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Text from Breadamp V06

Description:infobar scroller
Text:BREADAMP - a sample music player for the Commodore 64, created 2019-2021 by daddlerTL * Controls: 1-0: selects entry 1-10 in the tracklist, A-D: selects entry 11-14 in the tracklist, Cursor down/up: skips to the next/previous track, Cursor left/right or <>: rewinds/fast forwards, RUN/STOP: stops player and allows change of the .reu file without having to reload the player, @/;: moves cursor up/down, */=: moves track selected by cursor up/down, F: changes how the format info is displayed, F1/F2: changes border color, F3/F4: changes background color, F5/F6: changes text color, F7/F8: enables/disables 'disco mode' for border/background, P: pauses and resumes the playback, I: disables and reenables this infobar, +/-: increases/decreases the scroll speed of this infobar, S: changes sound output settings (see readme.txt for details), /: toggles control mode (keyboard + joy 2 or joy 1 + joy 2), R: enables/disables track repeat, N: enters track name editor, C=+R: starts FPGASID/SSU recorder, C starts Converter * check readme.txt for further information BREADAMP - ein Samplemusikplayer fuer den Commodore 64, programmiert 2019-2021 von daddlerTL * Steuerung: 1-0: waehlt Eintrag 1-10 in der Trackliste, A-D: waehlt Eintrag 11-14 in der Trackliste, Cursor runter/hoch: springt zum naechsten/vorhergehenden Track, Cursor links/rechts bzw. <>: spult zurueck/vor, RUN/STOP: stoppt den Player und erlaubt den Wechsel der .reu-Datei ohne den Player neu laden zu muessen, @/;: bewegt Cursor hoch/runter, */=: verschiebt mit Cursor gewaehlten Track hoch/runter, F: wechselt den Anzeigemodus der Formatinfos, F1/F2: wechselt die Rahmenfarbe, F3/F4: wechselt die Hintergrundfarbe, F5/F6: wechselt die Textfarbe, F7/F8: (de)aktiviert 'Diskomodus' fuer Rahmen/Hintergrund, P: pausiert die Wiedergabe und setzt sie fort, I: deaktiviert und reaktiviert diese Infoleiste, +/-: erhoeht/verringert die Scrollgeschwindigkeit dieser Infoleiste, S: aendert Tonausgabeeinstellungen (siehe liesmich.txt fuer Details), /: schaltet Steuerungsmodus um (Tastatur + Joystick 2 oder Joystick 1 + Joystick 2), R: (de)aktiviert Titelwiederholung (Repeat), N: aktiviert Titelnameneditor, C=+R: startet FPGASID/SSU-Rekorder, C startet Konverter * Weitere Informationen siehe liesmich.txt

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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