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Forums > CSDb Bug Reports > Accessibility problem
2018-05-07 11:32

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 289
Accessibility problem

What is wrong with these links:

Alien Brood

Alien Brood

I cannot access them but they are listed here (see Alien Brood):


However, I can click on the download link from the list of releases by Bytebreaker which starts the download.

When I click on the release link I go straight to the home page of CSDb. Very strange. I tried several browsers and two devices.

Can someone who is not a moderator confirm that the two links work or not?
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2018-05-07 15:40

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442
same here, i also only get the main page.
2018-05-07 17:19

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 4747
Works here. Might be because I am a mod? Using Chrome.
2018-05-07 18:06
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3210
hedning: try in a private window or logout.
2018-05-11 08:13

Posts: 1680
These entries are just made unavailable to the general public, by a nasty hack due to copyright stuff...
2018-05-11 12:48

Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 289
ok, fine but not all releases of that game are blocked on CSDb, see Alien Brood.

Also the game can be easily found on other sites. Do we really take some releases down because of copyrights? I think all the games on CSDb are copyrighted.

Instead of redirecting to the homepage, it would have been nice to show a message that the entry is blocked. Still the info would be nice to show.
2018-05-11 13:06

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442
ehrm, and why would you fuck up the entire entry, and not just delete the file? makes no sense to me. actually its quite worrying that something like this happens.
2018-05-11 13:07
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3210
Quote: These entries are just made unavailable to the general public, by a nasty hack due to copyright stuff...

It's just an hardcoded thing? Because I don't see any flag on them that would make me think they're blocked. In any case, the flag to hide the download link for non regged users should be enough, without the need to block completely the entry.
2018-05-11 13:21

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442
whats really funny, when you just search for the release, you can still download them by clicking on the icon. so basically you only fucked up the db entries, and the "copyright problem" is still there. jeeez. and what ian said. that flag is exactly what should be used. if anythhing delete the download. but dont break perfectly fine entries ffs. (actually what will happen like this... someone will notice the entry is missing, and add it again. that solves nothing)

so this guy complained? what a hypocrite
2018-05-11 14:11
iAN CooG

Registered: May 2002
Posts: 3210
OMG this is really fucked up. =)
The entry that was still visible was actually a dupe of another entry of the same crack by The Hobbitt and now I deleted it.
I've flagged all the remaining 5 entries as not visible to non-logged users, but indeed I can still download them by searching and clicking on the disk icon, as Groepaz said.
Just try it being not logged, or simply in a private/incognito browser window.
2018-05-11 14:57

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11442
as said, restore the entries, delete the downloads (just like we do it for other releases - why is this one so special?). thats the sane way to do it, and its actually working too :=)
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