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Forums > CSDb Entries > Release id #189093 : Luma +D
2020-03-24 19:39

Registered: Nov 2010
Posts: 32
Release id #189093 : Luma +D

User Comment
Submitted by shallan [PM] on 24 March 2020
I don't usually like to wade into this debate but I'm tired of this and need to get it off my chest.

When your entire relevance and history in the scene consists of leeching off of others work, or enabling others to do so, for a few points then you dont really have the right to tell others whats right and wrong. Crackers add nothing to the scene at all, if they disappeared tomorrow then the c64 users looking for games could still get them, however if the game developers disappeared then no new games would be made and the precious hobby of oneupmanship you thrive on is gone. The sheer arrogance of some people to think that without CSDB there'd be no promotion of a game and it would be ignored just shows how closed minded and pathetic some people are. I've seen many people quit C64 dev simply because of the actions of you idiots that cannot see the harm you do, and more importantly show no remorse at all. In fact you go as far as to name call those who dont agree with your dubious position.

I actually don't care that the game gets cracked, whatever floats your boat. What I do care about is the fact that any number of people get the game for free when every other respectable person out there donates. I appreciate that the links to download are not put on the entry page, but there are plenty of people who can just go grab it from the BBS. It doesnt matter if thats 10 people, 100 people or 1, it's still basically stealing the game, and in this case (and this is what really makes me angry at you pathetic losers defending it) from a kids charity.

So call me a snowflake, ban me, whatever. Just know that in the short time I've been contributing to the community I've done more for the C64 gamer than some of you more vocal "crackers" have done in decades. We dont need you, but you need us!


User Comment
Submitted by Groepaz [PM] on 24 March 2020
Not that it isnt available elsewhere on the Web :)

User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG [PM] on 24 March 2020
Poor snow flakes, offended by the existance of a crack, as if it was some news.
I'm sure all the 10 or so downloads from the bbses will ruin the collection of money this would have generated. :D

User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin [PM] on 24 March 2020
Have to agree with the comments below .. WTF.

Playing the "we're promoting the game! Go donate!" card is pretty lame. Put the f***ing link on the forum instead.


User Comment
Submitted by Sounx [PM] on 24 March 2020
@Snabel, it's no different. Just some sour grapes from the usual bunch of old grumpy men.

User Comment
Submitted by hedning [PM] on 24 March 2020
Snabel: prolly that it was a physical commercial game as well + the fact that a member of Triad helped out making the game.

User Comment
Submitted by Snabel [PM] on 24 March 2020
How does this differ from Planet Golf +3, which also had all earnings go straight to charity?

User Comment
Submitted by hedning [PM] on 24 March 2020 (Censored)
Ghost: "If we or Laxity hadn't made a version, group XYZ surely would have done it." Not true... We saw the game, had plenty of time and chose to pass. Maybe it's because many of us have kids, who knows. But in these times it left a bad taste in my mouth thinking of releasing it; and this cheap introlink made it even worse.

User Comment
Submitted by Giulio/Wolf [PM] on 24 March 2020
Oh sure.... there's no download here but it's available on all the usual places. So who's hypocritical here?
At least Laxity did a NTSC-Fix, here we have an intro linking for the points... Kool.

User Comment
Submitted by Ghost [PM] on 24 March 2020
If you sit in a glass house, you shouldn't throw stones.... What hypocritical comments here.... There was and is no download! If we or Laxity hadn't made a version, group XYZ surely would have done it.

So please: Buy your copy here: https://shallan64.itch.io/luma

If you want to donate more money, you can do it here:

User Comment
Submitted by Giulio/Wolf [PM] on 24 March 2020
No excuses this time, really pathethic. My opinion, of course.

User Comment
Submitted by hedning [PM] on 24 March 2020
Ouch, indeed...:

"Extra Life unites thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life has raised over $70 million USD for sick and injured kids.

All proceeds from the game will be donated to Extra Life, so why wait? Get your copy now!"

User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat [PM] on 24 March 2020
Terrible. Desperate. Jeez.

User Comment
Submitted by Colt45RPM [PM] on 24 March 2020
It's a game developed specifically for charity. Why not leave it to be purchased instead of 'cracked' for the sake of a few measly points?

User Comment
Submitted by Zyron [PM] on 24 March 2020
A new low. Some things you simply don't touch if you're sane.
2020-03-24 23:59

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 323
tasty bait.. i don't post much so i'm going in for a nibble!

Quoting shallan
Crackers add nothing to the scene at all, if they disappeared tomorrow then the c64 users looking for games could still get them, however if the game developers disappeared then no new games would be made and the precious hobby of oneupmanship you thrive on is gone.

you probably should learn more about the scene and how it works instead of raging.

The sheer arrogance of some people to think that without CSDB there'd be no promotion of a game and it would be ignored

when did that happen? the public can't even download the files.

I actually don't care that the game gets cracked, whatever floats your boat. What I do care about is the fact that any number of people get the game for free when every other respectable person out there donates. I appreciate that the links to download are not put on the entry page, but there are plenty of people who can just go grab it from the BBS. It doesnt matter if thats 10 people, 100 people or 1, it's still basically stealing the game, and in this case (and this is what really makes me angry at you pathetic losers defending it) from a kids charity.

you care about people cracking? now you don't? confusing.

