Text: | hello and welcome to the c64 grand tour challenge musicdisk. this challenge started as a personal project - aka. new year's resolution - by vincenzo in early january of 2021. the idea was to compose a music each month of the year, with a twist of using a different music editor each month. the result is 27 tracks overall by 5 composers, composed with 12 different c64 music editors throughout the whole year of 2021.
you might wonder, why did we do this? for fun, for challenging ourselves, for experimenting with new stuff, to break out of our own box, to expand knowledge and to release creativity-steam that drives us ahead without slowing down ever.
and now, here we are with this musicdisk including all the tracks. it's a nice variety of genres and styles, a beautiful mixture of everything. and of course, all of them is a pure sid that requires no expansion but a stock c64 for playback.
i would like to say thank you to necropolo my bro for being the best bro ever, doing this challenge together made it definitely easier each month. shoutout to da blondie, jammer and spider jerusalem for challenging themselves and composing great tracks in february, may and december. thank you to visage and posion for their help, jumping in without hesitation whenever i shout for help.
trap and the sarge, there are no words how thankful i am for you crazy and talented maniacs for making this musicdisk happen and spicing up every moment of working on it.
i hope this product serves as a proof that nothing is impossible with dedication and hard work. hope you enjoy it, leave a comment on csdb, ping us on discord or facebook, buy us a beer or more. cheers to the c64 community.
credits: trap - code and ideas, visage - code and linking, the sarge - graphics and ideas, grass - directory art, poison - gtc monthly graphics, necropolo - music, da blondie - music, jammer - music, spider jerusalem - music, vincenzo - music and ideas |