Text: | heeeeeyyyy all! the lex here, been in the scene for more than 27 years, but I never felt the need to expose myself. but as a member of wiseguy industries, i do need to profile myself a little bit, though? Been on multiple platforms in the early 80's, and since then I looked many times over Misser's shoulder to see what he's up to. Unfortunately, that time has passed with Misser's demise. We had loads of fun, fried franks and eat them while at his place. So now, here we are. time goes on and so here I am at the X2014 party writing this text. It's still early, no beer yet but that will soon change (HEHHEHHEHH!) The Beast brought his special mix with him too, soo at the end of the night I will be Tanked, Hammered, Plastered and what not. But that's all part of the fun, right? Meanwhile, our guests from Sweden have arrived. The fun begins, took a litte time off from typing this scrolltext and had some snacks like broodje frikandel and a bamihap, and now I am hitting the third beer, hmm jummy and this Holger beer, as it is called, is quite tasty! It seems A0D reserved some 9560 bytes for this scrolltext so let's see if I can write the full memory reservation with more crap heheheh. It's a pity that the X-parties are only once every two years, because they're really great!! Lots of retro hardware and noise, which is for me a bit of a problem. Right now as i am typing I have my earplugs in which is really necessary because of the possibility of system overload. Bored so far? Well there is still about 8.5 times this number of characters to come so if it's getting lame then press 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7 for another tune to help you get going. Makes you happy, yes? Okay let's move on. A0D is busy fucking around with floppys, formatting them on the other side as well after having cut out a five-by-two piece alongside the upper edge so it is possible to flip the flop and befoul the other side. I think it's time for a smoke. See if Tron and The_JinX are also in need for a nicotine shot. And my third beer bottle is getting empty. Luckily A0D needs to go to the car, and has agreed to bring me a fresh one when he comes back. . o O o . o O o . o O o . ... Zo hehe nu effe in het Nederlaags. Het is al weer aardig druk hier in Someren, het bier vloeit rijkelijk en de kankerherrie is niet van de lucht. Maar ik heb toch mijn oordoppen in, dat scheelt zo'n 20dB dus das wel prettig. En ach het is maar eens in de twee jaar, dus wat maakt het uit. En daar is inmiddels nummer vier van het gerstenat gearriveerd. Mooi, want nummer drie is inmiddels bijna op. . o O o . o O o . o O o . ... and we're back in English. In about three quarters there will be a performance from Reyn Ouwehand, who will probably use his loop-device to form a complete track with multiple instruments. I am wondering when I will start to get sleepy. Yes you are already, and that's no wonder with all this text to read. I'm surprised you made it this far already! Congratulations, you have the respect from The Lex! So now, on with the bullshit. Have you heard all the seven different tunes yet? If you just tuned in, you may have missed a crucial part of gaining control of this demo. If you think that listening to the same tune is getting lame then press 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7 for a different tune to help you trough the reading. A0D started singing a tune with the word ebola in it. I changed it into Volare-kind with the lyrics Ebola: whoa,hoa! Ebola: whoa,hoahoahoa! We bloeden, uit al onze gaten. En hulp, het mag niet meer baten! That was funny. And for an update, if you have been reading this shit from the very beginning, we are already up to 3708 characters!!! I wonder if there are already some people that are so wasted, that they are lying in the back in some kind of coma. That happened two years earlier at about the same time in the evening. I am surprised to see that the mobile snackbar is still around, handing out free junkfood. They said to me that they were going to be around 'till 20:30 but it is now more than an hour later and they are still here. Also surprisingly, one of the organisers just blew the PA system about the snack truck being closed at 22:00. Anyway, Reyn was a little late, so the DJ went first with his performance. Boz wanted a selfie with me because we meet so rarely. He takes pictures. It was kinda fun in the basement but they switched the strobelight on... damn... and so I'm typing some more scrolltext. the_jinx wanted to know what the game was called, whereafter he said: wat joh hoe heet het spel je bent zelf. It was a sandbox game where the player has to steer a motorcycle through a field. Loading loading loading... Well that was interesting, one can not take a bottle of beer downstairs. They are afraid