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Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 958 |
Goattracker Hardrestart + Pulse Init
Anybody (particually Cadaver I guess) knows how its possible that when having no hardrestart on instruments that have a pulse init value of $00, sounds the way it should in the Goattracker, but in SidPlay 2 (which uses the same engine I think) the pulse is initialised to 00 everytime a note is played, instead of taking the last pulse value, thus creating a nice pulsesweep over a few notes.. (I try to make a slow string tremelo (no hardrestart and adsr $dccc) incl. slow pulse sweep)
thanks in advance.. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 547 |
Well it could be that goattracker has a bug or perhaps was not intended to be able to use "continuous" mode on pulseprograms. But I asume you want to have different notes in a pattern, with different instruments (well, different arpeggiovalues atleast), right?
Hardrestart usually only manipulates ADSR and gate, before a new sound is triggered. But the sound-init routine, often puts a $09 in the wave, which resets oscillator, so you basically get 1 frame with no sound, at the beginning of a sound. Everything else, wave+freq, pulse+filter is usually not manipulated until 1 frame after.
In my own players my instuments have a pointer to a pulsetable-program: 00 = off, 01-7f = pointer, $80 or above = continuous pulseprogram, which just continues the pulseprogram of the previous sound used, so that when typing new notes, the pulse won't be initialized.
I extended my own hardrestart+sound-init routine in my new player, so you can totally skip hardrestart and oscillator reset, making it possible to do sounds like the good old c64 game musicians did. That gets rid of the clicking caused by both Hardrestart and Oscillator reset. Meaning you can forexample do sounds like Tim Follin did. Hmm, hope I haven't given away too many good ideas, but anyways, I don't mind sharing ideas as long as it might help other c64 sceners... I still want to keep c64 alive, you see ;-)
But I can't say how goattracker works, never touched it and never will. |
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Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
Don't want to sound critical, but..
Pulse works like that in JCH and Hardrestart can be turned on/off too. ...or did I miss something? (Perhaps the ability to chose adsr-hardrestart and oscillator reset separately is a bit new.)
Anyway, I agree that it is good to spread ideas. |
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Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 1160 |
Was a packer/relocator bug. Fixed (download new version). Btw. for future reference contacting author directly is probably better, since I don't read these forums very often...
John Player btw. either has or hasn't the $09 value manually in the wavetable of each instrument, but usually it's hardcoded. |
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Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 958 |
Quote: Was a packer/relocator bug. Fixed (download new version). Btw. for future reference contacting author directly is probably better, since I don't read these forums very often...
John Player btw. either has or hasn't the $09 value manually in the wavetable of each instrument, but usually it's hardcoded.
I'll try the new version, thanks.. |
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Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 958 |
as reply to Jeff:
Actually, I was trying to do string chords without arpegios, something like Athena tremelo chords, including slow pulse sweep over all the notes, not initializing the pulse when playing the notes, only the first note of the music is initialised. |
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Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 958 |
Quote: I'll try the new version, thanks..
Problem solved.. Hurray for Cadaver.. :) |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 547 |
Autoboy: yes, JCH has it afaik... Never said it didn't... but the extended sound-init thing I've done, is something the jch players don't have... you're stuck with $09 as first wave in each sound ;-)
The new Laxity player allows you to have either $01 or $09 as first "wave" in a sound, still everything else starts 1 frame later, apart from the instrument adsr that ofcourse is set at the same frame as the init-thing.
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Registered: Feb 2002 Posts: 1160 |
Btw. what is the deal with that if you do have $09 in the first frame, you have to write ADSR before writing that $09, otherwise you risk lame and unreliable sounding attack.
But if you do it oldskool-style, ie. sound starts right on the first frame, you've got to write wave first & ADSR then (otherwise, lame attack results again)
Don't remember if I've asked this before :) |
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Registered: Mar 2003 Posts: 1650 |
No idea. Are you really sure this is the case? (And you didn't use hardrestart at all when drawing this conclusion, right?)
I can't test here at the moment.
At least testbit/oscillator does not affect the envelope generator per se (as you probably know), even though both of them of course affects the sound.
Anyway, I have a hard time coming up with likely explanations for this, if it's true. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 547 |
cadaver: well in general it seems that in general it's a good idea to store SR, AD and wave into sid in that order <-.
had troubles myself years ago, when storing into d400 before d405 and d406, etc. Still it doesn't make the playback perfect.. I started using a buffer, so I store all values into SID at the beginning of my players, but ofcourse it takes some extra cycles to have such a buffer, but I think it's worth it.