Text: | this is a response to the 'keep empire g8' propaganda demo... the makers of which are so racist presuming minorites must be democrat-socialists . false. * skin color does not = uniformity in thought, political party, or alone represent true 'diversity.' * fact: democratic us party were the party of kkk. instead of lynching today, they & their partner media, lie, exploit for profit & power. propaganda is what it is: a lie. and when it comes from danes & swedes, whose nations only 75-80 years ago made either pacts with real-life stormtroopers or otherwise aided them, it is even worse. danes & swedes making anti-us, partisan, globalist idealogue 'stormtrooper' demos is pathetic. stormtroopers? did you know... in a *not so* distant galaxy *not so* far, far away and *not* a long, long time ago... denmark made a spineless pact with real stormtroopers? fact. did you know sweden did nothing, claimed neutrality but in fact... aided stormtroopers - housed them, gave willing access to attack norway, stood by as their own women were impregnated by them. * some things don't change * today real facism (governmental force) is socialism (aka globalism).. not a new disaster in history. * anyone tired of csdb danes & swedes making ridiculous neo-liberal propaganda demos, displaying their subservience to eu state-controlled marxist media? falsely using words like racism, equity. flaming racial divide. really, ruining childhood for kids.. these 'mental cripples' are trapped, in doctrinated by media platforms run by political multi-billionaires who exercise what truly is: technological tyranny, prejudice, censorship... masters of puppets |