of broken glass, who can blame them. luckily there are cans of beer, so no problem! Meanwhile we are upstairs playing some c64 games, especially aztec challenge and we suck at it, but the comments and anecdotes make up for the fun. d'oh! In the basement is reyn doing his thing. He really fucked the shit out of his guitar! Everyone is having a good time, and it's time for a smoke again because it is already 23:45, damn time moves fast when you're having fun! The beer tastes like lemonade, and it has the same effect too hihihihi, okay I do feel a slight buzz and I am getting a bit, how does one put it, sluggish. Okay smoke break! .... Someone was huffing a really weird (and big) supersmoker. Looked like a cannister of mace to me, and there was a lot of fume coming out! It seemed to work for him though, i'll stick with my regular stuff. Used to pay 3,50 guilders for it, now it's 8,30 euro's, fucking taxes. Think i'll go downstairs again for a bit to soak up some more ambience... Reyn is doing requests, everyone is shouting their favorite tune. Press 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7 for another tune! Still here!?!? Wow you are a badass! Or you have nothing better to do. So Which is it? You decide. I bet it's the first one huh! It is already 00:33 and i just realised i am turning this scrolltext into a X2014 report! Okay then, let's see: Oh, we have reached the 6183 number of characters! wow and still not tired. And from the looks of it, no-one else here is too. we are all still going strong. how many beers have I had already? well i have an empty bottle, a half-empty can and a relatively full one so i think i'm down to 8 point 5. Yep, fun party, costs you 95 euros to get in but you can drink all the beer you want, can sleep over for two days and get free snacks, dinner and breakfasts until you are kindly requested to fuck off sunday morning. which is cool because after two nights of heavy partying is actually a good thing and welcomed as well. First can of beer is now empty, however my bladder isn't. Pee break!... Ahhhh that feels better, now i can fill it up again! Man I'm getting tired, I would do best if I went to bed... And so i did, at 02:30-ish. ... Next morning, 10:22 and breakfast and most importantly coffee in my body to reawaken, the story continues. by the way, the coffee tasted like water with a coffee taste. the sweden crew are still sleeping. the second day of x2014 is dedicated to the competitions, for graphics, music and demo's. I am really interested to see what they came up this time. every two years there is always some creative genius who thinks up something new. as i'm typing this at 10:30, I can see around me that the majority is still under wraps. approximately one tenth of all attendees is awake. some guy told me one day, he went to his uncle's funeral, the wifi was a fucking joke. but that's another matter. too bad that the wifi isn't available here as well. retro hardware all around me seems to hold up nicely, no smoke or explosions (yet). the beast said that windows was one of the best inventions there is, too bad that microsoft named an operating system after it. Well, already we've made it through to the beginning of the last twenty five percent of this scrolltext, if you're still reading this - and if you've been reading this from the very start, then your brain has processed 8167 characters! A0D got bored and went to see if there is maybe a game lying around just to see if he can crack it. and, already up to 11:19 on day two, i just realised that there's beer available! still too early for me, i'm hittin the bottle after 18:00 because i do want to be awake to see the demo competition, which is deep in the night. I think it's time for more coffee. or that stuff they call here coffee! *grin* I'll get some now. Maybe a good idea for you to get some too if you intend to read the entire scrolltext! Let's see if there is some more interesting stuff going on... Slagge is back to bed and morpheus awake. Haven't seen the_jinx yet. not surprised *grin*. Food truck just went open for business and A0D and the beast are hungry again, they went for a frank sandwich and a bag of fries. think that's not a bad idea actually and i'm getting one too... The_jinx arose from his slumber at 12:30, and is having his first beer already. He had a funny anecdote about food hacking. If you throw dry ice into a bottle of whisky and stir it around until it becomes a molassus viscosity, you can spread it onto your sandwich. Broodje whisky! Well, it's about time to wrap it up scrolltext wise, 385 characters still to come. I hope you've enjoyed our little demo and i am impressed if you've made it all the way to the end of this scroll, especially if you have read it from the beginning. The Lex out. .ooo. .ooo. .ooo. .ooo. |