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Text from Funeral

Description:Note (Main Part)
Text:take it with a smile onslaught

sadly i have to say that this is and was my last production on c64 ever.
my decision is done, there are several reason i am going to explain partly on the next few pages. do not take this as an offence. it is my point of view!

where are those stylish demos i loved to see that much? where are groups like bonzai, censor, contex, blackmail or the cracker groups like action, ikari...?
where are those serious game companies like ocean, rainbow arts, psygnosis, hewson, elite...?
i loved having all those scene friends and i even loved having those enemies. nowadays you are polluted with more or less similar bad looking demos using the same resolution all the time.
when do people recognize that the c64 was not built for fullfilling those things. when do people do stylish demos again? never...

also i dislike the behaviour and happenings inside the group. working against each other to get da most honour is stupid, having secrets inside a group is even more stupid...
i do not need that crap anymore all day long. i know my limits and do not have to fool anyone.

now some last messages, advices, hellos and different things to people i want to mention.

jihad, i could not believe that you did stop some years ago, and also i did not understand the reason. now i do... good luck in programming c++

racoon, only member left in hitmen who was in since the early beginning... i always could count on you, so now you can count on me aswell... whenever you want!

marc/afl, even we got some troubles some years ago we got friends again... expect a call from time to time!

alfatech, do you still remember you have been a member of hitmen once? thanks for all your help with that psx stuff, hope to meet you on the net sometimes...

onslaught, do not take all this to serious, it all was fun from my side. good luck in the future.

groepaz, thanks for all your support, i hope i can do something for you in the future.
hope to see a stunning demo from your side again...

i will not make it to long this time, several people will get a call or even a sending again.

hopefully you will keep me in mind as a hitmen, i always have been since the very beginning.
also you remaining hitmen should do that


da great tune was done by mitch and dane
the nice logo was done by rrr, one of da last remaining real pixel maniacs.
this ugly 1 by 2 charset was done by myself, curlin.
mnemonics by curlin.

intro credits

original onslaught intro with a logo built up by a ripped old but great char.
sprites by x-ample from the game coalminer.
coding was done from scratch by curlin, me, myself and i...

greetings to alfatech, burglar, el b., scorp, thunder, death, raze, hi-lite, crossfire, skinhead, rrr, scrap, roy, tlb, youth, zagon, tgd, bird, spt, moonchild, rammy, vengeance, jazzcat, even homeboy, jinx, duck dunn, jack d., 3dk, oliver gaspirtz, tranziie, stan, chaotic...

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