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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11384 |
Flag "official" firstreleases
i think it would be kinda interisting to have an option for cracks to flag them as "official" firstreleases (as acknowledged by the "official" rules by the time it was released). many times the "releasedates" in cracks arent correct at all, and it also happened that certain releases were infact first, but didnt make it to the boards in time so they werent the "official" firsties. this option could also help to estimate releasedates when they are unknown, since sometimes releases are listed as firsties somewhere even when their exact releasedate is unknown. (but if we know its a firstie we know it must have been released earlier than most or all versions of the same game). |
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Trazan Account closed
Registered: Apr 2002 Posts: 620 |
Is it even possible, to 10-15 years later actually list the games that were supposed to have been 1st released?
All the debacle about the games that were when they put out, does anyone still even remember the hours and dates involved? :)
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Registered: Apr 2004 Posts: 954 |
If not, we can always tamper with it. |
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Registered: Dec 2001 Posts: 11384 |
it would take some research ofcourse (like every detail in the database) .... however the "official" firsties are often listed in mags, so it shouldnt be *that* much of a problem. also afaik jazzcat already made a alltime firsties list, atleast for later years. |
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Wanderer Account closed
Registered: Apr 2003 Posts: 478 |
First releases is a grey area.
We have Loadstar, Compute, Compute Gazette, etc. games that were widely circulated outside the scene either by people typing them in, or available on disk/tape from a magazine.
Then we have games that were officially released but never protected (eg. Basic games). Case in point, Rom Reactor (before going down), had all of the Loadstar games. Some of them were "released" by groups, others sat there for years.