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Forums > C64 Pixeling > Koala conversion
2009-02-15 16:06

Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 222
Koala conversion

What is the best way to convert Koala Painter Pictures into .prg executables?
2009-02-15 16:25
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3207
linking the pic to the display code would be a 1st step for example. :P
Here's a batch file I did for making prgs out of koala files.
Lots of external programs used, even custom like andfile.exe for example, a quickly hacked program made in x86 asm.
if "%1" == "" quit
if not exist "%1" quit
set x="%@filename[%1]"
set out="%@filename[%1].prg"
set oux="%@filename[%1].exo.prg"
gosub fixcol
gosub genkv
cbmcombine %x,$6000 koalaview.prg -o %out >nul
del /zqe koalaview.prg >NUL
exomizer sfx $8711 -n -q -o %oux %out
::call crushbat %out $8711
if x%2 == xd del /zqe %out>NUL

scrpos  = $7f40
scr     = $5c00
colpos  = $8328
col     = $d800
bkgcol  = $8710
        *= $8711
        lda #$00
        sta $d011
        sta $d020
        ldx #$00
copy    lda scrpos     ,x
        sta scr        ,x
        lda scrpos+$100,x
        sta scr   +$100,x
        lda scrpos+$200,x
        sta scr   +$200,x
        lda scrpos+$300,x
        sta scr   +$300,x
        lda colpos     ,x
        sta col        ,x
        lda colpos+$100,x
        sta col   +$100,x
        lda colpos+$200,x
        sta col   +$200,x
        lda colpos+$300,x
        sta col   +$300,x
        bne copy
        lda bkgcol
        sta $d021
        lda #$2e
        sta $d012
        lda #$78
        sta $d018
        lda #$02
        sta $dd00
        lda #$d8
        sta $d016
        lda #$3b
        sta $d011
kmain   lda $dc01
        and $dc00
        and #$10
        bne kmain
        beq exit
exit    sta $c6
        jsr $fda3
        jsr $e5a0
        lda $0286
        ldx #$00
cram    sta col        ,x
        sta col+$0100  ,x
        sta col+$0200  ,x
        sta col+$0300  ,x
        bne cram
dasm koalaview.asm -okoalaview.prg -v2>nul
del /zqe koalaview.asm>NUL

set ouf="%@filename[%1].col"
:: extract color tables + screencolor (1001 bytes)
c:\unx\dd if="%@filename[%1]" of=%ouf bs=1 skip=9002 >nul
:: AND $0f every byte
andfile %ouf 0f >nul
move /ZQE DECRYPT.000  %ouf

c:\unx\dd if=%ouf of="%@filename[%1]" bs=1 seek=9002 >nul
del /zqe %ouf
unset ouf
2009-02-15 16:34

Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 222
Thank you but... Could you make the compiled .prg available please?
2009-02-15 16:59

Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 222
Is there a simple existing tool for doing it?
2009-02-15 20:25

Registered: Jul 2008
Posts: 222
Request cancelled. Scout just released KoalaLinker v0.1 !
2009-02-17 04:20
Account closed

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
If it works, and does only 1 thing: make pic to exe - then it should be named V1.0 tsk tsk..
2009-02-17 07:51

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 1799
It's up to Scout to call it whatever version.
Perhaps he has a GUI in mind, optimisation routines or built in cruncher... ;-)
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