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Text from The Kenzterview

Description:Bottom scrolltext (written by Kenz)
Text:Greetings Germs and Boils, please feel welcomed to the bottom (oo-er madam!) scrolly in the Kenzterview demo ... Guess who is on the keys to amuse and bemuse you in yet another scrolling doohicky? Yup, it's KENZ! (Noooo! Shriek! It's a Kenz scrolly!)

If there's any techno-buffs watching they may like to know that the concept for this nifty computer-based interview was devised by Waz P. He coded the sucker AND produced all the music for it! What a hero! This interview features some slightly 'unusual' questions which should make interesting reading (I hope!). Ooops, I've been instructed NOT to waffle too much (who, me?!) so I'd better get on with some 'serious' text-tapping. What's coming up next??

Well, cover me in chocolate and call me a Snickers - it's time for some GREETS! Yippeee! Regards, back slaps, waves and thumbs up go to:- Alf 'Software to the people!' Yngve, Andy 'Araldite armpits' Roberts, Benn 'Commodore Zone interview victim' Daglish, Betrayer, Captain Kirk, Chris Holgate, Chris Lightfoot, Crack/Fantasys, Darren Shaw, Dave 'I am the law!' Mez, Damian 'UFO abductee' Steele, Danny G, Digital Graffiti, Equinox, Frank Gasking, Frostie/Cosine, Greg White, Iain Black, Jason 'Davros' Kelk, Jerry/Triad, Jon 'Galactic Ned' Wells, Jorden Van Der Elst, Lee 'Yebo' Collett, Lee Elliot, Levi Jack, Lucy '16 inch skirt' Morris, Mad/Padua, Martin 'Virtual guitar' Galway, Mat 'Clinically strange' Recardo, Merman/Ozone, Mike 'Dash to the lav' Thornton, Natalie & Nicola (Luvverly girlies!), Nuke, Paul 'Wasp type device' Hannay (That's FeekZoid to you and me), Peter 'Creator' Adams, Paul & Ryan/TUCD, Robb 'GOD' Hubbard, Sean Bailey, Shane 'Boffin' Brady, Simon 'Airwolf' Hillam, Sonia 'Browneyes' Morris, Tim 'Musical hero' Wright, Toni 'Cute version of Sonia' Morris, Tony 'Skyduel' Gibbs and last but definately not least, Zaw Productions!

Snogs go to Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully/X-Files) who I currently ADORE at the moment. She is soooooo sexy. I don't know why! She just is! I love that woman!!! Ahemmm, that's all for the greets and sloppy bits ("Thank Crom for that!" Says the universe in general).

Now lets change the subject and plug the Zone a bit ... Do you want some damn fine PD software for your CBM 64? Would you like a copy of the latest Binary Zone catalogue which is crammed with software that will boggle your mind and drop your jaw? If you do then all you need to do is bung two first class stamps to:- Binary Zone PD, 34 Portland Road, Droitwich, Worc's, WR9 7QW. Don't forget to state whether you use TAPE or DISK! It makes life sooooo much easier. And that as they say is quite frankly that. It's time I stopped prodding this CBM 64 keyboard now. I'm having a BALTI for my tea and by the smell of things it's almost ready! Slurp! Slavver! Thanks for reading my scintillating (?) banter ... See you all in next Kenz scrolly. Byeeeeee!! From Kenz / BZ. (26/9/95). "The truth is out there" ...

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