Text: | w0rd to the noisy people! hey there at nordlicht, this is groente at the keys, hope you're all having a good time! for all of you who are going to the OHM festival in .nl in two weeks, i wanted to invite you to the N^2 village - cuz' remember kids: pheds are no phun! check out noiysquare.com and ohm2013.org! anyway, that noisysquare logo just looked too good not to be done on the commodore 64, so here ya go. the tune is called amphetamine and i stole it from wacek/arise, it'll keep you awake and sharp for when the revolution comes.. handing over the keys to drwhax to tell you what N&2 is all about: Noisysquare, putting the resistance back in OHM, because revolutions don't happen in silent circles. we are 20 organisations, full of critical thinking, discussing, theorizing and (net-)politics. our aim is simple but clear, to build stronger ties, learn and teach from all the participating organisations. humanity over profit. peace. shouts out to: accessnow, arise, associated whisteblower press, bits of freedom, choke point project, cryptocat, eff, fairlight, free press unlimited, greenhost, hermes, hivos, immi, internet protection lab, isoc, mahoney, nos oignons, offence, openitp, pwp, react, smash designs, tacticat tech, torservers.net, triad, trilobit, use otr, vrijschrift and all the forgotten comrades.. |