Text: | Retrojen Presents RAAT#06: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. 28/29 december 2019 - Retrojen HQ / Karakoy / Istanbul / Turkey. The last meeting of 2019! Organization: Alcofribas. Alcofribas on the keys... Prepare yourself for quick seminars, demo talks, 8bit computers and consoles, surprize game contests, basic, assembler, c and even fpga workshops! Last, but not least... Batman demo, Vespertino teaser, Pinball Dreams, more Batman demo. As you know, there is no such thing as an ugly girl, just not enough Batman demo! We are always seeking for fresh stuff. Don't forget to bring your code, pixelart, demo, intro, robe :), retro gear, joysticks, dinner, drinks and bed with you! Thanks for watching and see you at the meeting! So... what about RAAT? what is RAAT? people are shocked to discover that "RAAT is an abbreviation of \"Retrojen Akil Adamlar Toplantisi\" and it means "\"Retrojen wise men meeting\". Yes, it's that simple! But... oh my dear! You come across a new, mysterious question now. What is retrojen? Does this ring any bells for anyone? The scenerman always rings twice :):):) Retrojen is a retro computer focused
group making annual meetings, forum & hardcopy fanzin and now... the youtube
channel is on the way! Stay tuned for details! By the way, it called me awake to organise raat, to give thanks to our predecessor 7dx parties for their presence. Without them we wouldn't have RAAT here today. Last, but not least :) Thanks to our precious 3d & pixel-art guru F3R0 for this nice invitro, which is also his first intro experience. (Hey :) I want to thank Hydrogen and Skate for their precious help. Also, Skate is the one who made it possible for me to code an invitro cuz he is a great mentor! -F3R0) Are you still watching? what are you waiting for??? The Four Horsemen are waiting for you at Retrojen HQ! Take your backpack and come to visit us! |