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Forums > CSDb Discussions > sid duzz question
2003-08-24 21:13
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Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 40
sid duzz question

Does anyone know of a function similar to the shift+c (clear all) function in the jch editor, but for the sid duzz 'it? It's kind of boring using shift+k for each sequence every time.
2003-09-10 03:30

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 246
You can clear a sequence by pressing SHIFT+F,
It will clear from cursor position and down to end of
sequence. So, you got to move the cursor to the top
of the sequence to clear everything. You can
trace the sequence top/middle/bottom with the clr home key.

2003-09-19 09:54
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Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 40
A reply from the master himself! Cool! Thanks! I also found out that the Shift+k command kills a sequence so that's good. I was in fact about to mail you about a bug in your editor. I know there's someone in Germany wanting to report the same problem. The bug is not so clear in the editor, but you can hear it when you eg have dumped a tune and entered it in the dedicated T-ass. I don't know if it has anything to do with using .sdin164 or .sdif164 (I am not a c64 coder ..yet) . anyway the problem is related to the 7x effect. The finished tune has intermittant pops (little click sounds) whereever 7x effects are used. There was another thing too, I guess it was only a general comment. If I remember I will mail it to you.

By the way my very good friend, who is still active in Collision, is Domix! I guess you know him very well.
2003-09-19 10:05
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Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 40
When I am talking to a Shape member I might as well remember to ask you, if you know an email address/phone nr/ or anything on Morris / ex-Shape.. He was a good friend of mine back "in the times" before stamp fraud. He was a member of Cross when I knew him. We used to trade candy from our countries along with the usual spread stuff... ha!
2003-09-29 17:06

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 246
Hello Yaemon. :)
Yes I know Domix very well.
I lost contact with him a few years ago when I stopped
Snail Mailing. Tell him I said "HI!" :)

Morris was in Cross and Shape. I don't remember
his real name at the moment, but I'll get back to you
if I find out.

Regarding the 7x click bug : I need the music source file
to find out whats wrong. For any other bugs related to sound inside the editor I will need a music source file.
And what exactly is a 7x effect? :)


2003-10-07 15:23
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Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 40
Hi Grg,
Cool! I have forwarded your hello to him.
Cool about Morris because it could be really fun to
speak with him again, we were good friends.

Well 7x effect .. well I am not a coder, so I just
experience with effects to get the result I want..for
instance I am putting 7A to make a sound fade out..
I put 79 to make a sound stop .. I think 1B can be used
for this too.

By twe way .. all the songs that you and Mr Tjelta did
in the beginning of the 90's which editor was used for those tunes?

ok bye.
ps if you want to write to me directly it's

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