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Forums > C64 Composing > Play DIGI-Sound with SID-Waveforms?
2005-08-20 09:57
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Registered: May 2005
Posts: 1332
Play DIGI-Sound with SID-Waveforms?

Would it be theoretically possible to convert
simple 4-bit samples / 6-kHz (or something other that SID likes)
to wavetables?
Maybe a PC-tool could do this job: Analyze somehow the sample (different frequences...and so on), and give the right c64 waveforms + parameters (pulse width..)
and finally If we had a high enough speed (4x - 8x) there will be a kind of digi-output... I hope :)
2005-08-20 10:29
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Registered: Dec 2002
Posts: 990
Wavetables ARE looped samples. The SID is no wavetable device.
2005-08-20 11:07

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 707
That would be quite a tough job. AFAIK, C64 has 4 main waveforms, some of these might be combined (on new c64 sid?). if a c64 music routine is updated every frame (with new waveform, filter value etc) a routine can probably be created where 256-512 block digital samples are analysed and according to the type of data in the sound is replaced with a c64 waveform, but would most probably result in mush.

Better to attempt to recreate it by hand. Use of ring modulation/filters etc a lot of pseudo sample's can be achieved (metallic clangs, robotic vocal sounds, etc)
2005-08-20 13:50
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Registered: May 2005
Posts: 1332
Create sounds by hand for more than 2x-speed is a very painful work. By using Ringmod.,or Sync... you will lose a channel...
2005-08-20 16:12

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 707
One idea for non software conversion (partly) would be to divide the audio instrument sample into chunks (eg. 22050hz / 50 frames would be around 440 byte samples.
then listen to each chunk looped and put the relevant value (eg timbre, pitch, approximate closest sounding waveform) into the music editor
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