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Credits :
Code | .... | Hein of Focus, Onslaught, Vision |
| | Krill of Plush |
| | Stryyker of Tide |
Music | .... | 6R6 of Blues Muz', Nostalgia, SHAPE |
| | Comer of Taboo |
| | Hein of Focus, Onslaught, Vision |
| | Jammer of EXclusive ON, MultiStyle Labs, Samar Productions |
| | Jan Harries of Ancients, HVSC Crew, SIDwave |
| | JCH of Vibrants |
| | Jeroen Tel of Focus, Maniacs of Noise |
| | Johannes Bjerregaard |
| | Laxity of Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants |
| | Mark Cooksey |
Graphics | .... | Deev of Onslaught |
| | Hein of Focus, Onslaught, Vision |
Design | .... | Hein of Focus, Onslaught, Vision |
Disk Cover | .... | Mermaid of Vision |
Text | .... | Bacchus of Fairlight |
| | Ian |
| | Jan Harries of Ancients, HVSC Crew, SIDwave |
| | Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Kernal of Anticom Cracking Technique, Breakpoint Hacking Techniques |
| | Mason of The Transfer Team, Unicess |
| | Peacemaker of Hitmen |
| | Pol Pot |
| | Punk Executioner |
| | SLC of Arsenic, Kvasigen, Those Up Fucked Sceners |
| | The Bit Bandit of Double Cross, Fucked Beyond Repair |
| | The Shadow of Avatar |
| | Weasel of Genesis Project, Hitmen, Padua, Pandora |
| | Ziggy |
Concept | .... | Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff |
Loader | .... | Krill of Plush |
Interviewed | .... | Demon |
| | Falco Paul of 20th Century Composers |
| | Flex of Artline Designs |
| | Hollowman of Fairlight |
| | Jonathan Dunn |
| | Puterman of Fairlight |
| | Rockstar of Palace, The Dominators |
Help | .... | Ian Coog of HVSC Crew |
| | The Chaos Engineer of Hokuto Force |
| | The Shark of HVSC Crew, The Eternal Force |
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User Comment Submitted by Peacemaker on 6 October 2012
Glad you liked it, Burglar and Chotaire ;)
| User Comment Submitted by PAL on 17 October 2010
very cool intro, splendid... loved the content of the mag also... very much.... | User Comment Submitted by Archmage on 12 October 2010
Recollection #3 drowned a bit for me in the whole landslide of X-releases, but it is a gem that deserves a lot more attention. I love the intro and I love the articles. A great history lesson for newbees like me, and, as I told Jazzcat at X, the two previous Recollections really got me interested in the c64 scene. This strengthens that interest. The FLT story was a particularly good read. Excellent gfx and music as well of course. Well worth the wait. | User Comment Submitted by Radiant on 11 October 2010
Just finished reading the Fairlight articles. Excellent stuff! :-) | User Comment Submitted by Joe on 11 October 2010
Interesting read.
Fantastic audio/visual work by Hein!
I do miss the charts and I do miss magazines in general. | User Comment Submitted by GT on 11 October 2010
Really nice looking mag. Enjoyed reading it so far. | User Comment Submitted by daison on 11 October 2010
Still got some interviews left to read, but it's been an informative and very enjoyable experience so far.
Keep these issues coming, I love recollection! | User Comment Submitted by Chotaire on 11 October 2010
Loved the article by The Shadow. Thumbs up! Peacey's article was also nice to read :) | User Comment Submitted by Burglar on 9 October 2010
peacey's article rules ;) many known tricks and some unknown ones to boot
also the flt article is great, even though a bit too huge to consume at once.
msg to rambones, you should've entered the second part of this tune in the X compo, top 10 material for sure. keep it up | User Comment Submitted by plagueis on 8 October 2010
Excellent Fairlight history...especially the Hollowman stuff and the Puterman interview!! | User Comment Submitted by JCB on 5 October 2010
Hey, where's our "text" credits? :P j/k
Some good reading in there and all nice and purdy to look at :) | User Comment Submitted by TWW on 3 October 2010
Very interesting chapter regarding phone hoxoring. I lolled at the genious of it. Imagine all that effort being put unto something legit :) | User Comment Submitted by Hein on 3 October 2010
right, 3 credits even, I only did the intro. Krill, Stryyker & Deev did the main mag. Will have a read this afternoon. | User Comment Submitted by Deev on 3 October 2010
Just read a couple chapters, really interesting stuff!...though you missed a CSDB credit ;) | User Comment Submitted by grennouille on 3 October 2010
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