I had a look into where you're from and the charity you're trying to raise money for. here's my conclusion: I would probably have cared more if you were raising money for a charity in your own country (the united kingdom) instead of raising money for a charity that's already worth millions, founded by two celebrities, that supports Americans. you won't get much sympathy from me. If you were raising money for your own country's charities that actually struggled and this money benefited the children of the UK then you'd have my support 100%.. so, don't even try to use that "will somebody please think of the children!!1" card. It won't get you far at all. This sort of manipulation may work well on Facebook or Reddit, but here? not so much. Think of the children in your home country first.

I've done more for the C64 gamer than some of you more vocal "crackers" have done in decades. We dont need you, but you need us!

I've never heard of you and your CSDb profiles are barren. Do we need "you"? it would appear that the answer is no. you only have to look at the all the productions from the best scene groups in existence to see this as fact. The scene continues to live and produce while yet another self-absorbed game developer that thinks the world owes him something spits the dummy because someone dared to put a trainer on their release and upload it to here. I don't wish to come across as combative or arrogant, but it feels like every few months we see the same nonsense happening. :)
2020-03-25 14:26
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Registered: Aug 2019
Posts: 4
Yet combatitive and arrogant is how you come across. I have no issues with many of the groups and actually enjoy a lot of the stuff they output that advance the system knowledge and create enjoyable content for all. I'm specifically talking about those who will defend the practice of cracking (and with it sharing a charity release for free among themselves on bbs), while actually giving nothing back to the everyday C64 gamer.

I don't care that I don't have a CSDb profile to speak of, again another arrogant conclusion, assuming that CSDb is the only source of truth. Anyone that knows me, will know I spend almost every day creating content to help other developers and C64 users. Does the fact you've never heard of me diminish that? No! I've never heard of you either, but I wont make assumptions based on that.

Anyway, not meant to be anything other than airing my grievances at those who will steal from charity and those that will blindly defend it like it's ok. If you want to be honorable about it, produce a patcher, so you can share "something" on your precious BBS's without allowing people who haven't purchased it to download it. It's not like its an exclusive club there are hundreds if not thousands who are able to download from there.
2020-03-25 14:28
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Registered: Aug 2019
Posts: 4
Also WTF! I cannot support the charities I want to now? Hospitals in the UK have NHS funding and don't bankrupt parents when their child needs critical medical help. I'm sorry you personally don't give a shit about the health care situation in the US, but I do.
2020-03-25 15:22
Count Zero

Registered: Jan 2003
Posts: 1940
sceners here are not "c64 gamers" and seriously don't look for fame or cheers from the usual lemon, reddit, TheC64 user or hipster-retro-"Cannot_config_my_github" or alike devs.

Sure you are barking at the right moon?
2020-03-25 16:08
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Registered: Aug 2019
Posts: 4
There is no defense, crackers will pay for a single copy, crack it and then distribute it for free via BBS. I think I'm barking at the only place I can air my grievance.

I'll just stop now, regardless of the situation and the way the crackers behave, they will find any way they can to justify their frankly disgusting behaviour. C'mon berating my choice of charity, pretty damned low.

I mean seriously, just make a fricking patcher, then everyone still has to buy it and you can truly claim to support the devs!!! Or are crackers to lazy to even do this? I mean they are lazy enough to intro link without anything else added!

For what it's worth I'm a fan of the "scene" in general, but the crackers, particularly those that do only that and give nothing back can drop off the face of the earth for all I care.

I'm out! Banging my head against this wall is not fun
2020-03-26 00:58

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 323
Quoting shallan
..and with it sharing a charity release for free among themselves on bbs), while actually giving nothing back to the everyday C64 gamer.

yeah, that sort of manipulation doesn't work well here.

I don't care that I don't have a CSDb profile to speak of, again another arrogant conclusion, assuming that CSDb is the only source of truth. Anyone that knows me, will know I spend almost every day creating content to help other developers and C64 users

We all help people everyday with things yet we don't need come onto CSDb to boast about how we've "done more for" anyone in anything. your sense of self-importance is truly amazing to witness.

who will steal from charity and those that will blindly defend it like it's ok

like I said in my previous reply: think of the children in your own country first. do you seriously think that this USA charity founded by two celebs is going to miss the small amount you give them via sales? lol please. keep calm and step down from that high horse of yours. they're a multi-million dollar organization. Start supporting charities that are actually struggling in the UK. It's tiring watching people supporting foreign charities over those in their own countries. Considering what is going on right now in regards to the virus outbreak, we need to support the people in our own countries first.

I mean seriously, just make a fricking patcher, then everyone still has to buy it and you can truly claim to support the devs!!! Or are crackers to lazy to even do this? I mean they are lazy enough to intro link without anything else added!

a patcher? lol. yeah, no. that's not how it works. while true that some releases don't add much, releases with good trainers, docs, fixes for bugs, fastloaders, pal/ntsc compatibility etc. are warmly welcomed. that's far from laziness and takes a lot of skill. :)
2020-03-26 02:53

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2982
Really not sure what all the fuss is about.

The crack is not available for download, as repeatedly stated.

Let the crackers play their game in their own sandboxes, they would or wouldn't donate regardless of any cracks.

Anyone else would also donate if they are inclined so, regardless of any cracks.
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