Text: | .........hello this is mafia joe typing into the memory of this demo for your private entertainment....that you know what you wanna read in the next few minutes in this shitty dirty world...and to fill your brain with some little mega text......first as you all know, now i will send some little mega thanx out to my oldest and best friends on the c64...hey lukullus, your demos are very well, i think we must trade again !?! let us do like in old times......hi j-up...are you now in the wanderer group ?!? we also haven't swapped for a long time, that must be over !! mr. zero page......hey boy, in all this days where you were writing intros you haven't greeted us...but doesn't matter, good friends don't need to greet 'em.....radwar...hi, i hope you are not angry ?!? why have you stoped greeting mafia joe ?!? i will send you some stuff, soon. maybe then i appear in your list again ?!? bye,bye..mws !! 801 dc/triad...hello john, thanx for being a cool contact, was the party in stockholm great ?!? please tell me......django/tls....hey boy, when do you send back all the disks i send you ?!? many thanx for yor greeting-card.......azake of tg 1541...also thanx to you for a greeting card and original......and last but noooot least to syndicate of beastie boys.....hey i have heard you don't trade with i.p.s. anylonger ?!? doesn't matter......one mafia joe is better than 100 i.p.s. !! hey torsten, i just tell what's true ! cts of new edition....don't be angry when your swapping with i.p.s. and you're greeted in our demos....that's because mafia joe (myself!) is writing the greetings and i only write my contacts and a few from i.p.s. which i like !! so if you wanna be greeted and you want new stuff every few days and not every two weeks like from i.p.s. then you better contact the only person you can get in touch with to avoid all mistakes.....contact mafia joe......plk 024319 c......675 kaiserslautern......west-germany don't panic i trade with a lot of foreign people, so you get a lot of new stuff!! at the end of my little text i wanna send a few greetings.......fcs, twg, rex, morx, zeke wolf, infernal duo, 801 dc and thunderboy of triad, aek, sharks, tlc, tls, afl, bb, tlf, htl, twgi, defcon 1, nepa, 1001, tmc/scoop, d-usa team, fashion, rsi, ucf, triton, scc, kgb, ace, maw, perseus, gcf, tg 1541, silents, glerc, tlg'45, rsp, sorcerer, sap, ancor, the blot, baseline, zetrex, tsk, wod, the spider and galaxy........bye,bye................. |