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Forums > C64 Pixeling > Here's the central question: Whatever happened to Funpaint 1?
2008-11-24 08:20

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 364
Here's the central question: Whatever happened to Funpaint 1?

Manfred probably never spread it. Here's my guess: Funpaint 1 = Drazlace

Which brings us to another central GFXian's question: Why, oh, why, did Devil code Drazlace so that it uses the SAME screenram-colors for both pictures? I can see it's less confusing for the gfxian with the even and odd pixels, but why not offer it as an option at least? You can't even dither the colorpairs properly to achieve that very dark grey f.ex. (brown/blue) with the same color in both screens!...
2008-11-24 08:23

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
What are 'screenram colours'?
Is that what is at $D800 or is the colour you select with $D018?

If it's $D800, it's clear why it's the same for both screens: you can't swap all 1000 bytes within the available time of one frame without visible bugs.
(I think... ;-) )
2008-11-24 08:28

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 364
Clarification: You do bankswitching anway, so why have two identtical screenRAMs in both banks?

Note to CSDb admins: would be awesome if you could edit your new posts for a longer time than merely 5 seconds! ;-)
2008-11-24 08:33

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 364
Quote: What are 'screenram colours'?
Is that what is at $D800 or is the colour you select with $D018?

If it's $D800, it's clear why it's the same for both screens: you can't swap all 1000 bytes within the available time of one frame without visible bugs.
(I think... ;-) )

screenRAM = Colorscreen in the active bank selected by $d018
colorRAM = $d800 (global)

..and yes, it would even have been easily possible to copy 1000 bytes per frame! Digital Excess' FLInterlace even does that with IFLI, and Drazlace obviously has WAY more rastertime left!

Oh, how about HCB-Interlace anyway? ;-) Should fill up the memory nicely if one HCB incl. speedcode already takes up half the RAM!...
2008-11-24 10:42

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11434

Note to CSDb admins: would be awesome if you could edit your new posts for a longer time than merely 5 seconds! ;-)

you can edit it as long as no reply was posted - for a good reason.
2008-11-24 11:34

Registered: May 2005
Posts: 90
Quote: screenRAM = Colorscreen in the active bank selected by $d018
colorRAM = $d800 (global)

..and yes, it would even have been easily possible to copy 1000 bytes per frame! Digital Excess' FLInterlace even does that with IFLI, and Drazlace obviously has WAY more rastertime left!

Oh, how about HCB-Interlace anyway? ;-) Should fill up the memory nicely if one HCB incl. speedcode already takes up half the RAM!...

offtopic (sorry):
I noticed the term 'speedcode' a couple of times already. Since I just started coding on c64, i was wondering what 'speedcode' actually means?
2008-11-24 11:38

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11434
usually it means "unrolled loops". for example instead of doing

lda #12
ldx #0
sta $0400,x
bne lp

you do

lda #12
sta $0400
sta $0401
sta $0402
sta $0403
sta $04ff

2008-11-24 12:27

Registered: May 2005
Posts: 90
ah, to win some cycles that would otherwise be consumed by the loop logic. tnx!
2008-11-24 16:13

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 707
Quote: Manfred probably never spread it. Here's my guess: Funpaint 1 = Drazlace

Which brings us to another central GFXian's question: Why, oh, why, did Devil code Drazlace so that it uses the SAME screenram-colors for both pictures? I can see it's less confusing for the gfxian with the even and odd pixels, but why not offer it as an option at least? You can't even dither the colorpairs properly to achieve that very dark grey f.ex. (brown/blue) with the same color in both screens!...

The same screenram colors can minimize the flicker as each alternate x position can be interleaved in the same way as the y position although the lack of color choices would give a poor quality image overall in my opinion. A good graphician has the choice of which parts flicker by selecting mixcolors with similar luma etc. although i believe this does not apply fully to ifli as the screen is treated as a 320x200 16 color bitmap but nonetheless the flicker can be reduced with using the right pixel colors in the right place
2008-11-25 06:51

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5103
Quote: ah, to win some cycles that would otherwise be consumed by the loop logic. tnx!

more importantly: in the majority of the cases you also precalculate a lot of stuff into those, this can win much more cycles than only discarding the loop logics :)
2008-11-25 06:52

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5103

P1 offers a screenmode "drazlace special" which does this: 2 different screens.
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