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Forums > C64 Composing > I am John Rambo (SIDWAVE)
2015-07-05 20:22
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
I am John Rambo (SIDWAVE)

When you need music for a game, or demo.
I am a composer. I make.

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2015-07-06 18:14

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 640
Quote: I don't recall John Rambo smoking, but what the heck... :)
Funny photo atleast - I asume that's intended.

I sure hope it is :D
2015-07-06 18:54

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 423
As the winner of Rambo Revisited I hereby approve of the thread.
2015-07-06 21:14

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 3067
As an organizer of Rambo Revisited I ... ...nevermind.
2015-07-06 21:27
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Its all bout the same from start
nothing is over, nothing! (rambo)

its about the name on the screen!
if you BOOZE DESIGN in all sideborders and use all 100% cycles of the machine, and your gfx is flawless, and your soundtrack is kickass, its still just only 1 thing:


so when RAMBONES was 16 year old and could not code much, but was able to glue together Kaze routines from the TST sourcecode disk, he created a name... on the SCREEN.

the names on screen, hubbard, daglish, barry leitch, jeroen tel, all we read

they became real
family is strong.

if we SIDWAVE a nice intro and blast a tune, its still only 1 thing that is real.


we create ourself as heroes on the screen

now.. my deadly enemies have lost.
they dont know
they are not friends
they never were

so what...
no pain no gain

nothing changes that i have a big Ego..
but friends value me..
family values your incredible art, they value YOU!

why this thread ?
why not

its posted under composing. :)

at least this is not some absurd circus with shitpics that derail the thread.

this is REAL!
it was always real!
you are real!
your creation is real!
your creation is you!

stop saying, in real life.
and spend all your life to be artist
and then say your scene life isnt real
are you kidding yourself ?
what ?

wake up :)

perhaps this pic is stupid, but theres always a time to do a improved one, when this .... thing is finished.
and the first part of the thing has come... and it was the last thing of the whole thing, that came first. i do not control what comes. i take free from delta wave, and out it comes. whatever the order is, i organize it later.

any kinda control or design of creative process, fails for me.. :)

i guess its very typical..
if you force things, then you get nowhere.
if you let go... things come easy.

nothing is EASY! nothing! :)

but as long as its fun, u dont feel the pain.

ah well, from here on, lets see if the apes will post "finlinks" and "porn" and "blabla" pics into this also.
the apes have a way to infest all that is organizes
they dont even know why
they do nothing

the universe do it
the chaos to balance the order, does it
you do nothing

you are the universe
you do auto...

so is free will an illusion ?

search the delta wave :)
2015-07-06 21:47
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
ah well...

i love that old anonymous coward thread that is alive still, the crazy pics made by Jailbird, turning me to comic panic screamer with voting panic

thats why this is all so funny :)

and Anonymous Downvote Cowards love the 12th dimension so much they have used it in 3 demos now.

HAha du frikadellenfresser, mein UFO will dein Panzer zerstören!!!!! :)
2015-07-06 21:50
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Even more funny, my slain enemy love one of my tune so much, they keep using it in their Penis Software shit/productions.

who is laughing now... :)

let the machine materialize...
it only cost 5K
2015-07-06 21:54
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
and the SUPERSID is sold, to a woman..
she will control it.

nobody make scrolltext anymore, so now we can write here, at least... this once..

Jailbird come back and make us all laugh!
2015-07-07 01:55

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 547
I don't mean to be more than an ass than I am known for, but I sometimes seriously wonder what you have been smoking. :)
As we would say in danish: Det vælter jo ud af dig, mand!
2015-07-07 04:28

Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 279
2015-07-07 05:18

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11443
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