [ 96: 24287]
91     "icons"             prg  (16.20)  $0bf3  [ 91: 23017]
81     "edit"              prg  (16.19)  $8f83  [ 81: 20477]
65     "title"             prg  (15. 4)  $b08c  [ 65: 16413]
15     "crowns"            prg  (31. 2)  $943f  [ 15:  3810] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
10     "tilt"              prg  (31.14)  $0280  [ 10:  2540] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
4      "sparechange"       prg  (31. 8)  $5d47  [  4:  1016] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
14     "gumball"           prg  (32.11)  $07e8  [ 14:  3389]
7      "ae"                prg  (32. 5)  $6f7b  [  7:  1611]
2      "thief"             prg  (32. 0)  $dd6c  [  2:   508] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
12     "crook"             prg  (32.12)  $8dc9  [ 12:  2881]
5      "lode"              prg  (32. 6)  $9c43  [  5:  1103]
55     "hello"             prg  (14. 3)  $8549  [ 55: 13873]
81     "config"            prg  (12. 1)  $9c18  [ 81: 20440]
77     "gredit"            prg  (12.11)  $0416  [ 77: 19424]
56     "boedit"            prg  (11. 5)  $0726  [ 56: 14090]
57     "foedit"            prg  (11.19)  $4500  [ 57: 14344]
47     "crdata"            prg  (10.19)  $aa14  [ 47: 11804]
19     "calen"             prg  ( 8.17)  $296a  [ 19:  4729]
12     "setup"             prg  ( 7. 8)  $7814  [ 12:  2951]
22     "bo.candy"          prg  (29.12)  $10ca  [ 22:  5464]
21     "bo.clown"          prg  (29. 3)  $a722  [ 21:  5210]
20     "bo.computers"      prg  (29.13)  $a72f  [ 20:  4956]
19     "bo.crossed edge"   prg  (29. 4)  $36ad  [ 19:  4702]
18     "bo.cubes"          prg  (29.14)  $f0a7  [ 18:  4448]
17     "bo.diamonds"       prg  (29. 5)  $ed38  [ 17:  4194]
16     "bo.diamonds2"      prg  (29.15)  $a975  [ 16:  3940]
15     "bo.emblem"         prg  (29. 6)  $afe4  [ 15:  3686]
1      "karateka"          prg  (32. 9)  $a985  [  1:    87]
27     "mariko"            prg  (33. 3)  $0080  [ 27:  6807]
22     "akuma"             prg  (33.15)  $4051  [ 22:  5537]
32     "goodnight"         prg  (33.10)  $e80a  [ 32:  8077]
25     "truck"             prg  (33. 4)  $c521  [ 25:  6299]
20     "blam"              prg  (33.16)  $9e73  [ 20:  5029]
14     "skull"             prg  (34. 1)  $daf3  [ 14:  3505]
9      "drolboy"           prg  (34.13)  $626f  [  9:  2235]
6      "[cd]"              prg  ( 7. 2)  $27e4  [  6:  1427]
14     "bo.feet"           prg  (29.16)  $3734  [ 14:  3432]
13     "bo.flies"          prg  (29. 7)  $0008  [ 13:  3178]
12     "bo.floral"         prg  (29.17)  $aece  [ 12:  2924]
11     "bo.grapes"         prg  (29. 8)  $2333  [ 11:  2670]
10     "bo.happy"          prg  (29. 9)  $e303  [ 10:  2416]
9      "bo.hearts"         prg  (30. 0)  $40a7  [  9:  2162]
8      "bo.hi"             prg  (30.10)  $c49d  [  8:  1908]
2      "choplifter"        prg  (34. 7)  $66bd  [  2:   457]
12     "screenmagic"       prg  (34. 2)  $d5f4  [ 12:  2997]
7      "printer"           prg  (34.14)  $d4e9  [  7:  1727]
1      "dazzle eye"        prg  (34. 8)  $abec  [  1:   203]
8      "l0"                prg  (35.11)  $e39c  [  8:  1825]
1      "l1"                prg  (35. 5)  $4017  [  1:    47]
11     "l2"                prg  (35. 0)  $4fc9  [ 11:  2587]
6      "l3"                prg  (35.12)  $7a96  [  6:  1317]
19     "................"  seq  ( 1. 1)  $288d  [ 19:  4580]
6      "bo.lframe"         prg  (30.11)  $d00e  [  6:  1400]
5      "bo.lines"          prg  (30. 2)  $e18d  [  5:  1146]
4      "bo.link"           prg  (30.12)  $5ce4  [  4:   892]
3      "bo.mist"           prg  (30. 3)  $ff0f  [  3:   638]
2      "bo.mushrooms"      prg  (30.13)  $a650  [  2:   384]
1      "bo.notes"          prg  (30. 4)  $02e6  [  1:   130]
28     "bo.orchids"        prg  (30.14)  $4fad  [ 28:  7112] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
27     "bo.ovals"          prg  (30. 5)  $db37  [ 27:  6858] 66,illegal track or sector,32,27
3      "l4"                prg  (35. 6)  $7800  [  3:   578]
6      "l5"                prg  (35. 9)  $7800  [  6:  1314]
3      "l6"                prg  ( 6. 8)  $0000  [  3:   552]
16     "l7"                prg  ( 6.16)  $0000  [ 16:  4037]
7      "l9"                prg  ( 6.11)  $0a02  [  7:  1568]
10     "r0"                prg  ( 6. 3)  $82d5  [ 10:  2330]
17     "r1"                prg  ( 6.19)  $f9d0  [ 17:  4291]

53     "a748  2.16"        prg  ( 2.16)  $a748  [ 53: 13216]
16     "7aae  4. 0"        prg  ( 4. 0)  $7aae  [ 16:  3825]
3      "497d  5. 9"        prg  ( 5. 9)  $497d  [  3:   735]
13     "1d82 18.10"        prg  (18.10)  $1d82  [ 13:  3302]
15     "a6cb 32. 1"        prg  (32. 1)  $a6cb  [ 15:  3643]
12     "22fe 34. 9"        prg  (34. 9)  $22fe  [ 12:  2841]
2      "0000 35.15"        prg  (35.15)  $0000  [  2:   324]
found 116 files in 2494 blocks.
2019-02-14 22:47

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4732
Some cracks of this game have the main game on the other side of the disk. Please check that too. Often the file name on the next side is "MENU".

For these interested in the specific collection Bugjam might have found this disk in, it's this disk : Spacerat-SOD-D64_01.SB\sb056155.d64
2019-02-15 19:48

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
I got the second side from Acidchild - uploaded, please check.
2019-02-15 22:57

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11391
looks like there is no data on it other than what is shown in the directory anyway, bad luck
2019-02-16 17:22

Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 2594
OK, will delete the second side again.
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