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Forums > CSDb Bug Reports > Text cut off and some of it is repeated
2006-08-11 20:54

Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 417
Text cut off and some of it is repeated


Got a bug while posting in the thread bitmap display/extraction in the coding forum. It cutted the last of my text and repteated some other. Here is the situation that lead to the error:

1. I started writing the text but was interupted
2. Came back, finished writing and submitted, but this then the session was timed out.
3. I actually was prepared for this so I had copied the message into the clipboard. So now a made a new messages and posted the text again. However, the posted text was fucked up and even though I tried to edit it, it wont get right..
2006-08-11 20:55

Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 417
Im trying to post the text again here. My guess is that it will work now since there is no previous session timeout:

Another easy way to convert a charset is to write your own converter. In Kick Assembler this can be done in only a couple of lines. Here is how to do:

1) First organize your letters in the right order according to the PETSCII format in a grahics program like photoshop and saved it in the file 2x2char.gif. See it here http://www.6581.dk/2x2char.gif

2) Write the converter in Kick Assembler:

.pc = $3800
.var charsetPic = LoadPicture("2x2char.gif", List().add($000000, $ffffff))
.function picToCharset(byteNo, picture) {
.var ypos = [byteNo&7] + 8*[[byteNo>>9]&1]
.var xpos = 2*[[byteNo>>3]&$3f] + [[byteNo>>10]&1]
.return picture.getSinglecolorByte(xpos,ypos)
.fill $800, picToCharset(i,charsetPic)

3) Now assemble the program and you now have a converted charset that can be used in a scroll as it's done here http://www.6581.dk/2x2scroll.prg

If you insist on converting from some kind of c64 bitmap format instead of gif then use the LoadBinary function instead of the LoadPicture function (Fx. LoadBinary("koalapic.prg", BF_KOALA)) and access the bitmap data via. the getBitmap function.

2006-08-11 20:56

Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 417
Well. My guess was wrong.. If you give me an email address, I can email the text that makes the board go crazy..
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