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Forums > C64 Composing > Is every fart worth a release?
2015-06-26 21:44

Registered: Mar 2002
Posts: 79
Is every fart worth a release?

I wonder what you think!

More and more, sid music is presented to us here on CSDB as single release. Some music is worth a release, even with a standard PSID screen. But, to me: Some are not!

Now I know what some of you might say: Taste differs and who are we to decide what is worth of a release?
(I believe we had that discussion with 'just some lame' graphician)

And I know there is not much we can do about it, than bully some people or try to ask some people to refrain from releasing stuff until at least 3 or 4 people say it's worthy of releasing

That being said, I was wondering that 99% of the sidmusic in HVSC was never released on CSDB as a single release. Who wants to take up that job?

And to taunt you even further: I still have 9873 unreleased worktunes, most are about 37 seconds long and sound like shite. Shall I..... ?
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2015-06-29 21:12
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
There is every reason to reboot scene with new life unless you want to see Fairlightoxyronensor win every demo show from now until end of days!

No-XS: every scribble is worth release, because C64 is super creative power plant #1 in the world! and who throws out a good idea!?

We have Algorithm, he will code the Rihanna codec before he know it himself!
2015-06-30 02:12

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 547
Jan: No BullSID editor... but mine will be mine! Others can use something else. ;)
2015-06-30 07:46

Registered: Jun 2010
Posts: 83
Here's the fabled "Fart editor". I got it from an 80s german print mag (64er or Happy Computer), where its listing was printed as part of a SID sound compo.


HAH! Just googled around, is it true that it is by you, Groepaz? :D

I personally typewrote it down in the 80s, and transferred it some time in the late 90s to the pc.
2015-06-30 08:16

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
i made this :)
(and yeah, what you found out is a funny urban legend that i might or might not have "fueled" at some point =P)
2015-06-30 08:19

Registered: Jun 2010
Posts: 83
No shit. :D

(pun intended).

Well I found your old Geocities page where you claim it as yours.
Shouldn't v1 be added as a release? Who coded that then?
2015-06-30 08:22

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
only thing i remember is that we swapped with the guys who made the original program *shrug* (the one you linked to also looks a bit different than i remember it....mmmh)

while at it, this is also worth mentioning (another type-in =P)
2015-06-30 08:37

Registered: Jun 2010
Posts: 83
Hahaha the results are rather funky I must say. :D

About the fart editor version I posted, it's the one that was in the 64er mag. It's on my first ever floppy disk along with my own basic programs and a handful of other type-ins. It's situated inbetween other programs from the same sound effect compo:

Might be I added the "MIEF MIEF" label in my childish joy, though.
2015-06-30 08:40
Stainless Steel

Registered: Mar 2003
Posts: 966
I'm switching from SDI to the Furzeditor. It's (F)art!
2015-07-01 07:41

Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 459
You sound like old grumpy farts, that's what I think. :) Every release has it's place. I don't mind fart sids - in fact I find it kind of liberating that people can release anything they like. I'm pretty sure that most of us did some pis poor stuff in the past that was released and would deserve a (gentle) beating in the comments.
2015-07-01 10:00

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 122
I'd say its the coder / compositor / graphician that determines what to release and what not, nobody else!

It can be frustrating to see 10-20 releases by the same author on a daily bases but it still his / hers descision wether it is a release or not...

Andalso, what Stinsen said!
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