Text: | yeah fellaz dis is the normal text scroller for all you antichrists. first of all some hellos to all heavy metal cracker groups outta there and to all who hate acid and rap noise. yeah viva metallica. long live kreator (not thee kreator of ionix ofcoz the metal group). i hope that dis demo is not so bad as i think coz i coded it in one night and so it looks. rare effects and nothing special to say! i hope you like it a little little bit and enjoy it!! a special hubahuba going to fg of ionix. sorry for the delay but i woz in a fuckin' hurry to fix some intros for ionix and so i forgot to send something for you. i hope you like the intros i made. and a special hello and mosh to all the other ionix members all over the world. i hope to meet some of them in venlo soon. press space or read the greetinx. lexi signing off.
greetinx in brain order : axenon,axodry,beyonnd force,bionix,bros,browbeat,byterapers inc,bytestar,ccd,channel 42,cheyens,cosmos,crazy,crypt,dcs,ddt,defcon 1,defence,dexion,dom,double,dynamix,elite,excess,flt,gp,heaven 17,hoaxers,horizon,htl,hurricane,ikari,inc,ipec elite,lazer,legend,megaforce,megastyle inc,megatron,nato,nfc,nfi,plasma 2054,pulsar,razor 1911,rfo,rizing,sbi,s451,shape,sharp,sodom,sphinx,starion,tec,tetragon,tera,the band,the force,the silents,the voice,tli,traitors,transcom,triangle,trilogy,tristar,unibit,unic,united artists,unitrax,virgin,weird sience,wot 447,wwe,x-rated,x ample,yankees,zoom,and all i forgot. sorry but the greetz list is not complete. for contax write to lexi of ionix,***,frg. press space |