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Release id #223965 : Attitude #7
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 [PM] on 13 October 2022
Also don't think the argument "such a release then maybe not only works on the SD2IEC" (but in some cases also on other hardware) is expedient, because the same can be said of many IDE64 releases too. This Attitude64 number here, for example, also works on normal floppies, but nevertheless it has it's own release group IDE64. Maybe SD2IEC also should get something similar, or the thing with the tags, that Cosmos wrote.
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Submitted by KAL_123 [PM] on 13 October 2022
I wonder, why IDE64 releases has it's own release-group here, while the much more widely used SD2IEC doesn't. And if that's the case, which already is incomprehensible, why shouldn't it be even allowed for SD2IEC users then, to mention, that a IDE64-release isn't running on their SD2IEC, when everybody knows that it's the case in 99%? Bug is not the correct word then, okay, but why should this not be mentioned when an adaption in the most cases is very easy? An IDE64-release can be made in the way, that it runs on both hardware without a problem and wouldn't that be the best solution? Isn't this in the own interest of the releaser? And then there is the fact, that if a release has already been adapted specially to the SD2IEC, as was the case with Spooky for example, then the filename shouldn't even show this and own release-group also does not exist. Everything seems to be set against SD2IEC users, which is not really understandbable.
User Comment
Submitted by Krill [PM] on 12 October 2022
Both SD2IEC and IDE64 are accessed via the standard KERNAL calls. That's already where the common ground ends.
IDE64 does not use the IEC bus, and transfers are interruptible without ill effects. Contrary with SD2IEC in default Commodore IEC protocol mode (using original KERNAL IEC routines).
User Comment
Submitted by DJ Gruby [PM] on 12 October 2022
@KAL_123, your feedback is of course very welcome and appreciated, however @hedning is right in saying that this is not a bug if an IDE64 release does not work out-of-the-box on an SD2IEC device. To be sure, it is a nice side-effect if it indeed does, however it is not the primary objective of any IDE64-fixed release to make it also SD2IEC-compatible.
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Submitted by Comos [PM] on 11 October 2022
From the principle most IDE64 releases are compatible with SD2IEC if IDE specific routines are not used or used with detection.Here a small init routine was added after the intro so loading on serial devices will work aswell.
We should introduce the tags on releases, that I talked about years ago,will make life a bit easier :)
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 [PM] on 10 October 2022
Okay, had written it is a bug in my second comment, just saw it now. Then i maybe should have phrased this single word a little bit differently, but overall, I think it makes sense, especially if you know how easy it often is, to adapt a IDE64 software to SD2IEC, to report it, if something doesn't work, so that it can be adapted and the thousands of SD2IEC users can then run this software too.
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 [PM] on 10 October 2022
Hedning - Nobody said it is a bug. Or had i written something like this??? Normally a IDE64 release, will also work on SD2IEC machines and for sure not only in my opinion, it's a senseful information, especially for users of the widespread SD2IEC's, when they knew from the beginning on, if a IDE64 release will work on their hardware too, or not. Also it was quite easy to fix the problem here in this attitude number and now we also have a SD2IEC-compatible version of this software here, which we would not have, if i would have not reported the incompatibility. Don't know what problems you have here, first this senseless thing with renaming files, now this here. SD2IEC for sure is much more widespread as IDE64 hardware. DJ Gruby was happy, that i reported the problem and contacted my via PM.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning [PM] on 10 October 2022
KAL: Good for you, as it's a IDE64 release. Now stop bombing entries with your sd2iec obsession, even if DJ Gruby was nice enough to please you. It's not a bug if an IDE64 thing won't run on the sd2iec. It's not a bug if anything not made for sd2iec won't run on a sd2iec.
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Submitted by KAL_123 [PM] on 10 October 2022
This added new version works correctly on SD2IEC now.
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Submitted by KAL_123 [PM] on 3 October 2022
All other versions that were adapted so far, works on SD2IEC, only this number here makes this problem, when started from the intro. Strange.
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Submitted by Comos [PM] on 3 October 2022
On IDE64 it loads from the intro, also in my Vice IDE64 setup, so probably something related to serial routine, haven't checked yet.
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 [PM] on 3 October 2022
I tested both new attitude releases, #7 and #8, some minutes ago on one of my SD2IEC's. While #8 works like it should, there is a problem here in #7, when started over the first file on the disk (when started with second file it works). When the intro is over, it goes into a blackscreen, instead of go on loading. Tried it next in WinVICE with VDT on (TDE off), to see, what happens and there a "Main CPU-Jam" comes, after the intro, with a blackscreen. Same like on SD2IEC. So there must be a bug here, in #7 of the diskmag, i guess.
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 [PM] on 2 October 2022
Nice, will try it out with my SD2IEC. Could additionally be released on one d81, by the way. I guess, some users will do this anyway (copy files together in d81), because then they don't need to change disksides anymore, on their SD2IEC. |