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Forums > C64 Pixeling > SHIF - The C64 scene needs more SHIF
2008-07-29 20:23
Wile Coyote
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 646
SHIF - The C64 scene needs more SHIF

SHIF - The C64 scene needs more SHIF images. I don't understand why more C64 artist's use this format?

I've created 3 SHIF images, 2 release, 1 unrealsed (will be released some day).

It would be interesting to know how many SHIF pictures there are out there. I don't think CSDb allows for pictures to be searched using there picture format.

(off topic) This has given me a CSDb search idea. Maybe all releases could have (hidden) tags associated with them. Say for example if I wanted to see a demo with 'unlimted bobs' then all demos which feature such an effect would be listed.
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2008-07-30 09:34

Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 1571
Quote: For a second there, i read "MILF" and "unlimited boobs". LOL.

That's that other scene you're in ;-)
2008-07-30 10:20
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
I guess so :-D
2008-07-30 12:28

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
I don't really like SHIF, they're too small to do anything especially interesting with. UFLI/MUFLI is a better option, though you have to be really patient to pixel in these modes!

TCH did a SHIF pic when he first returned to the scene, I can't think of any more, other than Deekay of course.
2008-07-30 13:03

Registered: May 2004
Posts: 678
personally I dislike all those -I- formats...
For several reasons.
"People" generate fake screenshots and other "people" dont even bother to check on real thing.
Except on my green monitor, all interlace sucks more or less somehow :)
Especially with those PC-tools that allow to simply pixel in interlace-colors and only see the flicker in the end...
SHF however is very nice and well nothing new...
Many hires gfx I know use SOME sprites somewhere anyway.
The example-pic on the Krestology-disk for SHF btw is just awesome...
2008-07-30 19:09
Wile Coyote
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Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 646
Quote: I don't really like SHIF, they're too small to do anything especially interesting with. UFLI/MUFLI is a better option, though you have to be really patient to pixel in these modes!

TCH did a SHIF pic when he first returned to the scene, I can't think of any more, other than Deekay of course.

TCH. Was the pic released?
2008-07-30 23:58

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 423
I've thought about doing at least one more interlaced Xfli-picture someday but haven't had any real enthusiasm for it yet. But we'll see.
2008-07-31 03:57

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 206
Quote: TCH. Was the pic released?

My memory is a bit rubbish as it wasn't interlaced, this is the one I was meaning:

Xmas 2004
2008-07-31 18:34
Wile Coyote
Account closed

Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 646
Quote: My memory is a bit rubbish as it wasn't interlaced, this is the one I was meaning:

Xmas 2004

That's SHF not SHIF. I didn't think Tch had used SHIF.
2008-11-25 06:26

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 364
There were a few SHF and even SHIF pics made over the years, but apart from yours and maybe one or two more nothing really astonishing.. I remember some naked manga chixX0r that flickered like fuck because of lacking dithering (that's exactly why I made xbow include the 4x4 grid, folks! 8)
I wouldn't say the editor is so hard to use, it's even a bit like dpaint with the color select grid.. And you don't have to worry about priorities, like with *UFLI! ;-)
But now that MUFLI is out, I wouldn't do a SHIF picture anymore, it's just way too small. And while you have more colors on a smaller space (1-line FLI instead of 2-line) it can be a bit tricky to make full use of them, also MUFLI now even offers switching spritecolors, which SHIF doesn't. And you don't have the forced light grey border, which is also annoying for many people! ;-)

That said, there's still a rather nice Onslaught-SHIF-Logo I made ages ago that's still not released, look forward to that. Go bug Jazzcat and Carlos to get it done finally! ;-D

And I would very VERY much like so second that motion for being able to search for picture formats! What's the use of specifying the format if you can't search for it? That's not quite what you would expect from a Commodore Scene DATABASE! <:-)

Oh, Latifah made a rather colorful sunset, but I think that's only plain Super Hires, no FLI involved: Gfx Entry
2008-11-25 10:34

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1046
I sent Carlos an email. Hopefully soon!!! But i've had that hope for ages now...
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